Happy Birthday Kerry

Happy Birthday Kerry.........
Today you turn 32........
Tomorrow, will be the first day of the rest of your life.......
Love Yah,
love ya back..
my cell died..
will call you tomarrow..
Sorry you are feeling so poorly...my heart goes out to you.
Do you think the birthday thing triggered a relapse?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! wooo hoo you young spry chica.

hey girly i have to get my cubs ready for bed and school tommorow, but as a birthday gift to you, me and my kids will say all our prayers tonight souly for you :)

keep walking with me just cause i'm logging off doesnt mean i'm not still trailing along. i see a lil glow coming up ahead it's gonna get brighter soon. i'm not leaving your side. my spirits with yours.

Bless you for your help tonight, not just for Kerry, but for everyone here.
Sweet dreams, and thanks!
Happy birthday Kerry! I hope tommorrow will be a better day for you. Love, Kat
Happy Birthday Kerry!
happy brithday to you happybrithday to you happybrithday dear kerry happy brithday to you and many more love poopie hope you feel better I no how you feel nothing makes you happy but i TIME it will I promise sweety poopie
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you
Happy Bithday Dear Kerry, Happy birthday to you!
Your older than me, your older than me Ha-Ha-Ha.
Just had to say that,LOL I am a 1973 baby too. Oct I will be the big 32 so I can laugh at you all I want to...Try to have a good one sweetie. Hope you are feeling better soon, Rae
Happy Birthday KerBear.

OMG, I had no idea it was your birthday, I only talked to you 37 times today, lol...

Thanks you guys,...
hold on to the time....it sucks to go out...ouch...
Love yalls...
and rae...i am only a few months older...lol...if we were kids, I would be your leader...HAHAHHAHAHA
Hey Kerry, sorry I missed this -- Happy Birthday!!! What a present you're giving yourself.....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kerry, even though i'm a little late-nothing new there then!!