Since Brinagirl is gone today :( Wanted to start the Goos to everyone!
Going to do a little catch up here on the board for a bit, since I havent been on the last couple of days.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Come on Beaners, Where are you????
Janet, Stace, Kim, Doug, Steph, Thumps ?
Come out wherever you are :)
Janet, Stace, Kim, Doug, Steph, Thumps ?
Come out wherever you are :)
Goos morning Jodi! Coffee is good and hot this morning...yummy!
I sure miss our MJ in the mornings...
I sure miss our MJ in the mornings...
Me too. *sniff* Not the same with out her.
Hey, I just made a fresh pot too, Isnt it weird how some days coffee tastes so much better than others, I drink it every morn. religiously anyways though. Even brew a pot for an afternon kick as well. lol
What you up to today?
I need to hit Wal-Mart but have been running constantly the past couple of days , so thinking I will just take it easy today.
Hey, How you feeling by the way?
Hey, I just made a fresh pot too, Isnt it weird how some days coffee tastes so much better than others, I drink it every morn. religiously anyways though. Even brew a pot for an afternon kick as well. lol
What you up to today?
I need to hit Wal-Mart but have been running constantly the past couple of days , so thinking I will just take it easy today.
Hey, How you feeling by the way?
good morning!!!! dont forget about jewels!
so mj is on kitty duty???
busy day for me today, 3 haircuts to do ,plus get my 2nd massage for anxiety relief then dentist to get my permanent crown. broke 3 teeth this month. i know diabetes plays a role in dental health. seems like i am at the dentist once a month. diabetes makes more cavities too plus sub dries my mouth out and no saliva is a bad thing, didn't know that until recently, my dentist it like: your mouth is as dry as the desert! I try mouth sprays, gum etc. know what? this sounds ridiculous but i cant crack my gum anymore since getting 2 new crowns this month! i miss that so much! it used to aggravate my mom when i lived at home. well gotta go and get busy GOOS! julie/jewels
so mj is on kitty duty???
busy day for me today, 3 haircuts to do ,plus get my 2nd massage for anxiety relief then dentist to get my permanent crown. broke 3 teeth this month. i know diabetes plays a role in dental health. seems like i am at the dentist once a month. diabetes makes more cavities too plus sub dries my mouth out and no saliva is a bad thing, didn't know that until recently, my dentist it like: your mouth is as dry as the desert! I try mouth sprays, gum etc. know what? this sounds ridiculous but i cant crack my gum anymore since getting 2 new crowns this month! i miss that so much! it used to aggravate my mom when i lived at home. well gotta go and get busy GOOS! julie/jewels

Could never forget about you girl :)
Another massage? Oh I am so so jealous :) What I would do for a good massage about now.
A couple of years ago I went to Indy, and had the best masage of my life, Will never forget it, My entire body felt so so great for days afterwards.
Enjoy yourself, you deserve it.
Hugs :)
Could never forget about you girl :)
Another massage? Oh I am so so jealous :) What I would do for a good massage about now.
A couple of years ago I went to Indy, and had the best masage of my life, Will never forget it, My entire body felt so so great for days afterwards.
Enjoy yourself, you deserve it.
Hugs :)
I guess I am going to just hang around the house today. I have been pretty sore from the shots and I've been trying to limit my strenuous activity. I need to sweep my living room and clean out the fireplace. I'm skipping a fire this morning, but may end up starting one in the afternoon. It's supposed to go up into the 40's this afternoon.
Jana has a new place and I may end up going to visit this afternoon. I also need to run to Walmart.
Jana has a new place and I may end up going to visit this afternoon. I also need to run to Walmart.
Gotta love Wal-Mart, My only prob with it is there is never enough cashiers!!
I get so impatient that makes me insane, and those self-checkout stations are a JOKE. I always end up doing something wrong, and having to wait on someone to come help me LOL
Good idea to take it easy today, I had forgotten you have a fireplace, oh does that sound good right now, I love the feeling of a nice warm fireplace, so so cozy.
I get so impatient that makes me insane, and those self-checkout stations are a JOKE. I always end up doing something wrong, and having to wait on someone to come help me LOL
Good idea to take it easy today, I had forgotten you have a fireplace, oh does that sound good right now, I love the feeling of a nice warm fireplace, so so cozy.

Goos Java, Janet and Jewls.
I hope everyone is having a goos day. I am at my brothers house and he is trying to get me off the He just got cable so I wanted to get on here to read the board real quick
Well today I have to take my kids to the doctor to check their ears because they had ear infections a while ago.
I guess I better get off and take care of my grams.
Have a goosalicious day everyone.
EDIT: I hate when I got to walmart and it is so packed. However I do love the self checkouts just because I don't h ave to socialize with anyone. But I do understand what you mean about messing up and having to wait for someone.
Walmart is my favorite store though.
java, janet, jewels, stace, kim, atlas, doug..........
wheres doug and atlas??????????????????
GOOS MORNING..................

i woke uo at 5 am and posted to elvis and then went back to sleep.....
on the couch.........
i just woke up agian and now i am having pepsi...........
wheres doug and atlas??????????????????
GOOS MORNING..................

i woke uo at 5 am and posted to elvis and then went back to sleep.....
on the couch.........
i just woke up agian and now i am having pepsi...........
Good morning all.Thanks for including me Jody,Stacey forgot me yesterday,lol,JK Stacey,i still love ya!
Ive got a few hours off work and ive got a ton of housework to do before i go back to work this afternoon, i sit,lol
Its 0 outside,which makes me just want to snuggle up with a good book and stay warm(possible get into my pj's and robe...stop it...stop it...i got to get my a** in gear here,lol
Hope youre all doing great and enjoying your day,especially thiose of you who arent in Antartica!!!~KIM
Mornign thumper,im being naughty,im eating some banana cream pie i made last night...and its not even noon yet!!!!!!
Ive got a few hours off work and ive got a ton of housework to do before i go back to work this afternoon, i sit,lol
Its 0 outside,which makes me just want to snuggle up with a good book and stay warm(possible get into my pj's and robe...stop it...stop it...i got to get my a** in gear here,lol
Hope youre all doing great and enjoying your day,especially thiose of you who arent in Antartica!!!~KIM
Mornign thumper,im being naughty,im eating some banana cream pie i made last night...and its not even noon yet!!!!!!
Hey ya Kim, Thumps, and Stace..
Kim- It got down to around 8 or 10 degrees here the other night, and I thought I was freezing! Now, that is cold. Dont feel bad I have a housework to do as well, and here I sit with my coffee. LOL
Hope your having a good day, Btw, I owe you an emal, from a while back, Will be sending one your way, had a few questions for you.
Steph, Hope the kiddo's are okay, nothing worse than an ear infection. OUCH!
Keep us posted!
Thumps. Morning girley! I didnt sleep well at ALL the last couple of nights, so I feel your pain there, Have a good one sweetie.
Kim- It got down to around 8 or 10 degrees here the other night, and I thought I was freezing! Now, that is cold. Dont feel bad I have a housework to do as well, and here I sit with my coffee. LOL
Hope your having a good day, Btw, I owe you an emal, from a while back, Will be sending one your way, had a few questions for you.
Steph, Hope the kiddo's are okay, nothing worse than an ear infection. OUCH!
Keep us posted!
Thumps. Morning girley! I didnt sleep well at ALL the last couple of nights, so I feel your pain there, Have a good one sweetie.
Confession to make:
I am still in my PJ's LOL ah well :)
Confession to make:
I am still in my PJ's LOL ah well :)
lol..........yummy kim...............
i ate a whole pie on thanks giving.........
fruits of the forest pie...........
lol..............i am still in my PJ's to..................
i have to get up shortly and get in the shower and get ready for work.........
have fun today.................
i ate a whole pie on thanks giving.........
fruits of the forest pie...........
lol..............i am still in my PJ's to..................
i have to get up shortly and get in the shower and get ready for work.........
have fun today.................
Guilty as charged....still in pj's too!
Julie I recently got my first cavity at age 43-and cracked a crown I have-chipped.
I chew Sugar free orbit sip water and of course drink it as well constantly and Julie I found a good cough drop--RICOLA--they come sugar free. Not sure if you ever tried the Ricola--My mouth is a dangerous place for me. Tons of germs and my immune system is kinda weak. Its amazing how you take for granted your body. Now having to do so many things DAILY to have a shot a healthy day sometimes is overwhelming. But I do my best.
People who are healthy should really count there blessings.
Diabetes really blows.
Take care--Jeff
I chew Sugar free orbit sip water and of course drink it as well constantly and Julie I found a good cough drop--RICOLA--they come sugar free. Not sure if you ever tried the Ricola--My mouth is a dangerous place for me. Tons of germs and my immune system is kinda weak. Its amazing how you take for granted your body. Now having to do so many things DAILY to have a shot a healthy day sometimes is overwhelming. But I do my best.
People who are healthy should really count there blessings.
Diabetes really blows.
Take care--Jeff