Goos Stormy Valentine's Day

mj,will you send me a picture of your girls??? you have my addy.
so have any of you received any romantic presents from the other half???
i took 2 lunch sacks and filled it with my sons favorite valentines candies, a little russell stover box of chocolates too. made 2 valentines cards on the computer and stapled it to the front of their bags which made the bag look very decorative..put one in my oldest sons back pack and the other i tried to sneak it into his room but i got caught as he was awake watching a movie, so i just handed it to him. told my sons how much i loved them too!
so roxie, you said your an italiano?? that would explain those delicious sounding cannoli cupcakes.
carol i just prayed georgia returns. i love your multi colored arrangement of roses! i have a fence with roses all along it. pink, fushia, white and yellow!
janet what a wonderful valentine gift you got 12 years ago! was his due date feb 14??
well things have settled down as far as snowing is concerned here in Illinois, we got about 6 inches i say, my malibu yard lights are buried. it looks like a winter wonderland outside very pretty. jewels
Of Course Jewels!!!
Now so far my gift may not sound like much but to me it means so much.....I got a beautiful card that you can tell he read what it said & picked it out.It wasnt even so much the card as the beautiful message inside he wrote.I actually got teary eyed.
He also got Anne a small heart filled with choclate & a beautiful stuffed rose.
As far as a gift..with us it like aNYTHING I want(within reason)he will bust his butt to let me get it all year long
These past couple months with us we've had many ups & downs & its funny I always heard that if a couple makes it past the 7 year mark they have an awesome chance of going the whole way.So I feel that these past months may just be the 7 year test.......
hmmm, I can't remember what his due date was, isn't that sad? He was induced and I ended up with a c-section because I wouldn't dilate more that 3 1/2 cm. The hospital put a cute little white hat with a big red pom-pom that said Valentine Sweetheart on it...I will give it back to him when he has his first little one....years and years from now...I have all of my boy's little hats saved...

That Valentines Day was the first and last time I ever got a single rose from my husband. Plus he sat in front of me and ate Subway while I was in labor....meanie!
Goodness I suppose when I tell my labor tale youll HATE ME!!!! Amanda took 4 hrs & Anne...after they broke my water.....ok ok start throwing dAGGERS NOW
she took 10 mins!!!.Amanda was 10:22 am & Anne 6:00.I swear Im just like a cat the way I dropped my babes!!!
I think saving all that stuff is so sweet Janet 7 someday(YEARS & YEARS )from now dylan will be so happy about that....
Wait till the teen hormones kick in....LOL

I really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for my sweet Georgia. She is still not home with us.
The Animal Control office told me that there have been a rash of dog thiefts in my town. WTF!! Who would still someone's family pet? There is no punishment severe enough for a lowlife who would do such a thing!
There also have been many reported coyote attacks. This is their mating season, it seems, and they are on the move, looking for prey.
We have not given up hope though, and your praryers are very comforting.
It is so cold here today, we are actually having snow flurries. I hope she is warm wherever she is... :-(
Well, time to let Dylan on the computer, Y'all have a happy day!
So my boss calls me from Chicago and wants to know why I haven't gone to work..HELLO!!!!! It is icy and stormy and I cannot safely even get to my car!Don't people watch the news? I hope tomorrow the roads are clear...Love, S
Carol my heart hurts so much for you.I know how worried you must feel.I will continue to pray for her safe return,Im so so sorry your going through this huny.
Janet have a Goos & as long as my electric holds up Ill be on & off all day