
Somebody, maybe Kee Kee, started a gratitude thread a couple of weeks ago and I was too caught up in my own drama to contribute to it. Couldn't find it so here is a new one.

Things are settling down a little, and I have to confess that I had something else going on for the last couple of weeks. I had an oncology check up and some of the results did not look good. Spleen is getting bigger, and my immune system (my IGG count, for you medical geeks out there) is very low. Nothing to get too alarmed about but my oncologist decided to do a bone marrow biopsy to determine whether or not my cancer had returned.

Just got a voice mail from my oncologist's office. My bone marrow is clean as a whistle. Doesn't mean that I do not have health issues, all cancer survivors do, but at least we can plan the wedding without worrying about honeymooning in a chemotherapy ward.

So, I am grateful today that I am sober, I am grateful that I have a wonderful woman in my life, and I am grateful that I do not have cancer.

Hey, I might go pump some iron in celebration of the my AA birthday!


I got chills when I read your test was clean! Congratulations!
Wow, news doesn't get much better than that...there's always something to be grateful for if we look hard enough. So very glad you are well.

That is great news! Big sigh of relief from Alice P.
I had my fingers and toes crossed David...I am so relieved. I'm just not done with you yet, so sorry, but you're here to stay.

Gratitude? I can find that. Even with all the bs and heartache, I can still find grattitude in my life each and every day. I am clean and sober, I have a beautiful family and a good life. Those are things I need to remember when things get a little uncomfortable.
Oh Thank God all is well with you August...Congrats on your sobriety and big congrats on your engagement.

Thank God you are okay. You've got a long and happy life ahead of you.
Hope things are good with you.
I made one meeting every day this week so far, if I go tomorrow, it'll be 7 for 7.
I've heard here and at several meetings that 90 meeting in 90 days are good to start. Its getting to be routine.
I'm going to bed, just wanted to say hello to you. I hope you and Pearly are having a wonderful weekend.

PS: Congratulations on your 19 years. That is tremendous!
Thanks Roe. I thought about you during my morning meditation. You are doing so well with your meetings, settling into a routine. I am absolutely amazed.

Far be it from me to allow you to get too comfortable though. Roe, it may be time to start looking around at some of the women that you see consistently in the meetings. Try to identify those who have "something that you want."

How about considering the possibility of approaching one of those targets to be your sponsor?

Keep up the good work, Roe. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Pearly is giving me my 19 year chip this morning at our meeting. She had a nice bronze one made.

With affection,

Great news, August! And if I missed a thread about your 19 year anniversary let me say congratulations now! WooHooo!!!
Congratulations David.That is good news.
I am grateful to be alive,clean and smoke free.Again.
Congrats David...I want what you have. I'm getting there..