Hello, It's Carol

Man, I haven't been here in so long, I had to create a new name.

I am writing here today because another life has been take due to this disease.
My good hearted, sad, addict brother put a gun in to his head today and pulled the
trigger. I am so sad, and angry and remorseful.
I know that I did alot for him over the years, and while part of my knows I did all I could do, there's still a good bit of guilt for not being able to save it.

Don't let this happen to you. If you have kids who love you, get clean. Don't waste the precious gift that God has given you.
Oh Carol I am so sorry...My heart breaks for you and for your family.
I will keep you all in my prayers.
(((( HUGS))))
Gee Carol, that is terrible. My heart goes out to you.

luv from kazz from ozz
Hi Carol...Im so sad & sorry to hear about this man.......If ONLY....if only any of us knew how we'd end up we probaly wouldnt of even started to use.

On a more personal note....How are you Carol? Do you need to talk or vent? I could tell how you wrote that this mans death hit hard & please know the "board"is here if you need some shoulders,
Ill say a prayer for this man & for all who are still struggling

I am terribly sorry for the loss. I'll say a prayer for you & your family and may your brother rest in peace.

Just want to say HELLO to Stacey...hope things are good
Dont know you Carol but really sorry to hear about your brother.

May God Bless you and your family.....

Thank you all so much. I know that all of you here know the pain and sadness of addiction.
We're still trying to process all of this, and your prayers and needed and appreciated so much.
Please take care of yourselves and hold your loved ones close everyday.

MJ, I am doing great, except for this. Life has been good. Thanks for asking. We will talk again when this is over.
Carol, Im so sorry for your lose. My fellowship lost a very beautiful 29 yr old lady, inside and out, due to this disease, 3 weeks ago. She od'ed. What a sad waste.

You are in my prayers
Hi Carol. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I wish I knew what to say, except if you want to talk, I'm around.
Hi littlebeach...I remember you too.Last I heard you were doing really good n I hope thats still true.

Thats one of the things about this site I truley LOVE.No matter what happens,if one of us need that extra support or cyber shoulders to lean on we sort of all come and try to help.

Carol that was for you....as LB said if you would like to talk my addys the same or I check in here at least once a day.Please just know we are here to try & help ease the pain(as much as we can)
Love mj
Carol, I am really sorry to hear this about your brother. I know you are hurting. Praying for you!
sorry this happened
Putting my arms around you Carol...I'm here if you need a friend.
why,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I shounld no .but still how sad.darn pills.forgive me foe the bad word,,but this is sad dsam,now this,sorry carol.you were a blessing to him .im sure.poopie
Im sorry Carol.... its been sooo long.
My condolences to you and your family, Carol...so sorry to hear about your brother.

Peace ~ MomNMore

It's like a stroll down memory lane just coming to this site. To those of you who weren't here in '07-'10..... we sure did used to have a great time here, despite our reason for being here. I am sure you're all still using this site and getting a lot of help from it, but for some of us "back in the day", it was our life line. I will NEVER forget the things I learned here, the friends I made here (many who I have now met in person) and the hope I found and shared here.

Thank you for your love and condelences.

God took 2 great folks from us last week, Sammy and my brother, John. I hope they connect up there. Save a seat for the rest of us, Guys. We'll see you some day.
love, Carol
I'm so very sorry about your brother. I know exactly how you feel and it's awful. I lost my only sister in September. No gun but it might as well have been. In the end her addiction killed her.
I miss her a lot. I did everything imaginable for her and yet I still have guilt that I didn't do enough. I was her medical proxy and I had to sign for them to remove her from life support. She was completely brain dead. Seems like you told me once that our family situations were similar. (forgive me if I'm mistaken) But if yours is like mine, I had to be in charge of everything...funeral, burial, every concievable decision. I so hope for your sake that you didn't have to do all that.
Anyway, my deepest and heartfelt sympathy for you and your family. You will always have a hole in your heart where your brother was but it gets easier and less painful with time.
Take care.
You will always be a part of..................not a part from.We love you Carol.