Goos Saturday Morning

Goos to one and all. I think my yankee friends have gotten some snow? I haven't turned on the weather channel, so I'm guessing from last night.

It is nice and quiet on the homefront. Kenny is at his aunties house for the weekend. Jana's car died last night so she is back home today. I guess my hubby will go and tow it later this afternoon. She bought a car that was a year newer with less mileage, it's a Ford, I bought a used Accord. Has had more problems with her car that should be necessary. It won't go into gear now...what a mess...we don't have money to get something big like that fixed for her. Time to say some prayers so that my HP can fix up things in his way.

It was down to 38 last night, supposed to be mid 60's today. Probably our last cold front for the year. Bright and sunny outside though!

Y'all have a goos weekend!
goos morning.............


its beautiful

how is everyone?

Hey all!!! Goodness we ended up(where I am with over 2 ft of snow!!....I still cannot believe it!!!
It does look so pretty so I guess I can deal ya know?
Hopefully it was THIS seasons last BIG storm.I knew just knew beings we had such a mild winter that we would get HIT in Feb & March!!!
Well its ALL of next Sunday I am starting work.Im real pleased.I got the Hrs I wanted & my boss told me that if I feel what I choose was to much they would work with me.
Tuesday I have to go get blood work done to check my Liver functions.Seems beings Ive been on Sub for 2 years it something they MUST do.Even my Dr cant understand it but????Ill do it.All next week Im going to try & get all "the small"stuff around the house done & try to get in the swing of getting ready for work(Gosh it feels good to say that)
Another good bit of news is...I was suppose to go WAY up in the mountain to the main shelter for training for 1 day,well they are thunking of buying myself & the coordinator bus tickets to make it easier!!! All I can say...COOL because my poor truck is a rust bucket & the Camaros off the road so it would be easier

Thumper how are YOU doing?
Janet what about YOU???