Help In Withdrawing From Oxycontin


I am being 100% honest in the following message. I am so, so desperate to talk to someone who has had real life experience and is willing to volunteer just a tiny bit of their time in chatting with me for a while. I hope I dont sound to selfish in this mesage, but I am so desperate for help. I'm not even sure how to use this site or if this message is appropriate.

I swear, I dont have anyone in this world to talk to or to get support in any way with this major problem of mine.

I dont want to scare anybody off by telling you my story in this first post, so I am trying to make it as brief as possible.

I am addicted to oxycontin. Last week I went cold turkey and on my forth day I took a oxycontin tablet from a friend and chewed it so I got the full dose instead of the slow release.

Today I just filled a precription for 60 tablets. I know this is really horrible and terrible of me, but I have planned to abuse 20 of these tablets then have 40 left to withdraw from them.

I need/have to withdraw from this drug for my children, my life and to feel a part of the human race again. Years ago this problem lost me my husband, my children, my job and all my happiness. It is once again distroying my life. I honestly want to be free again. I cant believe I am actually going through this again. I have been on this merry go round on and off or 14 years. I am really really scared.

PLEASE, if there is someone who can spare some time in chatting to me on this site so I can get some advice and not feel so alone. I just DONT want to wake up in the morning any more. I am NOT suicidal, ( its never an option because I have three children) Its just that I dont like life anymore. I would be so gratefull and would feel so much better if someone, anyone could just reply to this message so I dont feel so alone in this world. L.
Welcome to board you are not alone :) Not by a long shot. There is no quick answer to your problem right now. There is however a solution. You can get better and there is a better way to life. Reading your post it brought me back in time. I used to sit awake nearly all night as my husband and children were sleeping. I would also chew the oxy's and snort them. I would call my bank obsessively making sure there was money to by more. I would get an advance on my pay check then buy enough that there was barely enough or less than enough, for everything else. I was scared because I new I needed them so I wouldn't get sick. My kids needed me my husband needed me, I knew I had to go to work to pay for more. And I didn't want to use them anymore. But I felt I had to. I had lost the choice of weather to use or not. I was in waaay over my head. I got to the point one night, that I wrote out a suicide note to my children each one, of why the drugs had taken over my life. I apologized and told them I loved them. I wrote out an instructional note to my husband on the bills and household duties and how to preform them. I wrote a letter to my mom explaining what I had done. I intended that evening to go check myself into a program or the hospital. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, just that I had to do something. I thought I had found my rock bottom. I didn't do it.
Fast forward 3 years later, I found myself in an AA program in jail. No house, no children, no drugs. I couldn't keep living the way I had been living. I truley found my rock bottom. The good news is I also found a solution. I don't tell you that story to scare you. I know when I was at the point you are now, that any story like that I could excuse myself and think "Ya, that sucks but I am not THAT bad" Then I learned about the yets... I found every reason to excuse myself from other addicts. I was unique. I found out that I was terminally unique. The minute I realized I was not different than any other addict and that my story and my actions up till this point was quite the same. Less of course a few details, like well I hadn't robbed a bank "yet" to feed my addiction. I hadn't sold my body "yet" to feed my addiction. But I had done alot of things I wasn't proud of in my active addiction. Things I had never let show in the light of day (so to speak) The minute I looked at what I had in common with "those people" is the minute I realized there was a solution. I started following a program of action to find what had helped alot of other addicts find freedom from thier addiction.
So I pose the question to you, what do you think you have in common with and addict?
Are you willing to go to any length to get rid of the beast of addiction?
If so there is a solution.
Your story struck me so directly, you remind me of where I wish I would have stopped. ( You can click on the link below to read my story.) You also reminded me of why I come here. It helps me. To reach out and hold my hand out to you and give you a little help up. You can do this. You just need to reach out as well. So we can help. I think you have made a huge step. It can be scary. I'm glad you found your way here. :) So whats your plan?
I can relate to exactly the spot you're in. It sucks doesn't it? I have been there many times.

You find yourself in the cage of addiction to pain pills again. Walking through life knowing that the horror of withdrawals stood between me and normal life.

For me, I had to set a date and make arrangements to be sick and off work for a while.
I was on that merry-go-round for thirty -five years.

I've learned that the disease of addiction is progressive; meaning that each time I got addicted it became a little harder to kick.

The last couple times I kicked, I swallowed my pride and went to a doctor; an addiction specialist. He gave me some meds to mitigate the withdrawal symptoms.
I would advise you to do the same. If you trust your regular doctor, he'll probably be fine.
Addiction to pain pills is so widespread that most doctors now are aware of it and can help.
There is no reason to isolate and fight this thing by yourself.
I found that once I told my doctor of my problem that he was more than willing to help. Plus, it was good for me to tell on myself. I learned that I was not alone and it solidified my resolve to quit. I was no longer this pitiful soul, alone with my dark secret; I was an honest person with a disease that had a solution and others were happy to help me with it!

You've reached out for help here. That's great!
Now, reach out for help with someone you can trust and can help you, like a doctor or family members. This disease wants us to keep it secret. It flourishes in the dark and it conspires to keep us in the dark.
I asked for help and now I'm off that merry-go-round. I wake up each morning clean and that is huge! I wish the same for you. You can do it!
Oh Life
I really wish you all the very best in your recovery.I am embarking on the same thing as yourself.I have been addicted to Pain pills for the past eight years,and have only found this site.In Ireland where I live there is very little help,so I am going to go it alone.Yet I now know that I wont be alone now that I have found this site.It gives me great strenght to realise i am not alone in all of this madness.I am so fed up with these pills,as they have taken over my life completley.I have my separated children coming for xmas,and I really want to be off these terrible things,so I dont have to be sneaking around to doctors,and chemists trying to secure my next hit.I went through the withdrawls before,and it was very bad,and that really puts me off,as well as financial commitments for my house.So I am going to give it my best shot on Monday coming,and hope it all goes well.I will be looking at this site,to get the support I need,and am so happy that you are all there.Thanking you all again Dermot.
oh life
I c/ted from copious amounts of oxys last january. I was sick and prayed for death. I was told afterwards i shouldn't have done it alone at home. Is a detox centre an option for you? It can be done, i promise you. I was addicted for 8 yrs. Decided one day..enough!! i haven't touched on since then.
You have come to the right spot of all the support and love you can use.

Welcome to the board Oh Life and we're so glad you found us. You're not alone and you're not unique. Most of us here have been where you are. I did the addiction dance for 27 years before finally getting clean in 2003. My DOC was any and all opiates but knew I was in big trouble when I discovered oxycontin. It is a very scary, hard drug to get off of.

Sweetheart, you can't and shouldn't do this alone. Depending on how many you're taking, it could be dangerous for you to cold turkey or even taper. You're obviously getting them from a dr, maybe it's time to come clean with him. Most addicts don't want to tell thier drs, they want to protect thier source, but if you are truly done, he's the first source you have to cut off at the knees. Ask him for help.

Detox and rehab is another really good idea. We always say that we can't tell anyone or have not true. You told us and you have our support. Let us help walk you though this. But ultimetly, it has to come from you.

I'm all about deep dark secrets that keep us sick. Luckily because of being involved with 12 step groups and people who thump me in the head, I have a better understanding of solutions. You could too.
Hi all,
I got up this morning (without sleeping) and checked this site hoping just one person replyed. THANKYOU all so much for taking the time to make me feel better and know that I'm not alone. I am very greatful.

Unfortunatly I cant tell my docter, we dont get on at all. She is young and very against any pain medication. She very reluctantly prescibes my meds because the pain specialist told her too.

This is not the first time I have been in this position. As I said in my first post, I lost everything that I loved about 7 years ago due to addiction. Most of all I lost one of my daughters respect. She still wont talk to me. She wittnessed me being very out of it many times and it scared her a lot.

I have moved citys and because I do have a history of real pain it wasnt hard to be prescribed oxycontin again. When the docter suggested it, I couldnt bebieve my luck and without even thinking about the consequenses, I was back on them again and abusing them. I simply chew the tablets which gives me the high. It makes all my problems and sadness go away just for a little while. Then as you all know they come screaming back a couple of hours later.

The reason I have to do it alone is, because my family will not support me. I have always been the black sheep of the kids in my famiy. They actually dont understand and would just role their eyes and say oh she has stuffed up agan. I dont have any friends at the moment because I dont socialise. My friend has been the medication, I know its pathetic. I am in a big city, just moved hear 4 months ago and I just started full time work again after being unemployed for a year, ( long story, but before i was unemployed I worked for 25 years in a good stable job).

The ammount of personal problems I currently have are really taking a toll on me. last week, the second week of my new job I had to take off sick because I went cold turkey. It hurt a lot. I was sooo sick, vomiting, bowels, sweats, cold, restless legs, no sleep at all, my thoughts were all about the pills and nothing else. I felt so bad I was worried I might die, I wanted to die. And then, can you believe this, after 4 days of going through hell, I managed to get one pill and I took it. I then concocted a good story and managed to get another precription. I know I'm a looser, how stupid can one be, especially because I have had so much experience and yet I had no will power and stuffed up big time.

Anyway I have 40 tablets left. Can anyone give me advice on how to use these pills to get off them without me feeling like I'm going to die. I have to go to work and appear normal. I know I sound so selfish and probably sound as though I dont have to many brain cells left. Being able to be open and honest like this is great. I wish I had of found this site last week when I was withdrawing and maybe I wouldnt be in this mess I'm in now.

Any advice on how to use the remainding medication to help me get free of it again would be very much appreciated.
Thankyou all.
Nearly 6 months ago I was taking 240 mg of Oxy + 40 mg of Hydrocodone a day all Rx prescribed. I tapered as cold turkey was not for me. I basically cut down my dose 33% every 4th day it took me about 7 weeks of Hell to taper. I know a lot will tell you tapering is not possible and for most maybe not. The 26th this month will be my 6 months clean date and I now have my life totally back. There are professionals to help you if you can't do it on your own, my Primary Dr. said he didn't believe most could come off that quantity by themselves. I am clean for today and tomorrow I truly believe in my heart I will stay that way . I will help in any way I can. There are people here with much more knowledge than I so they will help too

Good Luck

Me again. I was just going through the replys again and was wondering what you mean, Agent, about cutting back by 33% every 4 days. How do you messure/weigh the dose? I have 15 mg of oxycontin Tablets left.

I do not have a regular daily dose. When I get a packet I have about 4 (As I said before I chew them so the full amount released) and then the next time i have them, I have to up the dose a couple of pills to get the same effect. So a packet will last about two days. I try to save a couple so I can have one a day to get me through till the next script.

When you are tapering off do you chew them or let them be and use it the proper way of slow release??

No Chewing. Oxy comes in 10, 20,40,80 extended release (maybe 60?). I cut down 80--40 on them and switched after a few weeks of tapering to just Lortabs (hydrocodone) which Takes about 1 1/2 mg to = 1 mg of Oxy. I did this with my Dr's help. So I told him I wanted off Oxy and went to just Hydro. I never chewed, snorted, smoked etc my Oxy took as directed but I was on them 5 yrs. I think you might seek professional help. My cut was 33% every 4th day I did have to learn to cut some of the Lortabs to get the dosage right. If I was at 100 Mg Hydro, on the 4th day I went to 66 mg a day and so on, spaced out as much as possible for the 24 hours.
Oh Life,
I am gonna be the one to tell you that tapering does not work. At least it didn't for me. I tried, so I imagine has everyone. At least at one time or another. I will say there is no wrong way to get clean, just do it. I don't have experience with suboxone, but I know a few on here have tried it successfully and that is something you may consider. The suboxone combined with a support group could be a softer way through this hole withdrawl thing. Because comming off of oxy's just is flat scary. I swear I did it C/T so many times. The one time I was comming off of 80's and I swear to you I sat down and shook hands with the devil. I have never felt so bizarre in my life. Yuck! Bad memories. I felt insane. You have so many people here who understand the depths of that hell. Many here will hold your hand (via internet) and phone. I'm curious why you can't go see the doctor? to ask for some help. I really think its a worthwhile suggestion. Besides once you tell her, you can't go back. She will probably cut you off. And if you are honest with yourself and others that is probably the real reason you won't tell her. Am I right? Reach out it is your best chance for success. I don't want to scare you away. I am just sayin. Don't stop this forward momentum that you have started keep going.

So if your plan is to taper don't wait...start right now. Are you going to have someone hold the meds? or is this self regulation?

Oh life, I stopped taking pills 9 months ago and right before I decided to do it I was so scared. I also felt so alone and felt like I was the only one in the whole world that had ever gone through it. Deep down I knew I wasnt the only one but it sure does feel like it when you start going through it. I found this site and found all of these people in here that had been through it.

Some of the people in here gave they're support and helped me realize that it would get better everyday. I felt as if I would never feel normal again and that I would never stop feeling so sick. It was absolutely terrifying for me but they were right. I did get through it and finally started to feel better.

Take the advice that has been given to you here. Go and get some help to do this. You can make it through this with help. All you have to do is ask.

Good luck oh life and God Bless...
Hey Now,

Man it is great to see you on board Oh Life.

I was reading through all these posts and I was so moved by the miracle.

Here you have a group of people right, who were in the exact same place as you, sure they all traveled a path, a different path, as did I. But each one of us, made that choice.

DAY 1-----NO DOPE.

Why is it, that this group of folks made that choice that day, I'm sure each of us could site some reasons. Valid Ones.

But let's suppose, just for a second there was this spirit or power and it was greater than us, greater than oxy, greater than prison, heck even greater than death.

Let's just imagine this FORCE so great it could do ANYTHING.

Let's just suppose for a minute, it has a sound.

Let's just suppose this force, this power, the single greatest power in all the universes combined has worked it's way into you.

Let's just imagine if we might, LOVE, which lacks the ability to find fault, is now in you. Holding you Loving You, Protecting you and Serving you Providing for you. Keeping you Safe and Alive.

Let's take a big risk and say this POWER as now morphed into a tiny little voice in your head, you might hear it. It might be saying something like.

f***, not this s*** again, I am losing everything, I am headed to really bad places I don't have to go. This dope is Killing me. Help. Oh God Help.

Do you hear that voice,

I did.

I have also experience you can respond 1 of 2 ways to the cry of LOVE.

Day 1---No Dope No Matter What (I mean what the f*** do I have to lose)


Take more pills and try to drown it out, I found that there isn't enough dope for me to do that. And I just did not die, I should have, I could have, I did not.

It appears, you are still Alive as well.

It appears before you a Choice, you know the Choice, right.


or Darkness

The best part is this LOVE gives you the choice. Now that is REAL LOVE.

Thanks Heather
No,a detox centre is not an option in my case,so i guess it has to be c/t.I see from this site that a good few people have done it that way.i know it is hard,but am going to give it a go.I think I have reached the stage,where my desire to be clean,is outweighing my desire to use.Maybe that will help me through it.It really is good to get replies from people like yourself,who have been there,and that will be of great comfort to me as i progress.I will post my progress as I go along,and hopefully get some good feedback to help me along.thanks again Heather
God bless
Withdrawing from oxycontin as we speak, I'm only 15 hours into it and the anxiety is about to make me go absolutely crazy.... I'm doing it cold turkey bc I have no money to buy anything to ease the pain.... The insomnia is really bad too.... I honestly want 2 say forget this sick crap, I need a pill..... Does anything make this easier!!! Aghhhhh
Tapering..a loaded conversation.

As a rule, from most experience's here, it does not work. Didn't work for me and believe me, I tried it everytime I got a script..for like 10 years. Not kidding. What happens is that you set your schedule and then always find a reason to take more or all just to be done with it and then you're right back where you started. Agent guy is the ONLY person I've ever heard of being successful and maybe the difference there is that he didn't abuse his meds to begin with, we all did. He also had a dr's help and monitoring.

But I'm not taking anything away from you Agent, what you did was short of a miracle and I am so in awe.

Oh Life..darlin, you've got to get some help. You say you're alone in a big city..big cities have NA and AA meetings around every corner. Find one. Today.
She knows what she is talking about (Cowgirl). When I decided to stop I could not find any physically dependent boards but was welcomed here, and Yes there is a very fine line between addiction and physically dependant, which I think I was the latter. Seek out help and support. Withdrawals can be bad enough tapering, I tried CT and it was a nightmare but it has been done by many here. You need to get through each day w/out using with any help possible. Listen to the wisdom of people here as they have been exactly where you are now.
Oh Life,
How the tapering going? are you still with us? I'd love to hear from you. I know you got alot of advice on the tapering, but I sure hope your trying it. I've heardhat people generally try many times to quit before they succeed. I hope you haven't lost ylour momentum. Checkin...
let us know how you are doing? Good or bad. We are here for you.