Happy New Years Eve


I hope you guys have a great evening whether it be a big celebration or not so big (like mine will be).

I am going into the New Year clean for the first time in years & I am excited about that! I don't know what 2008 has waiting for me, but it has to be better than 2006 & 2007. I'm optimistic at any rate. I am definately going to try to have a positive attitude about it. Who knows I might just win the lottery or something..lol

Have a great evening (&day) & keep it safe!
Hey Rhonda...HNY to you too!

I actually can't wait for New Years to be over and to get on with 2008 already...LOL. I always take down my tree the day after New Years, but this year I am cleaning up and tearing down tomorrow! For some reason I just want to get on with it already.

Have a good one! We have no big plans.....my kids are going first class....they have a bunch of friends together that chipped in for a LIMO for the night and are going to Banff....they will spend the night and ski tomorrow. It's to damn cold for me to ski.....I need spring conditions. I like to ski in shorts! They will have fun, I am little worried about them being on the highway but at least I know they won't be driving.

I just wanted to add.....isn't it funny how New Years Eve used to be a very big deal????? Now it's just another day!
OMG....I know. I wouldn't miss a NYE pary for anything. Now, no big deal to me. Of, course hubby thinks I'm a big prude for it, but it happens when you grow up..lol I kinda like being a grown up.

I guess I should go to town & get some fireworks for the kiddos like usual.....I'm really not into this year. Ugggh...I am a prude!!
No you are NOT a prude. You are working a program of recovery. Your husband is an overgrown teenager! I feel so bad for you. I read that your son is getting involved. This is a big NO NO. It is so confusing for kids, especially at that age. Your husbutt needs professional help.

If at all possible Rhonda, I would seek out family or even individual therapy for your son. If he is exhibiting that sort of behaviour it will only get worse. The age of 12 is a real turning point for most adolecesents and he is in real danger. I can't imagine husbutt being a good example. I know my X gave my kids booze at that age. I am not exaggerating.....he would let them drink and would offer booze to there friends.....his a** should have been in jail.

I know you are going through so many changes and that it is hard, but the sooner you grab hold of this problem the better. You husbutt is not doing you son any favours by allowing him to disrespect you. I hope things get better for you soon. You may have to make some big changes....remember....just because you aren't the breadwinner doesn't mean that you don't have any money. All that the two of you have is yours as well...even if he would like you to believe that you have nothing.

A person in active addiction will lose every time. He will be forced out and he will have to continue to pay until you get on your feet. I think you should seek some legal advice. It doesn't cost anything the first time and you will get a good idea about what your next move should be.

Back at ya Rhonda.........you too Kee Kee.........Happy New Year!

Prude? If skipping a party makes one a prude then I'm a straight up miraculous prude like chickie.

Fireworks? They legal in your parts I guess Rhonda? Sitting in the tree house watching some explosives is always a good time......LOL.........CONGRATS, Rhonda on your clean time...........you've done great.........it's a good New Year a coming just the fact you're sober.

Be proud. I know we all are proud of ya.
You are right Kerri bout my son! I have been discussing it with my counselor & I know that something must be done. He was my baby...how did I lose him? The only time he treats me decent is when he wants something.

LMAO Bryn.....yep, we's country folk can shoot fireworks right out of our treehouse! I forget that you can't shoot em in the city. We used to have bottle rocket wars when I was growing up. We would shoot em right at each other. Of course we had forts & such. I dont know how we didn't kill ourselves or atleast get badly hurt. I'd have a fit if I saw my kids doing that now. It was just a different time then.

Whatcha doing tonight?

Hey Rhonda KeeKee and BRYN - Hope all of you have fun tonight - I will probably be asleep at midnight (I'm telling my age - lol) well unless the ballgame isn't over yet - we will be watching the PeachBowl
(now Chickfila Bowl) - Clemson and Auburn.
My youngest is there in GA wearing a cap that he had PEACHY sewn on and orange shirt and khaki slacks w/tiger paws on them - haha - I'm sure he is a sight - don't think he's gonna grow up any time soon.

We used to go to the parties too - long long ago.
Of course we would get wasted.

Dear Rhonda - You deserve the best that 2008 has to offer - I am so excited for you!

KK - You are a doll - I love to read your uplifting posts - you pep me up.
We may be close to the same age - I'm 51 and you make me feel younger.

Love to e'one and HNY!!!

My evening is low key tonight, because I choose for it to be! It doesn't feel like punishment to me....it truly is by choice!

I usually go out to the country on NYE, and have for many years, back home....it is one of my closest friends' birthday. I will miss her tonight...and I know she is missing me too...but, it is so nice not to have to feel the pressure to party!!!!

Forced gaiety is just the worst in my opinion. Tomorrow, I am smoking half a hog that my nephew killed. (I know, isn't that gross???), but, he was so proud to bring it to me...so I will proudly smoke it, and eat it tomorrow with my cabbage and black eyed peas.

I wish you all good health and prosperity in the new year!


Awww thanks Becky...you too!

Sarah.....I choose it too & I don't feel the least bit bad about it!!
Back at ya Becky Jean.

O.K. it's official............Sarah is smoking a hog her nephew killed.......she wins as more country than Rhonda, O.K.?

This amazes me.........got my nice pork roast from up yonder at the supermarket..............saurekraut and all is ready..........continuing the tradition of my German ancestors who came as immigrants to the US........and brought their pork with them is all I can say.

Happy New Yeat to you all...........Philly has a small crisis........MUMMERS have been postponed until 12:00 noon..........this is monumental in that:

You have guys that haven't gone to sleep yet............they are clad in feathers, and make-up..............the comics are always first.............and mostly drunk out their minds..............you just grab an umberella, and a wench wig and strut like a nut..............they however have one CLEAN AND SOBER comic division called cleverly "TWELVE STEPPERS"..........then ya get the fancy brigades, and then the stringbands which are the best.

Allllllllllllllllllllllll YEAR long they all practice and the costumes are beautiful.......if it rains it ruins the feathers so they gotta start late............which means more rowdiness.................just wanted to share how we do New Years here...............Mummer style.

We ain't roasting no hog.............although I think I'd enjoy it.

Peace and all good things in this New Year Y'all.
Hi Bryn!! Good to see you over here! Hope things are going well for you. I know that you have really been going through some stuff lately with your daughter....uugghhh....daughters! Aren't they a treat! LOL

Becky! You are such a sweetie...thanks for your kindness....I am so happy to hear that my ramblings have the smallest of good effect on something! Yes...we are close enough in age to be sisters! You are the oldest...lol...but not by much! I was 44 in May!...OMG....I cannot believe I will hit the big 45 this year!! Which is only 5 years from the big 50!!! WTH!!!

Damn, I hate it when reality sets in!

Going to book a facial now!