Happy Easter

Sunday Morning,

Hope-man what a force, what a power.

I think that is what I have narrowed this down to this week.

As I waded through all the insanity in my mind, as I fought through all the self pity, the fear, the prisons of my past.

Just as I awoke one day and stumbled over to my computer and begged for help.

Just as I have awaken every day sense.

I can not deny it, intellectualize or explain it.

This is my truth.

Something wakes me up, keeps me craving more awareness of it.

Something unshakable tells me, If you follow this way, good things will happen.

Maybe I am a dreamer.

But dreams die out eventually or they come true and our replaced with a new dream.

This Hope though it goes on and on.

Nothing can quiet it.

It is alive and powerful. Very Powerful.

If you do not want to take a pill today, if the answer as become the problem. If you have no idea how to get out from the situation your in. If you feel as though thee only thing life can offer is pain and misery.

I beg youThink again.

I love this board and the folks who come here.

Thanks. And Peace be with you.
Happy Easter everybody!
Happy Easter, deadhead...nice post as always =)