Happy Thursday! Day 21

Life is good! Had a two day migraine that is subsiding. I feel so good after 21 days. I am finally getting "normal" with the digestion issue, and slowing to normal on eating. Wow, great inspirational board, as I have followed a lot of peoples stories! Hey Sarah!
Congratulations on 3 weeks clean!!! Keep up the good fight!
Thank You Thank You!! And to anyone with a lot less time under their belt, IT IS SO WORTH IT! Hang in there. Everyday I wake up not looking for the pill supply, I just can't believe it. The hardest thing I have done, also the most rewarding, (second to my daughter of course, lol)
Hay Brendi,

Congratulations on 21 days!

I am so glad you are feeling better. It takes time but each day you get closer and closer to feeling wondeful. Sounds like you are there.

Hey Brenda!

Sorry, I haven't been around...but it looks like you have been keeping good company!

I got a wicked stomach virus...yesterday was unbelievable...wow..is all I can say.

Anyway, I am finally feeling better, a little! Dark circles under my eyes are kind of scarey though!

3 weeks is GREAT, GREAT, GREAT!!!!

Things come and go physically to get ourselves back together...and a dad gum miagraine is not fun at all. Glad that is passing. Keep it up...and take good care of yourself too!

I won't be around tomorrow or Saturday, LOTS of last minute shopping to do as I missed 3 crucial school free days...oh well, do gifts really matter??? hahaha, i wish the answer was "no"...but alas, young people expect presents!

Take Care,

Yea Sarah! Glad to hear you are around! I have been trying to work with power outages, (just don't work too well, lol). I am sooo much better, and even went to a friends to square up on why I have been avoiding her. She wasn't there but I got a chance to talk on the phone real quick, and we are good again. I told her I wuld explain later. I avoided her like 4 or 5 months toward the end, because of my weight and the paranoid cloudy self that I was! She is moving to Alabama from Washington State, (yikes) We have neen friends since I was 13, (crazy story) anyhoW! Good luck with the shopping, I have some to do as well, and some baking too. This sobriety has been a wonderful gift, I would'nt have it any other way! It is such a relief not to have to seek, worry or "score" pills!! TAKE CARE! talk soon.........bd