Goos To All

Wow so many new people here.Thats good/& bad.Good because I know the love & support this board can give Bad because it shows how rampant addiction can run.

I hope those who know & remember me are doing well & are healthy & safe.My life has changed for the better so so much.My daughters are both happy & secure in their lives.Me & my S/O are doing well & getting along like a new couple.
And me...well I have some direction finally.Ive desided to try school again with the hopes that someday I can become a Social Worker & work with Teens.I know I have alot of work ahead of me,but anything worth having is worth working for.

I feel like I just want to thank ALL of those members who were here for me.You know by now who you are.I know I have been more than a handfull at times,but you all tried & helped in ways I just cannot say.

So to all remember the "goos" And know you all have helped me become someone Im so proud of.
Ill always remember your kindness.

Love mj
Where did you go Brina??? I miss you.
HEY LISA......Im sorry I missed you.Its been so long & we both have gone through so much.
I see Jake is doing better,though I see you lady are forgetting about YOU AGAIN!! 104..!!!!!!!...What r u the incredible shrinking woman???? lol
I hope you took your Drs advice & starting to keep working on you.

I left to look into some classes I might need if I decide to go back to school.Its something Ive been thinking of for a very long time & Im feeling strong enough to start the process..I know I would like to start getting involved reaching out to teens in my area.It surprised me one day how little support & understanding alot of these kids are.getting
Anne kinda help me think this over & she also sees me doing something like that.
Shes been looking into different local art schools/classes for summer & has decided she wants to major in art.It may mean an extra year for the credits but shes determined.
You still have my addy so if ever you want to jot me.It seems we both have full plates.

until than take care.Ill still stop in from time to know me i just cant stay away forever.
love brina/mj
Hey! Good to see you and to hear you and yoru family are doing so well. I love the idea of going back to school. You would be great at that! Good luck with whatever your future holds. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled, make it happen!
love always, Carol