Hello Again, Sry If I'm Becoming A Pest...

Hello all, once again it's me & i'm needing a little bit more info on how this addiction effects the families. I'm sorry if I'm "salting up old wounds" or being nosey or making you feel like youre something to be studied. I understand that you are people, & that you do have feelings. I have gotten some negative feed-back previously, & that's why I'm gonna try to explain myself once more. I am a Junior working on a research paper for my English class. I have to get a passing grade otherwise I get kicked out of my High School & supposedly don't get to be a senior. The reason why I'm researchin this topic is b/c I've had so much happen in my life that has to do w/ addiction. I've helped some over come it, while watching others slowly become someone I don't even recognize. I myself have come close to addiction, though I know that that's nothing compared to actually being addicted. I would like to help them & hopefully help others learn what can be done to help them. I need advice on how the addiction affected the famliy & what was done to help/try to help them. I know of a few things, but I also know that there's more that can be done. Please don't take offense to this, I really don't mean to offend anyone & hope that if it does, you don't tell me b/c I tend to be easily discouraged. But I refuse to back down from this topic & hope that instead of getting angry w/ me you'll understand what I'm trying to do & recognize that I do have good intentions. Thanks once more & God Bless All of You.

hey I am 14 , I know I am young ,but my mother was a user.She is now in rehab. The way the family is affected is you wonder why they have an addiction for this drug.The Family feels like they have went wrong somewhere, not showed enough love for the person, or not payed enough mind to them.The Family puts the blame on them.We talked to my mother and you just can't tell someone to quit drugs. They have to want to quit for themselves. But my mother is now in rehab she wanted to get her life back. And addiction never dies... you will always want the drug but it will get easier to turn it down. I hope this helps you . And GoOd LuCk WiTh ScHoOl.
hey june
whats being done to help them? well, there is a program called NARANON which is for family and friends of addicts or anyone who has been affected by someone elses addiction. It basically just helps them to realise that it isn't their fault that the person is using & helps them to relieve some of their guilty feelings and just a support group basically. I have heard so much positive feedback from members of the group, but of course I'm always in the room next door at NA, so I can't speak for them, just saying what I've heard...
:-) good luck with your paper - when I was in school, I also did all my essays, projects etc on addiction and drugs actually... My reason was purely to be 'the cool chick' though cos I was still using! Ha,ha! How crazy is that hey! I learnt very quickly that it was anything but cool!
have a good one...
hey e-june, im with Angie. Instead of me typing for 3 hours on how my partners addiction has affected me, try sitting in on NARANON and/or ALANON meetings.. all will be revealed! You will learn more in 1 hour there than you will in 3 months here :)
I agree also with angie and silent partner, but would like to add.....you are seeking a legitimate solution to a very difficult question, you have no reason to apologize, If anyone blows you off, it's their own denial kicking in, not you. The answers to addiction lie within those that live it. By sharing information we become that much closer to understanding and dealing with it, so dont listen to the critics, your doing a good thing ,.....best wishes