Good Morning All

Woops sorry about that... Work got in the way..

MJ, the boy is doing great, no problems at all. Its funny, I thought he would have had some pain in the following days, but he has had none....Now if I had the same surgery about a year ago, I would have told the Dr how much pain I was in, and that it still hurt after three

Goos Morning MJ and Gabbi and Soccermom (don't know you too well -- yet!)
I am doing just great -- still on the sub (still got the taste in my mouth! ) Are you still on MJ? With all your other stuff going on? Gabs, when I cut down on it I get real depressed (too). I guess you have to do it really, really slowly. Hope you feel better!

Gabbi -- did you get my email?
Glad your boys doing well x
So are you late or early, or not working?

Yeah Nat, I always just get really pissed off and very emotional, but the w/ds from sub are so much milder than that of meth or H so I cant moan too much x
Oooo I'll go and check to see if I got it x x
I just checked Nat, and no no mail? :( x x x
did you send it to the skitzy@hotmail addy?
Tom that just goes to show you just how far you have come.Its like your whole thought process is different,
Yes Natty Im still on it.My Dr bumped me up to 18mg cause the 16 just wasnt holding me.But Im doing ok now.I dont know if you read it yet but I made a sound this morning!!!!!!Now I wont talk for the rest of the day...well at least til 3pm....
I always hated the sub taste yuck
MJ -- yes I read your post where some sound came out when you woke your daughter up. Great!!! How long has it actually been since you could talk? I know it must be months and months!!

Gabs -- let's not talk about it here. Email me back. Love ya!!

Tom -- yes chocolate is wonderful stuff!! Got any????????
Gotta run!! (just looked at the clock!) And wanted to say bye-bye and I'll see you all later. Gotta walk the dog, hit the shower and get to work. Have a great day everyone!!! Love and kisses,
Actually natty its been 2 full mths at least.Ill tell you I get so fustrated than I go in self pity mode which is very unbecomming.
But I come here & most the time everyone is great & cheers me up
So what have you been up to lately how is your world going for you
Natty, Natty, I can't mail ya back cos I didnt get the mail x
mail me again ok x
Have a great day, and please drop by more often x
love ya x

Goos morning everyone

Molly, glad to hear you're talking again, I'm so happy for you.

Gabbi, I'm thinking of you babe, slow and steady, no hurry. You'll get there in time, however long that takes.

Tom, glad to hear your boy is bouncing back, kids are pretty resiliant.

Nat, I've missed you, how are the animals?

Hi to everyone else.

Thanx babe, yeah I'll be fine, just gotta deal with it, and for me using isnt even an option anymore, I've worked too hard and dragged my arse outta the gutter so theres no way I'm going back x
How are things with you?
Good Morning Redd How was the rest of your weekend?Yup I actually made sound now I wont talk till later so I can rest.Today is "D"day when my sis gets in from work she has to call for the biopsy results.Im trying not to think either way.I do know that come what may I CAN FACE IT SONBER

Sounds like my girls have alot on their plates today.

Molly, I pray for you today. Whatever comes you can get through, trust me I know. I'm a cancer survivor, went through chemo for 4 months a few years back and you just do what you have to. I thought I would be scared through all of it, but I wasn't. I really can not identify my emotions other than determined.

Lets just hope that everything comes back Ok for now.

OK DARN IT Im just going to ask you Redd..Do you have a email?I would really love to get to know you alittle off the board.Like I know what alittle homemaker you are & would love to discuss stuff like that,but the board just isnt that kind of place.Id rather keep the board on mainly recovery issues.Of course alittle fun is always needed.No I want you to be comfortable enough with me to write.mj
Wow Redd, I didnt realise that x
Let me just tell you how awesome you are x
I'm totally comfortable talking with you about anything, I used to hide the cancer fact, due to making others uncomfortable about it, no one knew what to say, or treated me with kid gloves. I'm now at the point, that thats what happened.

As far as e-mail, I have it, but I don't know my addy. My husband set it up when we switched carriers and I never bothered to find out what it is. I keep promising that I will, but I'm very lazy that way. Today. I'll call WOW and let them walk me through it so I have my own. I just figured out copy and paste, so I'm no computer geniuis.

I'll get you my addy soon.

And you can talk about whatever you want here on board, unless it makes you feel uncomfortable. As for me, I could care less what anyone thinks of me. Sounds harsh doesn't it? But, it really is where I'm at.


Thanks Gabbi, but not really. It is what it is. I just got sick like so many other people do, and I got lucky. Unfortunately, its something I have to deal with for the rest of my life, but we all have our crosses to bare.

I think you're awesome as well.


You may not care what people think of you, but from what I've read in old threads, people think you're an exceptionally fine human being and I must concur.

So there.


Thank you Gina, I was waiting for someone to come along and say, Ok, you don't care? Well, I think you're a hard headed biotch.

That was really sweet, I needed that today.

You do know how much we all love ya right??? well if not consider yourself told, you are one cool chica
love ya x
and I too concur with soccermum x

Oooo do you like the starwars smileys?? I cant wait till thurs (when the new one comes out, I hope its better than the other new ones, I feel let down by george lucas he has so sold out)

SoccermUm. I love it. I should change my name to Rugbymum. Boy, the way they play rugby here is really scary. There were three boys at school with broken collarbones.

And now, my dears, I really have to go to bed.

Love, G