Goos Wednesday.

Morning all.

I cant believe the weather here,its gone from super hot and humid,to rainly and thunderstorms,now....50 degress out!!!!!!! Talk about screwy weathre.Its freezing this morning!

How is everybody this marvelous hump day?

Not much going on here,im at work,should be working,lol.

I just wanted to drop in and say hi,see whats up with everyone?

Anyone got anything exciting going on in their life they'ld like to share,so i can live vicariously through you.Seems my life is so boring these days.I like it that way but...from tiem to time,a little somethign different would be nice.Too bad my husband is exactly like me,we prefer staying home,hardly ever do much except when its right there at our own house.I guess i should go over to the VENT POST AND WHINE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT MY BORING LIFE!

Hope youre all having a good one,take care~KIM

Kim, Goos morning! LOL After a few super fast paced, stressful weeks, I will take boring and love it. Things are kinda slow around here this week, too, and I love it! I am very thankful for small pleasures like not having any demands in the evening and being able to just chill and watch TV or read.

I have another hot, sunny day to myself today, and I plan on catching up on some household chores, and filling some jewelry orders.
We almost got some rain yesterday, but after about 60 seconds of it pouring down, guess God changed His mind and it quit abruptly. The grass is turning brown, the leaves on everything are drooping, and the dust is everywhere. Sure hope we get some rain soon.
Have a great day!
I know what you mean Carol,for the most part,we are busy with our grandchildren and all their sports and activities,so we enjoy a quiet night home too.Lately though its getting on my nerves.Making me feel old.

I guess i should just be thankful for all the amaing things i do have in my life and stop complaining about the little stuff.

Talking to my counselor last week we got talking about this subject and out of nowhere i just broke down and cried.I told her,my hormones are all out of whack,not sure what i want what i dont,somethign i want one minute,i dont the next.My poor husband he just doenst know what to do.i find myself apologizing alot to him these days,lol.Thankfully hes understanding,wish i could understand it myself.I cant help but think its pre-menopausal? Its the only explanation ive got for this melancoly,dissatisfaction,etc...?~KIM

Kim, That is probably what it is, hormones. Peri-menapause. Or maybe the Sub. drop.
I will write you and tell you about my recent MP experience.
Kim, I believe you are in NY like me. Well, by Friday, we will have 90 degrees! A nice weekend ahead also!
Kim, when I have those periods of boredom/depression, I try to look at the news and thank God for the boredom. The recent case of the teenage girl abducted from a parking lot is so upsetting. I always think that those parents would give anything to have the problems many of us complain of day to day. Sometimes it helps. Hope you cheer up and let the summer weather inspire you.

Hey Donna, I haven't seen you around in ages until yesterday. Nice to see you back. Hope you and your family are doing well. :-)