I have been on Suboxone for about a month now and I am ready to start tapering more to come off of it real soon. However I went to the websight Jake reccomended and read nothing but horror stories of the hell people went through after quitting Sub. I'm just curious if anyone has had a positve experience coming off of Sub? If so how long were you on it? How much did you take? Also did you wean yourself and if so what was the process? Sorry I know that is a lot of questions. I am just confused my doctor said I should stay on for 6 months to a yeat and would have no problems coming off. I am starting to wonder if he knows what he is talking about. Anyways any advise would be appreciated :)
I think your smart to want off of sub early. I posted in another thread that I am coming off on Friday. John Dee has a pretty good success story with sub but he was only on it for 10 days and I know the longer your on the harder/longer the WD. I am going to give it a shot. I plan on giving my sub to some one I can trust to hold for me after Friday so it's not so easy for me to just keep taking it. After all I have read I think that it's mostly fatigue and depression and some insomnia. Not Fun but doable is what I think it boils down too. Hang in there and if anyone else could chime in with some experience to help out Chrissy that would be great : )
I think your smart to want off of sub early. I posted in another thread that I am coming off on Friday. John Dee has a pretty good success story with sub but he was only on it for 10 days and I know the longer your on the harder/longer the WD. I am going to give it a shot. I plan on giving my sub to some one I can trust to hold for me after Friday so it's not so easy for me to just keep taking it. After all I have read I think that it's mostly fatigue and depression and some insomnia. Not Fun but doable is what I think it boils down too. Hang in there and if anyone else could chime in with some experience to help out Chrissy that would be great : )
Thanks for the quick reply. It does not seem like anyone is around. Anyways let me know how it goes on Friday. How much are you taking right now, what do you plan to take this week to get you ready to stop??
RED had a pretty positive experience coming off of SUB. She said her w/d were very mild.
----The longer and higher amount .....the more difficult. The thing that we have to do is to stay on our cut down amount for at least 5 days. The half life of SUB is 32 hours . That means you are still feeling the sub you took over 3 days ago .
** Look at it like this . If you took 8 mill on a Monday . 32 hours later you would still have 4 mill in you . Then another 32 hours later you will still have 2 mill in you . Then another 32 hours you will have 1 mill in you , SO IT TOOK YOU 96 HOURS to GET DOWN TO 1 mill . THATS 4 days.............
And most people take every day , so you can see how it will build up in you .
Cut down and hold for 5 days .....then do it again . Sub is very powerful. Some people should take as little as .25 mil before they make there final break.
Good luck Chrissy , It is a grind , but it is manageable.
RED had a pretty positive experience coming off of SUB. She said her w/d were very mild.
----The longer and higher amount .....the more difficult. The thing that we have to do is to stay on our cut down amount for at least 5 days. The half life of SUB is 32 hours . That means you are still feeling the sub you took over 3 days ago .
** Look at it like this . If you took 8 mill on a Monday . 32 hours later you would still have 4 mill in you . Then another 32 hours later you will still have 2 mill in you . Then another 32 hours you will have 1 mill in you , SO IT TOOK YOU 96 HOURS to GET DOWN TO 1 mill . THATS 4 days.............
And most people take every day , so you can see how it will build up in you .
Cut down and hold for 5 days .....then do it again . Sub is very powerful. Some people should take as little as .25 mil before they make there final break.
Good luck Chrissy , It is a grind , but it is manageable.
I know sub has a long half life, but after 24 hours, even 12, I feel it....
I am scared after reading all of those stories.
I am one that just can't tough it out...that is how I got into the ultramm mess.
So, I am at 8, and am gona taper with you all...
I am scared after reading all of those stories.
I am one that just can't tough it out...that is how I got into the ultramm mess.
So, I am at 8, and am gona taper with you all...
today was such a awful day..i am comming off oxy's .been on my sub for 5 days now...there not working like they used to..when i first started taking sub last may i felt pretty good...its 11 months later and i'm back at square one.
wonder when i'll satrt to feel o.k. again..its so nice out and i am feeling so low and so bad...hope i can do this again..
wonder when i'll satrt to feel o.k. again..its so nice out and i am feeling so low and so bad...hope i can do this again..
Jake since we have been on Sub for the same amount of time could you tell me what your taper plans are. When do you plan on stopping the Suboxone for good. I am just trying to come up with a good taper plan. I started with 8..then went to 4... Now I am at 2 some days 4 depending on my mood. anyways any advise would help. I am hoping to hear some postive post about coming off of Suboxone.... I am beginning to wonder if there are any :(
I went 8 days after 4 months on subs and I was in agony .I saw my Dr. and he told me to take 1 mill , which I did yesterday at 2pm . I felt fine until around 6 this evening and now am headed back into hell . What seems to be the answer here is to stay on subs for only a short period of time . Otherwise , I assure you , they are very difficult to come off . If you have been on them only a month , then you may find the WDS to be tolerable.
My previous post was just to show how that when we take 8 mil a day , our body really has much more than that in it . It gets used to that large amount and can give us problems when we want to get off.
** If you want to wean down , I would have 4 mill as a goal that should be attainable in the near future. It may take a month but if you work on it and do it slow ....you should not feel much discomfort.
** As an example : You could Cut down 1 mill a week. But what ever you cut , you should not cut again for at least 5 days.
Kerry, This would be a reasonable goal without too much discomfort.
Good luck.
I too struggled at around 2 mill.
I took 2 mill for about 5 - 7days,
1.5 for about 5 - 7days
Now I am taking 1 mill for 2 days so far .days .
THIS IS MY PLAN but it may change as I feel different:
I plan to stay at 1 mill for another 4 days
then go to .75 mill for 5 days
then .5 mill for 5 days
then .5 every other day for a week
then off.
This is all subject to change . I have had good days and bad. I just want to be free of this stuff. Good luck Chrissy and Kerry, we all can do it.
My previous post was just to show how that when we take 8 mil a day , our body really has much more than that in it . It gets used to that large amount and can give us problems when we want to get off.
** If you want to wean down , I would have 4 mill as a goal that should be attainable in the near future. It may take a month but if you work on it and do it slow ....you should not feel much discomfort.
** As an example : You could Cut down 1 mill a week. But what ever you cut , you should not cut again for at least 5 days.
Kerry, This would be a reasonable goal without too much discomfort.
Good luck.
I too struggled at around 2 mill.
I took 2 mill for about 5 - 7days,
1.5 for about 5 - 7days
Now I am taking 1 mill for 2 days so far .days .
THIS IS MY PLAN but it may change as I feel different:
I plan to stay at 1 mill for another 4 days
then go to .75 mill for 5 days
then .5 mill for 5 days
then .5 every other day for a week
then off.
This is all subject to change . I have had good days and bad. I just want to be free of this stuff. Good luck Chrissy and Kerry, we all can do it.
i was on suboxone for 2 months or so, i finally came off it. i feel crappy but not as bad as c/t. i came off too fast. i did it over 1 week. 8mgs, 4mgs, 2mgs, 1mgs, none. i did each mg for 1 day. try to cut down slow you'll be fine.
good luck
good luck