Whether you are clean,using, or trying, have a wonderful day!
The last several weeks, several times while in various retail stores, I picked up Michael Jackson's "Number Ones" CD, and just couldn't bring myself to buy it. I love his songs and believe he is an incredible talent, but couldn't bring myself to give 10 bucks to an (alleged) child molester.
Anyway, my 23 year old daughter gave me the CD this morning for Mother's Day, and said " I know how you feel about him, but I read that he lost his house, and maybe he just needs the 10 bucks right now. I know you really wanted the CD and Happy Mother's Day."
Wow. Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. Isn't that what it's all about?
Happy Mothers Day to you too A/D & too all moms.
I am pleased to say its now 66 days sober.Mot days it isnt even hard.Most days I dont even think of pills.
So I am so blessed & sp grateful to be sober this Mothers Day.Outside of fishing later..my day is just relax mode.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Love Sabrina
I am pleased to say its now 66 days sober.Mot days it isnt even hard.Most days I dont even think of pills.
So I am so blessed & sp grateful to be sober this Mothers Day.Outside of fishing later..my day is just relax mode.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Love Sabrina
You rock, Sabrina! congratulations! I know it hasn't been easy for you lately, way to go, and Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day Betsy!! Hope your day with your family is relaxing and sweet.
So, Micheal Jackson, huh? If that makes you happy, then I am thrilled for you! Your daughter is very sweet to remember you like that.
My family is making me dinner today while I relax with a good book. They are making my favorites....crab legs, fresh shrimp kabobs with vegetables, then Strawberry Trifle for desert. They even bought good wine (sorry) and these yummy white chocolate truffles, too. Plus some very nice gifts. I am a very lucky woman. We all are, just to be surrounded by our kids and to have so much love in our clean lives.
Enjoy the day!
Happy Mothers dayto you all.If i had my choice,i would stay right home and relax.But...we're having a big BBQ at my moms and ive already gotten 3 calls making sure im coming,(when its the last thing i want to do)
My husband bought me the same thing i get from him every year(he knows its exactly what i want) 2 huge hanging baskets of new guinea impatients(peachish color,huge,bright and beautiful!!!!) to hang on my front porch.Im going up to "garden time " myself and pick out something for my mother and grandmother.
Hope you all enjoy your day,and have your loving family around you,if not,at least have them in your hearts,for me,a phone call can go a long way sometimes.Love you all~KIM
My husband bought me the same thing i get from him every year(he knows its exactly what i want) 2 huge hanging baskets of new guinea impatients(peachish color,huge,bright and beautiful!!!!) to hang on my front porch.Im going up to "garden time " myself and pick out something for my mother and grandmother.
Hope you all enjoy your day,and have your loving family around you,if not,at least have them in your hearts,for me,a phone call can go a long way sometimes.Love you all~KIM