I really truly want to know why you are here. I mean what were you looking for in recovery message board. I am not trying to start trouble, I just really want to know. And then maybe we can work from there. I think everyone deserves a chance for recovery. Are you currently in withdrawal or you at that point where you have decided that you have had enough of this addiction and are pssd off and want to get on with recovery, I know thats how I felt, angry, alone and sick and tired of letting this get the best of me. I'm truly curious and interested. You sound like a complex person and I like that.
Doo, i am refraining from saying what i want to say to you right now. It is very hard to try and reach out to a fellow addict when they do nothing but bash others... esp after the comments about our children. Whether you realize it or not you have hurt others beside yourself. Didn't you say you are married? Don't you think you have hurt him? Do you have children? Why don't you tell us a little more about yourself before you start bashing the rest of us. The only way you never hurt anyone with your pill abuse is if you live on an island by yourself. Think about it. You are in denial right now... i am sorry you are hurting. Don't say you aren't cuz you are or you wouldn't be here. My advice to you is to take the cotton out of your ears and stick it in your mouth. Attend a few meetings. It's time to start looking at YOU for a change. I can't say you haven't made me a little angry right now, but i will say that i can support you when you are ready to get serious about recovery.
I hate when I type this long post, click it, then it has been locked.
Do, I may be one of those who you do not want to converse with, and that is ok, doesnt matter, as long as you talk to someone.
The meaness on both sides was out of line to say the least.
What Trix said was dead on.
What I saw in your posts, was someone scared, arrogant, which in my opinion you hide behind as a shield of protection, and only you can let it down. Just my opinion and feel free to tell me I am dead wrong.
|Not meaning this in an offensive way at all.
So how about starting over and talk to those you connect with that could help you.
Do, I may be one of those who you do not want to converse with, and that is ok, doesnt matter, as long as you talk to someone.
The meaness on both sides was out of line to say the least.
What Trix said was dead on.
What I saw in your posts, was someone scared, arrogant, which in my opinion you hide behind as a shield of protection, and only you can let it down. Just my opinion and feel free to tell me I am dead wrong.
|Not meaning this in an offensive way at all.
So how about starting over and talk to those you connect with that could help you.
Sounds like there's some people who care Doo. Temper it abit and realize that we are all the same and in the same boat. If you look closely at those pictures in that picture thread, those people are beautiful.. Not a druggie looker in the bunch. It's ok if you don't agree with some (at least I hope it's ok) but give others the benefit of the doubt and start asking some questions that will help you.
Just a suggestion.
Just a suggestion.
Ladies, I know who Doo is, for real. I will have to tell you all about it in an email and I will get them out to you asap. This person has never logged onto the board and posted under another name. Lets just leave it at that until I can get some mail out. Thanks and Goodnight. Yeah, I couldn't sleep because my wheels were turning about who this person is. They ARE NOT here for help, what they are doing is a big joke. They are spying, lets just leave it at that for now. I promise, none of you know this person personally and I do.
Renny, Thank you you are right.
Brook- I don't want to talk to you
FloridaGirl- Who do you think that you are that you think that you know me personally? I don't think so. and if you know people who would go on here and spy as you say and you were in on the so called JOKE then you are really a sick person.
Have a nice day.
Brook- I don't want to talk to you
FloridaGirl- Who do you think that you are that you think that you know me personally? I don't think so. and if you know people who would go on here and spy as you say and you were in on the so called JOKE then you are really a sick person.
Have a nice day.
Doo,I only hope that you will learn to just skip over the post of the people you do not want to talk to so to speak and honestly if you just go about your business and dont worry about anyone but yourself that might work better for you.All of the people you are saying you will not talk to are people that will go to any length to help the addict still suffering I would think if you are having this much negative that you might consider finding another board that does agree with you.I just know one thing for sure and that is you place principles before personalities I have read all of these post and still have not found that you are here to seek help from anyone who is working some type of program but you willingly admit that you are actively still in addiction and you are trying to give people your advice that doesnt make to much sense considering what you are doing must not be working very well because the most identifiable trait that we are still caught up in our disease is self centeredness and that is what is shining thru on all of your post the people that are here are upset because they are working on themselves and have only stepped out to help you to work on their disease by not being self consumed there are certain things we all do when we WANT to CHANGE and WANT to get sober.Most important is to ADMIT YOU are POWERLESS and that your life is UNMANAGEABLE this is just the way that you can begin the recovery process .Please if you are not serious about recovery and willing to admit that you are powerless over the pain pills please stop telling people that have done this what to do as there are people on this board that TRULY WANT and NEED help and ADMIT that they do and there way just has not worked and they need help you have shown NONE of this .Please stop trying to destroy peoples peace and serenity you have only brought on confusion and that is not of God God and his way of life that He wants for us is not your way it is the opposite you are truly bringing the darkside to this board .That is not safe for those who are vulnerable right now.Please think about what your true motives are and if you dont want to recover and learn a new way of life I really do think you are in the wrong place .Sorr5y to be so blunt but enough is enough for real.
Someone please read my signature.
P.S Pam you asked what kind of name is DOO--its $hit
Between her plastic surgery and her name I would venture a guess her self esteem is quite Low--JMO
Someone please read my signature.
P.S Pam you asked what kind of name is DOO--its $hit
Between her plastic surgery and her name I would venture a guess her self esteem is quite Low--JMO
Whether or not you've had plastic surgery(I did) or partied too much,rich, poor.....when it comes to addiction we are the same.When we are still using there is a lot of anger and denial....Doo....if you really want help you will have to stop judging...everyone here helped me when I was down and out...saw me through many a panic attack...I know that if I am hurting or get in trouble, I will not be ignored on this board.Do you know how good that feels? No one can understand an addict like an addict. I was VERY functional taking percocet all day...dressed well and always looked one had a clue.I appeared to be a well-educated, successful person.The truth was I could not function w/o pills...spent lots of $$ on pills and am broke now.It's sad.But I must move on.I only have 21 days sober due to a medically-related relapse but I am SO happy to be sober I said, arrogance won't help you...first you have to get humble.BTW, if you think fibro is not a real disease, think again. I have Lupus and Fibro and the latter gives me the most trouble.Since you are interested in books read Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum's book"Fatigued to Fantastic"...very informative. I hope you get the help you need...none of us is an island..we need one another. Best of luck,Sharonn
I hope that you are still around and will read this.After having time to myself to think about the things that were said, i have to say that i am sorry for being rude to you last night.Don't get me wrong, i still beleive that people have legit reasons to take pain pills.But no matter what the reason, it dosen't give them the right to abuse them.IMO, you seem to be someone that thinks meds are not a option at all.Which leads me to ask, why did you start w/ pain pills to begain with?Was it b/c you had surgery or was there something deeper?That is a question only you can answer.
No matter what you may think of me, i honestly hope that you find the help that you need to get clean and stay that way.And if you use this board to help you, you will find lots of great people here that are willing to help.
What have you got to lose?
Good luck to you....
I hope that you are still around and will read this.After having time to myself to think about the things that were said, i have to say that i am sorry for being rude to you last night.Don't get me wrong, i still beleive that people have legit reasons to take pain pills.But no matter what the reason, it dosen't give them the right to abuse them.IMO, you seem to be someone that thinks meds are not a option at all.Which leads me to ask, why did you start w/ pain pills to begain with?Was it b/c you had surgery or was there something deeper?That is a question only you can answer.
No matter what you may think of me, i honestly hope that you find the help that you need to get clean and stay that way.And if you use this board to help you, you will find lots of great people here that are willing to help.
What have you got to lose?
Good luck to you....
What DJ said goes for me too..........
Welcome DOO.......Let us help you or at least talk to you. We are all here to help, not hurt.
Welcome DOO.......Let us help you or at least talk to you. We are all here to help, not hurt.
Lucky me, a storm kept me offline yesterday and last night.
Welcome to the board, Doo. Lots of people make a big splash when they first get here. So what stage of recovery are you in?
Love, Kat
Welcome to the board, Doo. Lots of people make a big splash when they first get here. So what stage of recovery are you in?
Love, Kat
We all have our own opinions. Apologize ? For what? That poster owes a bunch of people an apology.
This says it all.
Never argue with an idiot, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
This says it all.
Never argue with an idiot, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
It's very common for those using to look down their nose at other addicts, Jeff. I know I've certainly done it. It helps them to not feel so bad about their addiction. It takes time to understand this disease and the fact it knows no boundries.
It feels good to eventually embrace our fellow addict and no longer have to feel alone. Give her time.
Love, Kat
It feels good to eventually embrace our fellow addict and no longer have to feel alone. Give her time.
Love, Kat
Floridagirl you are some kind of fake. First you tell everyone that you know me personally and that I am a spy on here or something and you will explain it all in some email. So you are saying that you and some of your friends get on here and play cruel jokes on people. I am courious to know how you explained that in an email to everybody. Yea I do have a problem with drugs but at least I am not playing with peoples emotions like you. As for your side kick Suboxman- you don't know me so don't. You might be one of her "FRIENDS" that play with her, Please don't play with me.
Floridagirl you are some kind of fake. First you tell everyone that you know me personally and that I am a spy on here or something and you will explain it all in some email. So you are saying that you and some of your friends get on here and play cruel jokes on people. I am courious to know how you explained that in an email to everybody. Yea I do have a problem with drugs but at least I am not playing with peoples emotions like you. As for your side kick Suboxman- you don't know me so don't. You might be one of her "FRIENDS" that play with her, Please don't play with me.
How did you know about Pam and I?
How did you know about Pam and I?
So far you dont want to talk to Brook, Suboxman OR Floridagirl...You like Flipperbaby although he called you a pig. Is there someone that you want to talk to? We can put a request in for your favorite people... You know you can just start a new thread to the specific person you want to speak with... Then you can get the help you need. Did you take those 6-8 pills you take everyday? Have you taken your noon dose? Have you thought of tapering and quitting the pills altogether? Why are you here? How long have you used? What can others do to help you? Or are you just here to cause problems and act like a brat? Rae
So Doo Like I asked nicely before How many pills do you take? What is your story? Do you want some help or continue to talk down to people.
From all your posts I see a person who has very low self esteem. Isee someone trying to reach out but man you need some people skills.
For the record I am nobodies sidekick.
You my friend need help. Like I said before I hope you get it.
One good sign I see you admit you have a problem with drugs. So how can we help you if you continue to bash us.
From all your posts I see a person who has very low self esteem. Isee someone trying to reach out but man you need some people skills.
For the record I am nobodies sidekick.
You my friend need help. Like I said before I hope you get it.
One good sign I see you admit you have a problem with drugs. So how can we help you if you continue to bash us.
Suboxman-Jeff isn't it? NYC Cop?
You are just the trigger that I need to go and pop a pill.
I guess that is part of the game that you and Floridagirl play so you can save us from the evil demons of drugs.
Your a great insperation.
You are just the trigger that I need to go and pop a pill.
I guess that is part of the game that you and Floridagirl play so you can save us from the evil demons of drugs.
Your a great insperation.
Go for it
Where are my manners?
Your Welcome Your welcome Your Welcome Your Welcome
Where are my manners?
Your Welcome Your welcome Your Welcome Your Welcome