Goos Friday

Well its been awhile since I actually started a Goos So I figure,,,,what the heck!!
I cant believe they closed school today!!!Not one snowflake on the ground,but they say we may get 2 ft.

I got my work hours all set.Ill be working the morning shift 5 days a week,which means Ill be home when Anne gets out of school,which is what I wanted.
The shelter is suppose to have it first day March 25th & Ill be there with BELLS OM(LOL)
Anyone around???
Hey Molly,im around,at work,but i got a minute for you! Im so happy to "hear" the joy in your post. Sounds like things are really looking up for you.I couldnt be happier for you.Your new job sounds perfect!

Me and my lady have a few errands this morning,then shes taking me to lunch at this fancy bakery/boutique/furniture store/restaurant, i had to dress this morning,no sweat suits today,lol.Im looking forward to it.

I think im going to take my grandchildren for the whole weekend,becasue i dont want their mom driving down the mountain tomorrow in the storm to bring them to my house,this way,they;ll be safe and with me the whole weekend.I'll be ready for a long long rest after thought,lol.

Everyone have a great wekend!~KIM
I know youll need some rest after the grandchildren,but I also know how much you LOVE spending time with them,so it sounds as if you will have a fun weekend!!!
I cant believe they canceled school when its not doing anything!!

Thank You about a job,for me...Kim it feels like a dream.I never thought Id ever be able to do this again.Its been 7 years since I actually worked & so much has happen.
I cant help but be somewhat scared.Im already having the ..."what ifs"
ya know..what if I cant talk
what if I cant deal with people
so many what ifs which I know is NOT good...

Your lunch actually sounds kinda nice.I havent gone to a real nice place to eat in so long...
You will be fine MJ..look...they're only people like you and me....I used to get so intimidated bt people while performing...stage fright is an understatement...throwing up before each performance. I blocked out the audience thinking it would only made "them" more omnipotent...I would instead see a face in the crowd and imagine this person doing the humblest of things(i.e. sitting on a toilet) Funny huh? worked. We are all human and I am sure that anyone else working ith animals is soft hearted loke NOT project!!!! your "rock on " kitties....Love. Big S
Aww Thank You S
Have I told you how much your friendship means to me?
I know your right & I have been working with my therapist to try & over come it,all I can do is keep trying my best ya know?
I wish I was more like Anne...Goodness that girl LIGHTS UP when shes on stage or catwalk...she has no fear at all.She again signed up for her schools fashion show,ya know even when she makes silly teen mistakes I cant help but feel so proud of her.
S with me working in Kingston hopefully we may be able to meet up huh?
Im sorry about the other day...mikey was green that day....
I am in Kingston at least one day a week...getting out is SO important will do you a world of good. That is the reason I haven't quit my job yet....despite my boss's negativity I enjoy it...even the grouchy customers. It is a challenge to me....I just kill 'em with kindness.He is a drag and brings me down all too often. When I work alone it is great! I hope this changes your life and makes you happy....doing what you love is SO important.Love, S
whats this talk i hear about a storm up by you guys???snow?? and they closed school before snow??? wow, that is unusual.
mj, you know that is a favorite thing for addicts....the what if's! i do it all the time too. but i know you are gonna do just fine. lucky LUCKY kitties in new york.they will have heaven on earth.
enjoy your grandbabies kim, your youngest grandbaby has really grown and he looks just like a boy!
sharonn i love her rocking kitties too, so adorable, how are you doing sharonn, have you gotton off pain meds yet? jewels
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Hey Jewels!!! Goos Friday huny & thank you.
Did you get my email from yesterday?

Yes they closed school already,I think because they didnt really use any snow days so I think they are trying to get rid of them.

Yeah I have alot of What If happening.Not only with the job,but also my Sub.See unless my Dr actually went to bat for me than Medicaid wont pay for it anymore & I just cannot afford to pay for it all.So Im scared to think of what may happen,.I mean I dont think they can just cut me off,but like Sharon I do have real pain issues I try to deal with so Im also in a catch 22.
I do know that if I must go back on PPs I know myself well enough to know that I will have to have someone hold them.I do NOT want to move backwards at this point
Jewels...still planning on detox beginning of April..I have managed a decent taper which should make it less painful and took off the month of April to recup and continue on..the last time I was pretty weak and it took awhile to function...but it will all be worth it. is snowing like crazy here.....soon it will be Spring so no worries, Love, Sharonn
hi again
no mj i have not gone to check my email but i will
i have started a small cutting of my dose of sub. read the post to kee kee from me and it will tell you everything i am facing with the possibilitiy of PP for me too. what kind of pain are you in that you may need pp?
where does sharonn live?close to you? julie
Hey Huny ...Anne jacked my computer so I got booted.My last PP was Ultram,but I did them all Im sad to say both legal & illegal.Even though Ive started to eat healthier my Chrons still gives me problems everyday.
Im hoping that I can just stay on the Sub.Ive worked real hard to get to this point.I was at 24mg per day & now Im holding at 8.When I first started to decrease I lesson it 2-4mg each time which wasnt too bad,maybe alittle edginess but nothing that I couldnt shake off either by cleaning,reading,things to relax me(yes cleaning can be relaxing).Though I feel the Chrons more I can tolerate the pain(so far)
I suppose all I can do is see what happens.
I sent you along EMAIL(more like a book)but I was very over due to just update you on stuff.
Love molly