Good News But Can I Trust It

hi everybody. . .what a godsend this website is and in just a few short days. yesterday i was feeling warm and fuzzy and a little less angry and more sypathetic towards my ill-fated husby. i didnt't call him though, my pride just wouldn't let me. . .he's been staying at mama's since last week. but as ill-fate would have it just as i returned home he called me. . .he'd better cause i was in detachment city feeling like a fish out of water but still happy not to cave into the enabler i was determined not to become...again! long story short he admitted to his white powder problem and that he had contacted his old co-horts to inform them that he was not in the snort and smoke club any more. this i refused to comment on at the time because one it sounds too good to be true and i just didint want to commit to our second time around with out confronting him face to face. i'm really tired of his whole scene and the 1001 excuses he can find for just not doing the right thing. in my case there's no such thing as falling down on the job as his wife and mother to my four sons i'm not given time off for good behavior let alone bad. i even tried to flip it for him. . .what if i was the one to shave off my responsibilities, spend all the money on a quick fix, forget dinner, grocery shopping, etc, etc. there would be no excuse, no tolerance for me. i would be shunned as a good for nothing, shiftless, no pity, no sympathy mother. right? right. anyway on this saturday i will see him and let him know playtime is officially over cause i can't continue a brand new year on these destructive paths. . .thanks for listening
hi kcee, its is great to see the progress you are making. You are right to be wary because very few addicts can simply walk away from their drug of choice. Apart from whether or not they need detox, they need counselling and/or peer support to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle.

Good luck to you and keep us poste don how things go for you :)
