Good morning,ive been laying in bed since 2 am,my mind in overdrive!.(hate when that happens,lol)Finally got up at 4 and decided to stay up for the day.So...ive been reading and posting(all the important stuff you know)could be throwing in a load of laundry,etc...but,less important.IMHO.
Hope you all had a nice restful sleep(if youre lucky...youre still asleep)
Im ready to make a trip to dunkin donuts for coffee(taking orders) from you early birds.
Back to work at 7 after 4 days off,i just tell myself,gotta eat,gotta have heat,gotta have that almost $3 a gallon gas,gotta work,lol...woes me.~KIM
Off to the salt mines,hope you all have a great day.:)~KIM
Well how was your day at work...
i thought you americans ate those crispy creme donuts...lolol
Isnt dunking donuts Canadian...noipe thats Tim Hortons...
Anyway...hope your day was a good one..
You are so sweet and always add to the board with your very presence..
i thought you americans ate those crispy creme donuts...lolol
Isnt dunking donuts Canadian...noipe thats Tim Hortons...
Anyway...hope your day was a good one..
You are so sweet and always add to the board with your very presence..