Miss you guys and Happy Birthday Lisa.
DISCLAIMER* Dont read this if you are easily offended.LOL MALE TEST
1. In the company of females, intercourse should be referred to as:
A. Lovemaking.
B. Screwing.
C. Taking the pigskin bus to tuna town.
2. You should make love to a woman for the first time only after
you've both shared:
A. Your views about what you expect from a sexual relationship.
B. Your blood-test results.
C. Five tequila slammers.
3. You time your orgasm so that:
A. Your partner climaxes first.
B. You both climax simultaneously.
C. You don't miss ESPN SportsCenter.
4. Passionate, spontaneous sex on the kitchen floor is:
A. Healthy, creative love-play.
B. Not the sort of thing your wife would agree to.
C. Not the sort of thing your wife needs to ever find out about.
5. Spending the whole night cuddling a woman you've just had sex with is
A. The best part of the experience.
B. The second best part of the experience.
C. $100 extra.
6. Your wife/girlfriend says she's gained five pounds in the last
month. You tell her that it is:
A. Of no influence on your affectionate feelings for her.
B. Not a problem, she can join your gym.
C. A conservative estimate.
7. You think today's sensitive, caring man is:
A. A myth.
B. An oxymoron.
C. A moron.
8. Foreplay is to sex as:
A. An appetizer is to entree.
B. Primer is to paint.
C. A long line is to an amusement park ride.
9. Which of the following are you most likely to find yourself saying
at the end of a relationship?
A. "I hope we can still be friends."
B. "I'm not in right now, please leave a message at the beep."
C. "Welcome to Dumpsville. Population, YOU."
10. A woman who is uncomfortable watching you masturbate:
A. Probably needs a little more time before she can cope with that
sort of intimacy.
B. Is uptight and a waste of time.
C. Shouldn't have sat next to you on the bus in the first place.
Evaluating Results:
> If you answered "A" more than 7 times, check your pants to make sure
> you really ARE a man.
> If you answered "B" more than 7 times, check into therapy. You're a
> little confused.
> If you answered "C" more than 7 times, "YOU DA MAN."
wow are my eyes decieving me? or is it really you?!?! good to see you friend. great post to go with my morning coffee hahaha hope all is well your way.
wow are my eyes decieving me? or is it really you?!?! good to see you friend. great post to go with my morning coffee hahaha hope all is well your way.
Hi Tim.
Too Funny! My husband will love this!
Morning Boo!
Too Funny! My husband will love this!
Morning Boo!
Hey Terianne.good to see ya too.Ive had to stay away from my computer and start trying to build my biz back up.Its working too.Imagine that?If you actually show up once in awhile you get things done. Life is good.Staying clean,surfing and out of trouble.......well, sort of.LOL My mouth isstill my worse enemy.
I hope you are doing good? I miss you and e-mail me sometime.Its great to see some of the same people around.Later sweetie.
I hope you are doing good? I miss you and e-mail me sometime.Its great to see some of the same people around.Later sweetie.
i hear that!! i finally got a job as well working in a different line of work, hours are great while my kids are in school. it sure beats the boredome. my mouth gets the best of me too!!! hahaha actually thats not always funny!! but my twisted sense of humor will laugh : )
i hear that!! i finally got a job as well working in a different line of work, hours are great while my kids are in school. it sure beats the boredome. my mouth gets the best of me too!!! hahaha actually thats not always funny!! but my twisted sense of humor will laugh : )
LMAO, Tim! Good to see you!
Hey Tim,too funny(and some ...too true)
Its great to see you posting again,hope you hang around a while!~KIM
Its great to see you posting again,hope you hang around a while!~KIM