Goos & First Snow!!!!

Goos all you beaners.I slept late to awake & see......SNOW!!!!.It looks like it may stick too.I am actually sitting by my open window.Theres something so fresh smelling with the first snow

Morning Sabrina,you sound bright and chipper,lol. Do you always wake up like that(i thought i just read Walter was visiting....and youre still cheerful!!!!)

Yes,weve got a little covering of snow too,and its 20 degrees out,quite brisk,i guess we've been spoiled for the last 2 months,i prefer the 60-70 range.

Im at work,but getting out in half an hour,until this afternoon when she has a dr appointment.But i will definitley enjoy the few hours off in between.

Whats on your agenda today? Hope youre doing well.You sound good!~KIM
hey Kimber...LOL Mikey & Anne would laugh to hear you say I wake up chipper.No I dont but once Im awake Ive been tryimng for months now to just GRAB the day & try to enjoy just...being here ya know.I dont know if you remember but Ive been studying spirituality & it has helped me feel different about so many things!!!
Plus Im here alone with my kittys which I enjoy.Actually thats what my day will be.Just staying home.Lately it seems as if Im always going going going so to have a day home with not much to do feels good.
I may get into Annes one dresser.I swear my girl has SO SO many pairs of fancy undies that I need to set up a bigger dresser draw.
How are you?How are those BEAUTIFUL grandbabies???
Ive missed so much when I took a break.Theres so much I need to catch up on.
But sometimes we all need that space just to exhale huh?My only concern is that I worried anyone.You know how I dislike doing that.
OH OH guess what????Its 10+ weeks THAT I HAVE HAD A VOICE!!!.Kimber it feels so great.....
Im so glad youre doing better.Having your voice back must feel soooooooooooooooooo good.I couldnt imagine living without being able to talk,my husband would love it,but then im sure i would get real good at sign language with him,it only would take one or two jestures to get my point across to him,wait...i already do that,lol

Im home frome work and dont need to go back til 3 so i hear you,i love this quiet time.I could clean,go shopping,i love thrift stores,consignment shops,and i havent been in awhile,i could nap,i could go to the gym,hmmmmm,im just sitting here doing nothing though,lol.well,talking to you isnt nothing,lol. I do need to get off my lazy butt and accomplish something with this time off,not sure what though???? ~KIM
Morning Brina and Kim......

Been awake since around 7 or so, but still waking up........or trying too :)

Getting some more coffee ............gotta do it.

How is everyone today?


Is that what they call that, I forget.

We havent seen ANY, and its getting depressing.............

Wishing for a nice big snowfall............Send some of it my way, I love it :)

Well me Im just going to enjoy my time online.My house is picked up,just need to make beds,& I really need to return emails.I always feel bad when I dont write people who have taken time to write me ya know?
Cant figure this snow out.It stopped than started now its like flurrying???
I like the snow when I can sit home & watch it ya know?Also I know that without it my area will be in trouble come warmer weather.
Hows the new babes doing???
Heck even though I got my voice I gotta admit I STILL LOVE those hand jesters!!!!LOL
Jodigirl!!! hey you!!! I posted before I saw yours.I honest would LOVE to see about 4 inches here.It would look nice.
I got your letter(thank & love you)You really are a spit fire when you get miffed huh?No worries though I have until March & I know my Dr is going to whatever he can.Ive come too far to fall back now.
I have the place to myself(+kittys)& Im enjoying it so so much!!!
Whatcha doing today girl???
Hey wheres Janet?
I gotta just gotta jot her an update.Im so slow returning emails these days!!!
Peek-a-goos....I see you!

lol...just woke up. Goos morning ladies!

I got my curtains up yesterday, they look so pretty!

Made me sore though and I'm having a headache and sore throat, I probably need to go to the dr.

Today I am going to rest as much as I can, I want to make something good for supper, but my hubby has been working till 7...bless his heart...he was grumpy yesterday and I don't blame him...I am sooo draining our finances, that's why I haven't been to the dr yet.

Yes, Ms MJ, you dee-definately owe me an email...what am I, chopped liver???

LOL I stole that from you...heeheehee
Mornin Janet........

Sounds as if you might have to go to the dr. though, Seems like that cold has had a hold of you for a pretty good while..........

I went through the same thing a month or so ago, I wish I would of went ahead and went to the Dr...........It lasted forever without an antibiotic..

Hope you get to feeling better........

my nose has never gotten stuffed up, it's just been some drainage in my throat, and I rarely have headaches anymore, been coming and going. I'm going to hold off as long as I can. I've been having a fire the past day and a half, so maybe part of it is smoke...I've been so lazy and sleeping late too.

I just put some coffee on I think Ill hang here for a bit more.
Oh JG I gotta get these pics sent to you cause I think you got all befuddled on whos who....LOL

kim................dont worry about the mamogram..........
right after i had my very first one a few weeks ago then had me wait and then they did an ultrasound.............

went back and both of the lumps just disappreared...........

i was worried to and it the two lumps just ended up going bye bye..........

said a prayer for you kim.......................

((((((((((((((((((((janet, mj, java, stace, stephy, doug))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

goos morning....................

Thumper, I was wondering about you last night when Kim posted.

It is scary as heck and what a relief! I'm glad to hear it was nothing!
Thanks Thumper.That makes me feel better.Im so glad they found nothing with you!

Im trying not to worry,i know most of these findings are nothing.And hopefully im in that percentage.

Its so nice to see you all this morning,its been awhile since ive had the time to sit and partake of a goos thread,ive enjoyed it,thank you ~KIM
Brina- I did get confused at first there, I think I have it straight now on who was who there, but send me some more, I love pictures :)

Thumper- So glad to hear everything worked out for you, that really is a are you. Big Hugs.
Hey Thumper.some women (as Imsure you know)just have lumpy boobs,Im so thankful it turned out ok for you.
Ive had a couple mammos done & Ill tell ya when your a 38 C those suckers can HURT!!!!
morning beaners!
i just got up as well,
javagirl and i live in illinois and i agree we could use some snow, but i am afraid to drive in it
illinois has had only one snowfall this year and that was on dec 1, it made the outdoor decorations look so pretty. then it warmed up, all the snow melted and all the Christmas decorations had the look of grass underneath them for the whole season. java, what city are you in again? i keep forgetting.
i too have a terrible cold and bronchitiis for which i had to see doctor,cuz i had a fever, he put me on the 4 day zithromycin.
it felt so good to have some down time, i purposely rearranged my schedule to rest. i love it too when the house is quiet, just me and the animals, but i love when everyone returns home and then its a home again.
whatcha cooking for dinner janet?
janet always wondered, is that a picture of your dog on your signature? that dogs face looks so much like my trixie who is a fox terrier. julie
My first physical check of my breasts was when I was about 14 and the dr was scottish...imagine some dr saying with an accent, "you've got very lumpy breasts" oooo gee...give me a dose of self esteem...thank you...

Julie, it's not my pup, but I would love to have one...I want to get a really small dog for in the house but I mentioned it and hubby had a hissy fit. It would be so much easier now that I have all tile floors. My oldest step daughter just got a black schnauzer puppy and it is adorable.

We have 2 outdoor cracks me up (and drives me crazy), I have a Rat Terrier and she normally goes in the truck when hubby and BIL are out working in the fields...she has started sitting on the porch howling whenever they drive off without's so funny!
Ya know Kimber your right it does feel so nice to be here & visit with you all.My life has gotten so busy but I NEVER ever want to forget & loose contact to my true friends!!
I really am blessed to have you guys in my life.
Ill be here till noon,but until than....Im ALL YOURS!!!!
Kimber I know its easy to sit here & say dont worry but please try not to.It only makes the waiting seem longer.I will say a prayer for you my dear friend & of course if you need to talk you know how to get ahold of me