He And His Mom Smoke Green ,, Always..

I have been with my guy for over 2 1/2 years.. well I am finally sick of being ok with his pot smoking,, He is a good guy and responsible. but I find he is VERY depend on using,, it's not just recreational , it's every day, morn , throughout and night,, He is a functional pot head,,
Help.. I have been trying to be ok,, and now I am just mad that the person I love needs this..

Why??? does one need something like this in their life,,,

I am struggling very much with this issue...

and it is closing my heart towards him,,,

He walked away tonight choosing this over me... I know not good to do that.. but I am tired of competing,,,

I need to stay away.. we have different value systems?

any thoughts anyone?
p.s,, his mom smokes and I believe this is how he was raised...
Losing battle for me?
Hey..I can relate to your story, I dont have a girlfriend addicted to pot, but my sister has been for about 4 years now and shes 17.

People assume pot is not addicting and someone can simply stop whenever they want. However, this is not the case. My sister is still unable to break this addiction. She is slowly learning that it is the reason for the many negative things that go on in her life, but she is not to the point yet where she even realizes it is a problem. It takes time, and sometimes, the person is not strong enough to stop on their own, simply because they dont even realize its a problem.

I think what you need to do is tell him that he either chooses you or the drug. And most likely, he will choose the drug. It's difficult to hear the truth, but speaking from an addict, I know that there was nothing as important as my drugs, not even my family. Don't let the addict control your life. Marijuana is just as bad as any other drug. I've been addicted to both marijuana and cocaine and I know that marijuana was just as difficult an addiction to break. Its a crutch as well as a gateway drug.

Good luck with everything