Good Morning

molly your an awesome mom, my daughter is the same way. my son on the other hand well he is only 9 plus being a boy. he talks alot about his feelings more then he does about what him and the boys did in the cornfields hehe (setting fires and stuff) but he's a good suck up too he compliments people alot.

Good mornin' girlies i missed yas yesterday, i was in work Sob Sob, but when i went to they gym i did do a stint on the tred mill for ya's, do ya's feel better for it?
wow our b-days are so close!! my grandma's was the 24th. and grandpa (her husband) was the 25th. it was so cute. but when she passed i got all her rubies. cause i was the only july b-day at the time.

yeah gabbi i feel so energized. oh and i feel the burn. hehehe actually i love working out and later that hurt you get its like the kinda hurt that hurts so good. (i know i am wierd and a sick pup dont forget twisted and all wrong)

You aint weird, well not in my world xxx so maybe we're both weird? Hmmm
I was suppose to get my grammie rubies but I have a evil money hungry sis that got them.Same thing when my dad passed away she got both cars.I said the heck with it let her have it cause what I really wanted from him never happened so I didnt want his stuff...mj ps Gabbi are you the reason Walter is cramping me so you & that darn treadmill...mj HURTS SO GOOD COMON BABY MAKE IT HURT SO GOOD!!!!!
Oh noo is walter kickin your arse again? or was it too much tredmillin'
omg molly its so scary how our families are parallel. i feel for you. what you said about what you really wanted you didnt get anyway...well i know exactly what you ment same thing from my mom......but my grandma specificly willed me her jewels or they probably would have went to my older sis.

Its Walter the SOB every month he comes uninvited & messes my whole life.Actually this is the first one since I stopped the Ultram so color me OOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!mj
Terri my mom is still alive & we get along but its like everytime my sis sees us getting close she does something to put a wedgr in there so I kinda just have my girls & my BF they are my family ya know.As far as my dad that was 3 years ago.I forgave myself but Im still pissed at him ya know????mj
awe just like a man huh molly? i sure don't miss not having those. but i do feel for you and if i could i would make it all go away with my magic tinkerbell dust.

What do you mean you dont miss having those???Walter???your so lucky.I'll be back I gotta get dressed Im freezen ok PROMISE BE RIGHT BACK....mj
yeah i know exactly!!! no need to splain i feel your pain (peot heheh) but same thing if they see me and my brother getting close with my dad they do same crap. so what i do is keep it on the down low and see my dad seperatly. he's always been cool he dont really take sides. but my sisters are super caniving.

When i was in active addiction, walter didnt bother me for about 3years!!!! BUT now he's back with avengance, not right now, but when he comes he is a total twat!!!!! and he comes more regular than just once a month at the mo' Sob Sob!!

i had an out patient procedure last year its called novasure and they scar up your uterus so you dont have them anymore. (best thing since sliced bread) its an alternative to a hysterectamy but you still cant have kids afterwards which is fine by me. plus it was a fairly painless procedure. just some mild cramping for a couple days. i had severe pms the kind you cant get out of bed with migraines and all. so it was kind of my last resort. i dont get no mood swings no nothing now.


hahahaha total twat. so funny. i remember mine always came when i was on vacation. without fail. i do feel for you guys though. i used to get cramps worse the labor pains, no lie. having kids were a piece of cake compared to walters.

Can you belive how long our freakin post get in the mornings.Its so nice to have friends to talk with.Yeah when I was heavy into the speed Id go months without it.Now I dont know if its my age or having chrons or what but it seems to hurt more.As far as mood swings now that the DR put me back on nut pills it should help.Thank Goodness Im off the litihum I HATED THAT!!!!!mj
hahahaha omg you girls kill me NUT pills. yeah i have my nut pills too. i can remember my mom going psycho on us lots and we used to go tell her to take a pill. but for me i really didnt know what that meant at the time. my brother started it lol we prolly drove her to drugs too. i think she secretly was looking back at it all now. the signs sure would point that way. i remember her saying alot all freaking out "oh i gotta take my pill" lol i was too innocent and naive then.

Does addiction run in your family?By the way not to pry but were you real sick as a baby like I don't know fevers etc???mj
morning girls..............hope you all are well, see no one slept in.
snowing here this morning, everything is white again, even the ugly dirty old snow looks pretty again.......