Happy New Year!!!!

I'm really looking forward to 2008 being a better year for everyone! This is a chance for a clean slate....so if you're still using, today is the day to think about quitting, but don't just think, act on it. I am so grateful today. I am clean and sober at the start of another year.

What's everyone up to today? Lazy day for me....
Happy New Year!

I went to a midnight yoga practice last night and we chanted in the new year. Came home with chills and a stomach bug (completely unromantic illness) so it's a lazy day for me, too. I'm going back to bed to watch Chronicles of Narnia.

No resolutions for me this year. I'm just going to stay in the moment and at the moment, crackers and ginger ale are calling to me. LOL

I'm sorry your aren't feeling well Gina..what a bummer. I watched that movie the other night, loved it. I remember reading it in Jr High I think...It's a wonderful story. Take care of yourself darlin...
Hi Lisa! Happy New Year to you too. Getting ready for Hawaii? That will be fun. Where are you staying? Do you hotel it? Steve is going for sure....haven't pin pointed an exact date yet but it will be in the first few weeks of Jan. I will go if he plans on staying more than a few days. It is a long way to go for a short time. My son may tag along and if that happens then for sure I will go, he will stay at least a couple of weeks. I bet you are looking forward to it.

My New Years Days will be quiet as well. I am going to clean up and tear down Christmas decorations, I will maybe make a pot of turkey soup. How long before leftover turkey goes bad....LOL.

Last night was nice....my son was here for a while and I made a big Greek salad with skewers of marinated steak....that was yummy. Then of course root beer floats with mountains of whip cream and a cherry on top! Around 9:00 a big white stretch limo pulled into my driveway....my son was off for the night! They were suppose to go to banff but went to a big bash somewhere....he was off to pick up his sister and friends. I had no desire to go anywhere....LOL...not even in a limo!

I toasted midnight at 10:00....LOL...Kearra had no clue...we are a few hours behind the East Coast so it was easy to pull that one off with all the specials on digital cable. We brought in the almost New Year with Ginger ale and maraschino cherries! Not long after that we were all sleeping...well before midnight. If you ask Kearra....she stayed up well past...so funny!

Hope your feeling better.....relax today. After the holidays are over it can be such a let down. I despise the month of January. Cold, long and tons of bills to pay....did I mention cold? Have a good one! If you ever need to chat...I am always available!
Hey Gina! Hope your feeling better too. I never ever drink soda...last night...way to much Gingerale.....if I never drink it again, that will be fine by me!

Maybe some chicken soup? Give that a try...even if it is out of a can.

Take care and get better.
Yep, getting ready. I sent you an email Kerri...hope that we can be there at the same time. We leave Sat morning, be there until the following Sat. We're staying in a condo, the Kona Reef? Do you know it? It's an older property but the only thing that came up in our search at such short notice. Everything was booked. I don't even have a seat assignment on the plane yet! Hope they let me on! lol

We were in bed by 11 last night. We're such party poopers now. The roads were icy and too many drunks so it was a good night to stay home. A limo sounds so cool! What a fun thing for them to do...
I know the place, the condo we lived in for the last months we were there is just up the hill a bit. I know the Kona Reef has been under construction for a long time...they are updating I think and adding on. You are real close to town and right beside a great surf spot.

I didn't get your email but my gmail account has been acting up lately. I will check the other account as well. I forget about that one....LOL..so many are mad at me for not getting back to them. I am so bad at emailing and phone calling...I am lucky to have the friends that I have....lol....they know eventually I get to it!

Steve has a real bad shoulder injury and needs surgery. He thought it was a rotator cuff but had an MRI and it should that the muscle is 75% torn off the bone. I thought he was acting like a big baby!! He plans on getting the surgery and going to Hawaii to work...he doesn't want to take time off from his job here....so he may stay longer due to the "re coup". He is insane!

I know..I am just not the fun party girl that I used to be....old age...nawwwww....its called recovery and sobriety! I will take it any day after being through what I have. I am sure most of us would!!
Happy New Year everyone.

After a tough year, I'm sure this one will be better. It's nice feeling hopeful.

Lisa, I accidently spammed your email to me. I was highlighting junk and hitting the spam button, and accidently clicked yours too. It was between two junk ones. Sorry. Happy New Year to you too!

I'm sorry you're not feeling well Gina. Get better soon. You've been missed.

Hey Kerry, I'm sure you can accomplish anything you want to. You hang in there girl, and have a wonderful New Year!

Love, Beck

I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well : (

I read this and thought....well, that wasn't her kundalini rising...that really was chills and yuck. Sorry, I know you may not feel like a chuckle, but I did kinda smile about the similarities there! Feel better! Now!

Shanti Shanti


My pork was wonderful...and I made a new cabbage dish. Cabbage, chantrelles and oyster shrooms, cipallini onions, garlic, pinon nuts, tumeric, garlic powder, a little brown sugar, ghee, and red pepper sautee'. YUMMMMMMMM. And good for the TUMMMMMMMMM.

Didn't have any black eyed peas...but, we sub'd with brussel sprouts and baked sweet potato's. (louisiana sweet potato's that my friend brought me).

I am going to bed early this evening. I have a lot to accomplish tomorrow. Just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone.


I got your reply Beck so I'm not sure what you mean? I guess I know now how you feel about me....lol