Good Morning

Good morning all.I woke up to a sugar coating on the ground.just enough snow to be a pain.So who is all awakw with me.Terri do you feel better???mj
Morning Mj, I'm awake with ya xxx I've not heard from terri, hope she feels better today? How are you today sweety xxx
Hiya girls im good today thx hope your both ok today jaxxxxxxxx
OK DONT LAUGH BUT Walter showed up the b******!!Im in a goog mood though.I havent heard from our little tinker I hope shes OK.Gabs did you get my mail???Hi Jackee good to see you here again
Hey Mj, no i didnt? Terri said she sent me a hug aswell but i never got that either?? Have just checked my mail box and no new messages? when did a send it?
Hey Jax good luck with the nurse xxx
Jackee forget me for the mind fart but nurse????did I miss something or have I forgotten something
God I feel like a human CRAMP!!!!!
ps I sent it yesterday luv
Hey Mj, Dont you worry love, be one with your mind fart lol. Jax said the nurse was visiting in her 'coffie club' thread xxx
did you get my mail?
I havent checked HEY I dont know if you got it over there but there was an AWESOME show on UFOs last nite here in the states.It was very interesting & I was thinking of you & tell my BF about you...MIND FART AWAY!!!!!

PS Got your mail & sent one back I hope you get yesterdays I sent you something special to me
Some of the shows I've seen are totally awesome!!!! and really have blown my mind!!!!!! Tell your bf I said 'HI' xxx
There are so many things our govs dont want us to know.I kinda understand.Ya know mass chios etc people being freaked but I also think we have a right to know

Yeah Mj, If they are here and the gov know then they should tell us i think, we have a right to know!!!!!

Im gonna see if I saved your letter I wrote Ill be right back
Thanx mj, check your 'sent items' xxx
Listens Gabs I saved part Ill go finish it & send it again so Ill be back around 8 or so OK.If terri shows up please give hugs for me talk to you in a couple...mj
K Mj, see you in a little xxx will keep checking my mail xxx

Hey Tina, I know your lurking somewhere so GOODMORNING to ya xxx
looks like its just me and you for a minute are you this morning?

I'm okay today, its friday so nearly the weekend YEAH!!! How are you today?
ladiezzzzzzz. sorry woke up a lil late and my puter was being a piece of shiznet so i had to clean up my puter. its still acting like shiznet.
but i have my coffee took all my vitamins and i am all prepared except i do have to change the channel to my ,morning music videos.

oh and molly walter visits paige the exact same time he does you. usually near a full moon too just like i used too. ever think about that. and us cancer people are moon children so what you think about that? so is walter the man on the moon molly? hehehehe

hi jax : ) how are you fairing today

gabbi goodmornins.

fridays are not like that for me, I work friday and saturday night. I work in a restaurant that friends own, so weekends don't have the same meaning for me,
I hope you enjoy yours though

Good morning Terri, great to see ya xxx
How you feeling today, any better?
did you get my mail? I sent you one yesterday before i left xxx i still didnt get that one you sent the other day, and Mj's sent me one and i didnt get that either so i think my mail box is being an arse again?