Well I got laid off today. I'm sad but at the same time I know I desperatley need to get my s#it together. I am going to my dads in the morning. He lives 10 hours away. I told my step mom I'm going to be sick for a few days so they are prepared. I don't want them to see me like this but I don't want to stay here and isolate and get worse into this addiction. I guess this is my bottom?
Hi Ang,
Sorry about the job but you are right, maybe this is exactly where you need to be to do what you need to do....
It can be. You can get off the merry-go-round anytime you want, even if it doesn't feel like it....You know the deal, you're going to be sick with flu like symptoms for a few days, let your Dad and Step-mom help, and when you're through the worst of it, take action. Getting clean is only just the begining...put yourself into the middle of recovery and get busy....
You don't ever have to do this again. I am proud of you...I'm also grateful to read that you're ready & willing....
I'll keep you in my prayers over the weekend...
Sorry about the job but you are right, maybe this is exactly where you need to be to do what you need to do....
I guess this is my bottom? |
It can be. You can get off the merry-go-round anytime you want, even if it doesn't feel like it....You know the deal, you're going to be sick with flu like symptoms for a few days, let your Dad and Step-mom help, and when you're through the worst of it, take action. Getting clean is only just the begining...put yourself into the middle of recovery and get busy....
You don't ever have to do this again. I am proud of you...I'm also grateful to read that you're ready & willing....
I'll keep you in my prayers over the weekend...
Sorry about your job. But this is a good opportunity. I'm proud of you. Make sure you post to Irish. She is starting now soon. You and her can have alot to talk about. Good luck and I will pray for you Lyn.
Sometimes when bad things happen they are actually blessings in disguise. Use this time to work on you and concentrate on you because YOU are worth it. I will pray that whatever happens is as it is supposed to be and you will be able to find the reason for it all. Take care and keep us posted.
Angela, I hate it when people say "everything happens for a reason". But you know what??? It's true and we don't always see that when we are in the thick of things. It's usually at a later time when all the pieces fit together and sense is made.
This disease sucks and I hate it. I despise what it has done to some really amazing people. I hate that I have it and so many people that I adore have it too. You are an addict my dear, that is the truth. I think you know it it too. I tried for a number of years to deny it and then I learned denial is also a part of this disease.
I am so thankful that you don't have to be alone. Definately lean on your family. They love you and that is probably the safest place for you. I look forward to hearing from you on the other side.
Travel safe and take good care, this soon will be behind you and you will be clear and level headed and looking forward to the future!
This disease sucks and I hate it. I despise what it has done to some really amazing people. I hate that I have it and so many people that I adore have it too. You are an addict my dear, that is the truth. I think you know it it too. I tried for a number of years to deny it and then I learned denial is also a part of this disease.
I am so thankful that you don't have to be alone. Definately lean on your family. They love you and that is probably the safest place for you. I look forward to hearing from you on the other side.
Travel safe and take good care, this soon will be behind you and you will be clear and level headed and looking forward to the future!
I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! I mentioned (last week maybe?) that I was just given notice that my "position is being eliminated". At least my boss gave me a little bit of notice - my last day of work is December 17.
I too agree that things happen for a reason and I know that we will end up better off in the long run. But in the meantime, I have to figure out what I am going to do. And right before the holidays is just a complete bummer!!!!!
I've already told my kids not to expect much for Christmas .... made me feel bad telling them that, but it is what it is ..... Besides, Christmas is not about presents, sadly that is what our society has made it to be .....
Back to you .... this might just be the opportunity that you needed to get clean and start working a recovery program. I'm happy to hear that you are going to your parent's to detox. Isolation is the worst thing for us addicts!!!
Once you get thru the worst of the w/d's, enjoy your time with them!!
Try to find some meetings there too ..... it certainly can't hurt and will probably help you a lot too!!!
((((((((( HUGS ))))))))))
Thanks for the replys
Swizzle,sorry about your job. I know how you feel...
I'm really scared for my dad to see me sick. Almost to the point of not leaving in the morning. I have asked this a million times, but here goes again. How many days will I be really sick? I want to assure my dad its not to bad and fake it as much as I can. I've been useing for about 5 months this time I think??? Mostly vikes 10 to 19 a day. Sorry for beating a dead horse about this, I just can't do this to my poor dad.
Swizzle,sorry about your job. I know how you feel...
I'm really scared for my dad to see me sick. Almost to the point of not leaving in the morning. I have asked this a million times, but here goes again. How many days will I be really sick? I want to assure my dad its not to bad and fake it as much as I can. I've been useing for about 5 months this time I think??? Mostly vikes 10 to 19 a day. Sorry for beating a dead horse about this, I just can't do this to my poor dad.
Lynn, so proud of you !! Sending you strength and hugs :) Im just guessing, but Im thinking you should be feeling pretty bad for about 4 days or so...should start getting better after the end of the 3rd day...but everyone is different...dont scare yourself too much...and its good you will be around people...be gentle with yourself ...you can beat this...take it slow and now you have the time to rebuild and help yourself...I will be thinking of you..:)
Hi Lynn,
I felt bad for three days with the second and third day being the worse. On day four, I began to feel noticeably better. Sleep did not come for a week or more, but
I was able to function and even made a stab at the ellipitical machine.
Stay strong--you have a wonderful life ahead of you.
I felt bad for three days with the second and third day being the worse. On day four, I began to feel noticeably better. Sleep did not come for a week or more, but
I was able to function and even made a stab at the ellipitical machine.
Stay strong--you have a wonderful life ahead of you.
Hey Con, I'm on my way there now
Thanks everyone ill be there in about 9 hours
Thanks everyone ill be there in about 9 hours