Well we finally got some snow here...a whole 1/2 inch.LOL Today is THE DAY.My job interview is at noon & it figures my voice is acting up.Which Im sure is more nerves than anything.The funny part is that I dont "need"this job so much as I want it.If only 1-2 days a week.
I dont know after not working for 7 years & having health issues come up I just dont know
Am I trying to do too much....
Any beaners around????
Goos Morning Molly
Good luck with your interview. I will say a prayer for you. I think it is great that you are trying to get out there and get a job even if you don't need it. It will give you something to do and it you will be working somewhere you want to be. I hope it all goes well and that you get the job.
Man I am so tired. I keep getting up late and then it takes forever for me to actually wake up. I am sure it is because I haven't been sleeping well. I don't know why, but I get up numerous times a night. Last night wasnt too bad though.
WHere is everyone at?
Good luck with your interview. I will say a prayer for you. I think it is great that you are trying to get out there and get a job even if you don't need it. It will give you something to do and it you will be working somewhere you want to be. I hope it all goes well and that you get the job.
Man I am so tired. I keep getting up late and then it takes forever for me to actually wake up. I am sure it is because I haven't been sleeping well. I don't know why, but I get up numerous times a night. Last night wasnt too bad though.
WHere is everyone at?
Steph I can totally understand the not sleeping thing.for at least 10 years Ill sleep 2hrs be up go back to sleep for 1-2 hr get up all nite long.Sure I could probaly get something to help me sleep but really thats something I dont EVEN want to start.
and thank you for the prayers.I guess it sounded messed up the way I put it.Of course making extra cash will be nice.But Im lucky(I guess)that we are breaking even here.But having a teen usually any extra $$ goes for her,clothes etc...
Gosh Im rambling huh
and thank you for the prayers.I guess it sounded messed up the way I put it.Of course making extra cash will be nice.But Im lucky(I guess)that we are breaking even here.But having a teen usually any extra $$ goes for her,clothes etc...
Gosh Im rambling huh
That is how I sleep. I wake up every 1-2 hours for the first 4 hours, then if I am lucky I can sleep the rest of the time. I have no problem sleeping in though, lol.
I know what you mean about have a little extra money. I started getting paid for taking care of my grandma and it does help my family get through to the next paycheck.
I know what you mean about have a little extra money. I started getting paid for taking care of my grandma and it does help my family get through to the next paycheck.
Morning ladies,
Molls, Good luck with the interview today. (Or "break a leg", LOL, don't want to jinx anything.) Let us know how it went. I'm so pleased to hear that your voice, on the whole, has returned. I'm sure it's just nerves. I get high-pitched when I'm nervous. The vocal chords tense up.
Stephanie, Give yourself time to heal. It's only been days -- though I'm sure it feels like a lifetime.
Molls, Good luck with the interview today. (Or "break a leg", LOL, don't want to jinx anything.) Let us know how it went. I'm so pleased to hear that your voice, on the whole, has returned. I'm sure it's just nerves. I get high-pitched when I'm nervous. The vocal chords tense up.
Stephanie, Give yourself time to heal. It's only been days -- though I'm sure it feels like a lifetime.
I bet you get more out of caring for your grandma than cash huh?To care for someone you love & know your making a difference in thier life...well theres really no price tag for that.
I cant believe how nerous I am.I didnt think Id be.I like everyone there & get along with everyone,but I havent done this in so long.Plus I just cannot give up my volenteering.It helps me to help those kittys so much.Im hoping between my volenteering & my health issues I wont have a problem.
Well Im going to clean up a bit & work my nerves off but Ill check back in in a bit
love molly
edited to say GOOS gina & thank you!!!!
love mols
I cant believe how nerous I am.I didnt think Id be.I like everyone there & get along with everyone,but I havent done this in so long.Plus I just cannot give up my volenteering.It helps me to help those kittys so much.Im hoping between my volenteering & my health issues I wont have a problem.
Well Im going to clean up a bit & work my nerves off but Ill check back in in a bit
love molly
edited to say GOOS gina & thank you!!!!
love mols
mornin guys............. it is freezing!!!! we got a few inches of snow here to..... looks like a full day of traffic accidents..........lol. how is eveyone?
Goos morning ladies...from the frozen tundra...
hey doog how are you buddy?
Mj, i think you should do it! i think it will be so good for you , I was scared coming back to work just after not working the past year, and i know how you feel . But i think you will be pleasently suprised at how nice it is and how many people you will get to know. I say go for it ........ just stay calm and just enjoy yourself!!!!
Mj, i think you should do it! i think it will be so good for you , I was scared coming back to work just after not working the past year, and i know how you feel . But i think you will be pleasently suprised at how nice it is and how many people you will get to know. I say go for it ........ just stay calm and just enjoy yourself!!!!
pants.......so nice to see you in the goos.........(=*.*=)
mj, stephy, gina, java, janet, jeffery, tim, shantel, JANET, stace..............
*hugs*.goos morning.......
i like your avatar.........
nice to see you posting also............
stephy........i will call you later.........
mj............i am so glad that you having fun at work and also that you met that wonderful lady and now your studying spitualality.........
that is wonderful............
have a nice day...........
love ya all.........
mj, stephy, gina, java, janet, jeffery, tim, shantel, JANET, stace..............
*hugs*.goos morning.......
i like your avatar.........
nice to see you posting also............
stephy........i will call you later.........
mj............i am so glad that you having fun at work and also that you met that wonderful lady and now your studying spitualality.........
that is wonderful............
have a nice day...........
love ya all.........
Goos morning ppl! MJ, goos luck today!
Pants!!!!...Its great to see you back...I missed you...
Special goos to you Thumper...
Special goos to you Thumper...
goos morning everyone!
brrrrrrrrrrrrr is right!!! 17 degrees right now, easy day today yeah! i think i am gonna lay back down, i cannot stay awake.
it is supposed to get to minus 9 this weekend!! jewels
brrrrrrrrrrrrr is right!!! 17 degrees right now, easy day today yeah! i think i am gonna lay back down, i cannot stay awake.
it is supposed to get to minus 9 this weekend!! jewels
good to see ya'll still here............two nights ago it was -15 at my house! now that is cold!
nice to see you back.............pants.....
welcome back........
welcome back........
Thanks thumper honey................. your still as cheery as ever!!! how is work going for you?