Help Me Help Him

hey everone on here im new and i was reading some of the post and im releived theres something and someone out there. my friend is moving here from florida to get away from his drug addicted friends. he wants help and i know from past experience that is the first step i have 4and 1/2 years of sobriety from cocaine and exstacy. i offered my hand to him because i knew a hand up is what helped me. im just not sure what to expect because my addiction was different and also because i had my children to think about. ican share with all of you how i kicked my nasty habit for good. when i moved from florida to north carolina i was going through heavy w/d and i was so damn sick. i was feeling out of sorts so i prayed while praying an idea slipped into my head. i wrote down all the bad things that had happened as a direct result from my addiction. i also wrote down what i had done to my children as a direct result of my addiction. from that day on, even when i didnt feel like it, i read it to myself everyday in the mirror(the mirror was an important stepcause it made me face myself and my addiction) it helped alot . after i was sobber for a few months i wrote a new list titled my success on it i wrote all the positive things that happened since ive been of drugs, subsequently it wasnt as long as the bad things however i adding more things as they happened, i also kept a journal of my feelings almost everyday, well it worked and to be honest i use the list even today whenever i feel like i may slip or im just feeling down. understandably this might not work for everyone. im asking anyone with an addiction to otc's to help me in this matter any advice on how to handle all this is appreciated. ie. what should i expect? at this point i think i may handcuff his behind to his bed and give him a pee bucket..extreme i know! but hey im thinkin it may work...

Here are some of the things you may see. These are the most common of the withdrawals, and I have to say, the most PAINFUL part of the withdrawals:

Symptoms usually begin 4 to 12 hours after the last dose, and reach their peak around 36 to 72 hours.
Hot and cold flashes
Flu-like symptoms
Muscle spasms
Joint aching
Abdominal cramps
Runny nose

I would make sure he has no other existing medical problems before you try this at home. Like if he has had seizures, or High blood pressure, etc. If he does, I would contact a doctor for help. I would contact one even if he has not had them before. A doctor could tell you alot of information, and what more to expect. I think you are a great and brave friend to be doing this, but I will tell you a little story here. When I was 17 - 18 years old, I became addicted to cocaine, and crystal meth. It went to rehab and spent my time there getting off of the drugs. I have NEVER picked them up since then. I thought that was the worst thing I had ever endured. Then I hurt my back, and had four surgeries in forty months, and had to LIVE on LARGE amounts of pain killers. When it was time for me to get off, I tried it at home, scared the hell out of my husband and kids, ended up having seizures at day four, and then I went to the hospital for another seven days. Opiates are the WORST thing to try to recover from! I have gone through both, and in my opinion, hands down, and just about no competition, opiates are the worst. I had never been soooooo physically sick in my life. I felt like I was dying, but I wasn't. Take the flu, multiply that times 10,000 and that is what opiate detox was like for me. I am almost three months clean, and I still have problems, and I am on a medication for recovery. Even with the med, I still have bouts of wanting to relapse, sickness, and problems with depression sometimes. You need to have one heck of a great support team in place for him. You will both need it. It is going to be a hard time for the both of you, but if he is determined, he can make it. It is just going to be the hardest thing he has ever done. It sounds like he is ready for it though, and that is the first step. Are there any support groups around you? AA, NA, PA, MA? They can really help when you are trying to recover. Just remember Angel, this has to be his decision. He is the one that has to really want this. If he doesn't, you can not make him. Opiate addiction has the worst rate of recovery without relapse. It is sad, but it is true. This is hard, but if you have the right tools, it can be a reality. Having a strong support system is the biggest part. Have access to those meetings, have access to a physician, have access to a counselor-an addiction counselor, and have access to patience and love. These are all the main things he may need, or want. Keep in touch with us, or even have him come on here, he can ask questions too. I wish you both the best, and even though I do not know his name, I will say a prayer for the both of you Angel. Much love and God Bless!

Lady M
"Symptoms usually begin 4 to 12 hours after the last dose, and reach their peak around 36 to 72 hours.
Hot and cold flashes
Flu-like symptoms
Muscle spasms
Joint aching
Abdominal cramps
Runny nose
Sweating "

LadyM you forgot one

No Sex life for 30days lol )-:
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad! You are tooooooo funny! I hope that gets better for you. I can speak from the man's point of view, but with there is not much of me either. I just think that once we start to feel better that it may come back. I hope anyways. When you feel like doggie dung, you sure don't feel like being affectionate. At least that is the way I feel about it. I get better everyday, but I do have those down days. I have not learned the art of thickening my skin yet, so I still have people that can get me pretty good still, but soon I will have my indepenant, strong minded views back. I have always prided myself on being a strong woman. One that can take care of myself with no help, but I have had to learn humility really fast.

BTW, CONGRATS TO YOU GLAD...... YOU ARE DOING REALLY GOOD TOO? Seen any new movies yet? I want to go see Van daughter is going to go and she it with a friend of hers today after school. Do you think she would mind me crashing?? I would not do that, she deserves to go have a little bit of fun. We have been searching all over the state, trying to find a new stable for her horse. No such luck yet. Anyhoo, good luck with thing. I hope is only What would your if it lasts longer 30days? I hope she is supportive of everything that is going on with you. I am really proud of what you have accomplished. Anyhoo, gotta go. Much love and God Bless.

Lady M
thank you both for your help. i have posted help me help him part 2 and gave more background information i realized in my first posting i may not have given enough insight. again i thank you and god bless
