Gotta Love Arkansas....saturday Ha Ha!

>> A guy from Arkansas passed away and left his entire estate to
>> his beloved widow, but she can't touch it till she's 14.
>> How do you know when you're staying in an Arkansas hotel? When
>> you call the front desk and say, "I got a leak in my sink," and the
>> clerk replies, "Go ahead."
>> How can you tell if an Arkansas redneck is married? There's
>> dried tobacco juice on both sides of his pickup truck.
>> Did you hear that they have raised the minimum drinking age in
>> Arkansas to 32? It seems they want to keep alcohol out of the high
> schools.
>> What do they call reruns of "Hee Haw" in Arkansas ........
>> Documentaries.
>> An Arkansas State trooper pulls over a pickup on I-30 and says
>> to the driver, "Got any I.D.?"and the driver replies " 'Bout wut?"
>> The governor's mansion in Arkansas burned down! Yep. Pert' near
>> took out the whole trailer park. The library was a total loss too.
>> Both books - poof! up in flames, and he hadn't even finished
>> coloring one of them.
>> A new law was recently passed in Arkansas . When a couple gets
>> divorced,they are STILL cousins.
>> A guy walks into a bar in Arkansas and orders a mudslide. The
>> bartender looks at the man and says, "You ain't from 'round here,
>> are ya? "No," replies the man, "I'm from Pennsylvania " The
>> bartender looks at him and says, "Well, what do ya do in
>> Pennsylvania ?" "I'm a taxidermist," said the man. The bartender,
>> looking very bewildered now, asks, "What in the world is a
>> tax-e-derm-ist?" The man says,"I mount animals." The bartender
>> stands back and hollers to the whole bar..."It's okay boys, he's
>> one of us
Rhonda, are you in Arkansas? I live in north central Louisiana, these jokes work for LA ppl
Ohhhhhhhhh, hahahaha, the guy from Pennsylvania. Man, I'm from Pennsylvania and I'd know enough to not say I mount animals. LOL

That's funny stuff.

Janet, no way. If them jokes work then you must be the roayalty of Louisianna cause you have a lovely home and beautiful family and great pets.

Rhonda, don't even be making no Philly jokes now. We have enough going on down here. Techinically up here I should say. All I know now is Rhonda is a Cowboys fan. WOOT!!!!!!

Here we call it R-Kansas. They pluck chickens there.
Janet.......Yes I am from Arkansas! Very close to the Lousianna line.

Bryn........LOL!!! My hubby and I have 3 chicken houses LOL!! WE don't pluck em though, we take their eggs. By the time the season is over the birds don't even have feathers anymore b/c of all the "babybird-making". And Yes a BIG Cowboys fan and Rob Thomas (matchboxtwenty) fan!
Well, Bryn, I am married to a Louisiana farm boy. I was raised semi-country in Connecticut, after 24 years I am no longer a yankee snob lol. We live in the country (yup, my house was built in a former pasture) we have about 3 acres we mow, the rest of the land has a creek (not a brook like in CT) and has barbed wire fences with moo-cows...I think there's about 15 of them, we raise 2 for beef and the others belong to a guy who leases the land. My husband grew up without TV, he and his brother bought one when he was 16. He lived without indoor plumbing for the first 12 years of his life. Now he grew up working the farm, picking cotton, corn and milo (some kind of grain). He was pretty sheltered, grew up going to church 3 times a week, singings every Friday and Saturday. I enjoy listening to his stories but glad we always had a TV. He is 55 I will be 48 in November, we have been married 20 years in November. The fact that he still loves me despite everything I did that could have destroyed our marriage says alot for him. To tell you the truth I am his 3rd and last wife. We will grow old and become old farts together...halfway

How cool Rhonda, I live in the Monroe area!
Janet, Hey, I am not a Yankee snob. LOL and I live in Ct. Actually was born in Charleston, S.C. but being a Navy brat we got transferred to Ct. I love bringing our children up here but can't wait to retire and move down south. Hubby was born in Mississippi and grew up in Dallas, Tx. you would think he would hate living in Ct. all these years after being raised in the city but he loves it here. Well, I am off to work the concession stand at my sons football game. Hope everyone has a great night. Shantel
Wow, Janet...I live an hour and a half from there. I live close to Crossett kinda of in the middle of several towns....Crossett, Warren, Monticello, and Hermitage.

You crack me up

I was born and reaised G.R.I.T.S.
for those of you who don' t know:

"Girls Raises In The South "
and so proud of it.
If you heard this accent I got going on, you wouldn't even guess - I have been told I talk like Reba - I just can't carry a tune.

Of course the jol\kes could all qualify for us, (SC) too.

Shantell: We were born close - Charleston is beautiful.
I've always lived in Greenville.

these were were really good - mostly when I thought today was Monday.

I'm falling apart - got my sugar level down from 282 - that was last week
yesterday morning it was 121 and I had gained 2 pounds which ticked me off -
I was scared so scared of being A Diabetic - I ate perfectly healthy for the only week of my life so sugar's down, that's good but I feel more droopy than when it was high - I just found a lump in my breast and I have a personal medical problen that i'm sure no one wants to hear about - so I'm just falling apart. I think this was the first laugh I had in 2 days.

Becky Jean
Never mind!!!!