Getting Wisdom Teeth Pulled ?

Hey guys... got a quick question... would appreciate any help at all. Well, i am gonna have to have my wisdom teeth pulled and i am really worried about the pain... has anyone ever done this without taking pain meds... do you think i can handle it with just extra strength motrin? I have already told the surgeon that i do not want to be prescribed any narcotic pain meds. Any ideas or thoughts? Thanks!

Bri :)

It can be done... just plan on giving yourself time to rest and recuperate... clear your schedule for a few days.

Good luck!


I've never done any kind of tooth pulling without pain meds, but my dentist has had me come in the next day due to a dry socket, and he renumbed the area for me.

I wish you luck sweetie!
Thanks Matt and Janet... yeah the thing i am most scared of is the dry socket... i pray i wont get that cuz i heard it's worse than giving birth... lol! :)

are you having top or bottom pulled, or all at once? the bottoms are bit more painfull but definately motrin works and alternate tylenol inbetween. of course ice packs too. good luck and you'll be fine.

Hi Terrianne... i am having the bottom one pulled for sure and maybe the top one if i can afford to have them both done at once. I will try alternating like you said... thanks. :)

it wont be as bad as you think, unless they are impacted. then owey my tops were impacted when i was a teen i had them removed. but even one of my bottom was when i was bout 25 and it wasnt that bad at all. dont worry bout a dry socket, just dont smoke or suck out of a straw.

Well that sucks Bri. I had a root canal last Thursday. It hurt for awhile after but advil did the trick. It's weird cuz these are the kind of things I actually used to look forward to, knowing I could get a script afterwards.

Take care;

LOL Jim... that's exactly what i was telling my husband... a year ago i would have given anything to have my wisdom teeth pulled just for the script. Sick huh... :) You know what's weird is that now that i am clean it seems like i have legitimate ailments that i know i could get a script for. Man, how ironic!

Bri :)
It can be done. I didn't have my wisdom teeth pulled, but I had some surgery in my mouth two months ago and didn't take anything. I do hope you're letting them freeze you. I'm not sure if people think that's kosher here but I would definitely take the freezing. When the freezing wore off, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. Mind over matter. My old coach would always say if you can handle pain, you never have to suffer. It was just coined again in a bestselling book but I give credit to my coach. Mouth pain isn't so bad for me. It could be worse. Don't get me wrong, if the pain is that bad and it's impeding you from doing anything (which I doubt) , speak to a doctor and get their input. Just come clean and tell your story and maybe they'll have an answer. You'll be OK.

Good luck.

Correct me if I'm wrong but can't you avoid getting dry sockets or can you not control it?
well you have to at least ask for the gas while your there. : )

Hey Bri,
That stinks about the wisdom teeth being pulled. I have had 2 of mine pulled in the past few years and the last one I got dry socket.. Oh what fun that was even pain pills didn't touch that kind of pain..I was lucky though I only got my top 2 wisdom teeth and never did get any botom ones. Thank goodness..

If I were you I would just go in have it done and go home with a script of Mortin 800 mgs or something the dentist gives you non-narcotic. If the pain should get to bad then maybe your dentist could call you in 10 pills of something different...You could have your husband give them to you as needed for pain and when they are gone they are gone.. You shouldn't have to suffer if the pain is unbearable. Let's just keep our fingers crossed you won't need the pain medication and you won't get dry socket.*wink* one can only hope.. Like Terrianne said no smoking or sucking out of a straw.. That is a big no no... I also bought some rinse from the dentist when I got dry socket. It comes with a syringe thing on the end.. So after you eat you squirt it where the wisdom tooth was removed and it gets all the food out so it doesn't get impacted and cause pain.. Just a little tip-LOL

Let us know how it goes and good to see you posting again. Rae
I had a tooth pulled a few weeks ago, and the dentist asked me if I wanted the gas... I told him "I'm allergic" He looked at me, skeptical, and said "I've never heard of anyone being allergic to nitrous oxide" I said, 'When I have ANY mind or mood altering substance, there's a chance I'll break out in handcuffs"

Not telling anyone else what to do, but for me, the nitrous would have been to alleviate my nerves, not my pain (I'm terrified of the dentist, and usually end up crying like a little girl), which for me wasn't a justifiable excuse for using a narcotic. If I ever get another kidney stone, however, that'll be a different story...
The dumbest thing I ever did was let my son keep an appointment (at age 17) to get his wisdom teeth pulled. He had only been out of rehab a few days. I kept the vicodin in my pocket, but the pharmacy let him refill the prescription the next day. That night he OD on vicodin. I noticed the signs and got him to the ER.

I say this was a dumb decision because he didn't have anything wrong with his wisdom teeth. I guess the dentist just though t** was time to have them out. He is my oldest and I won't make the mistake of pulling healthy teeth, again.
Hey son just had his done this summer and did just fine with Motrin 800's. He said it worked better than the percs.

Like Matt said...just clear your schedule and give yourself a couple of days to heal. Get some really good mags and movies. Use the excuse to just be lazy. That and jello...lots and lots of jello.
