Getting Off Oxycontin

hello guys been a while since ive looked at this site and need your advice guys .. ive had enough of cutting down . so in 3 weeks i will be down to 15 mgs in the morning and 15 at night my question is in total i will be on 30 mgs a day.of oxycontin.. how long will it take to go cold turkey from 30 mgs and what to take to confort me.. thanyou people you have make my life easier, need to know this as im getting rerady for this... i dont want to go into rehab i want to do this myself im going away from my family to a hut no one around just myself so need your input i really appriciate your guidence thanks oz boy. i love my family so much and want it out of my life thanks...
Hi Oz

Everybody is different when it comes to coming off Oxy's so no one is really going to be able to tell you how long it'll take to detox. Clonodine helps w/d and there are anti-anxiety meds but those are scripts. I started Suboxone therapy and that's the only way I've been able to get off Oxy's. I don't know much about other detox meds but your doc should be able to help with that. Lot's of homeopathic things will help as well. You're local health food store will help with those. Wish you the best,

Hi Oz,

For me, stopping long term oxy use involved feeling acute w/d for several days. 7-10. Then there were several more days of insomnia and feeling rough. It takes a while, especially if you've been on it for awhile. Tapering as low as you have will certainly help. So will clonidine. It can most certainly be done. Many here have done it. The good thing is you never need do it again. Bring something for stomach/bathroom issues. Ibuprofen for pain. Drink plenty of fluids. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

Take care, Beck