Goos Morning

How are you all this fine morning?!??!!?

Its going to be in the mid 80's here today and im in heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just been so miserable lately with the rain sleet snow,flooding everywhere.Now the suns been out three days,the flowers are blooming,its just so nice to be seeing such a huge difference.

Im still on my 2mg of sub and am doing fine,i hope to drop to 1,when i see the dr on the 9th.The only thing im experiencing really is alot of body aches,especially in my legs,but they are tolerable!

Sabrina,i hope youre reading the board,i intend to keep the goos going when i can,in rememberence of you.Hopefully you will decide to post agaoin once youve had tiem to get through all of this.I know you were never under any alias,and in fact,asked to be banned.Hope things are going well with you,and stay busy.Talk to you soon!

Whats up with the rest of you?~KIM
goos morning.............




(((((((((((((((((((jewels, danny, jeffery, stace)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

have a nice day........

its sooooo pretty here today...........

love ya all

((((((((((((((((((java jodi)))))))))))))))))))))))

how did the appt go?
