Have A Great Day Everyone........

Gotta get goin', just wanted to wish everyone a great day. I hope everyone has a nice day, love ya's, talk to ya's later. I don't usually ask, but if you all wouldn't mind shooting up a quick prayer for me today, I'm off for an x-ray, I think I have another kidney stone, the pain is getting worse by the minute and I'm doing my best to ignore it, but because I choose not to take anything, I'm praying it's small enough to pass on my own quickly with alot of water. I'm outta here folks,
thanks in advance, love ya's, have a nice day.
Take care.......................................God bless......................................Bob
I will say a prayer for you. I pray you pass it without anymore pain. Kidney stones are horrible. I feel for you. Please let us know how things went today when you get back. Take care! Rae
Bob I will keep you in my prayers today.. Let us know how it goes at the dr. today, thanks for the chat last night I sent you some e-mail.. My internet service went down and could not get it back up... Hope to talk soon your chat really help me alot..
well bob....

you know how i feel and of course you are in my thoughts and prayers... I have a good feeling about today ... things will be fine and you will feel better....

love ya... talk to you all tonight...

SOS prayer sent up just now, since I got on kind of later and missed this when you posted it. I swear Bob, they should put you in a hospital and do some kind of extensive testing. No one should have to go through this as often as you do. I admire your ability to stay clean under circumstances such as these. I doubt very much that I could. Years ago I had a teeny tiny kidney stone (so small you couldnt even see it). I couldn't get out of the recliner for a whole weekend and was doubled over with pain. Ha, and I thought I took pain pretty well, that little kidney stone showed me a thing or two. Giving birth to all my children I didn't even say "ouch", but that kidney stone had me close to tears. So as always, my heart is with you and praying you will be okay. I'd say it's about time you got a break! Love you buddy, Kat
Thankyou so much guys for the prayers, I passed a stone about the size of a Tic-Tac, I feel much better now. I'm really sore but nothing like I was earlier.
Thanks again, love ya's.
Take care......................................God bless........................................Bob
Glad to hear you are feeling better Bob
Thankyou Janet, really, it means alot. Hope your doing ok today.
Take care........................................God bless......................................Bob
One of my buddies has those he has to pass constantly. Literally, every month or so. This is how he became addicted to Darvocet. Poor thing eats 15-20 a day now.

He has NO desire to quit and has even said he preffered death over cleanliness. After that remark, I pretty much gave up but I ask everytime I see him if he is still using. I get "Am I still breathing'? I'll take that as a yes :(

He has no fear of RX drugs, he has no education in regards to them. Hope he doesnt learn the hard way.

Is he lying? Can he literally be taking 15 to 20 pills a day and live to tell about it?
wow Bob saw this post and thought omg not another stone then i read down and saw your ok well thats good news buddy. jackie xxxxxxxxxxxx
Well, now that I'm clean and sober, just for me, I don't take anything for kidney stones and I get them all the time. But to answer your question, yes, I took between 50-100 percocet a day and when I was on oxy's I took between 15-20 80mg pills a day plus what ever else I could get.
Take care.......................................God bless.......................................Bob
Jacky, thankyou, yeah I'm feeling better than I was earlier. It's nice to see ya', we usually pass like ships in the night! lol Love ya'.
Take care......................................God bless.....................................Bob
We sure do Bob but its comforting knowing your there jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I like knowing your around too. In fact just so ya' know, I keep up with your diary thread every now and then and I think your doing great and ya' sound good.
I love ya'...................Take care.........................God bless.......................Bob

soooooooo glad your feeling better. now i can harrass you in good consience againe *whew punk : )


in answer to your question i took approximately 35-45 pills a day (i never actually counted just kept popping) in the combonation of hydro's 750's xanax 1 mg and soma (muscle relaxer) all at the same time daily for approximately the last 3 years of my run. i lived to tell about it and i quit all three at the same time with a 5 day taper and only reason a taper was required was because of the xanax and it was only 5 days and i still lived to tell about that too. so yes it is possable. besides for which darvocet is like aspirin in comparison to what bob and i have used.

Thinking about it now, between the booze, cocaine, and pills not only am I lucky to be alive, I can't believe I was able to function at all back then. I know for me, I have no doubt God was watching over me.
Take care......................................God bless.....................................Bob
Hi bob!! Glad you're back and okay. You know, I just can't even imagine quite that many in a day. You are a miracle, just to be alive!! I don't know how you functioned. I really can't even guess what a nightmare it must have been for you to keep up a habit of that size. I sure am glad you're clean and sober and here to tell the tale. Hope you get some rest today and are up to par by nightime so we can chat with you! Love, Kat
Hi Bob

I'm glad everything turned out well for you. Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement to me.

Appreciated more than you know.
Bob I am so glad that you are feeling better and that the stone finally passed, I have never had a kidney stone so can not even imagine how it felt.. But am glad you are ok..


Ouch........ Those reaaaaaly hurt. Only had em once. That was once to many.
