To who ever it concerns. I am suppose to be getting married this September. When I first met him, we had doen alot of red devils together. (Coricidin cold tablets, if you take enough of them you feel like you are on a drunken high.) We stopped and we both converted to mormonism. Sorry to bring religion into this but it plays a big part because we are suppose to be getting sealed in the temple, and that is very important. But just six weeks to me getting married all these wierd things are happening. I will tell you some of them. I found a bunch of coricidin boxes in his cupboard about a month ago. When I asked him about them he told me they were from when we first met. Then one night his mom came in asking if he had taken her pain pills, (I'm not sure exactly what) at first he panicked and said "I don't know" then he denied them, even though she saw him sneaking around in her room that night. Then another day I caught him looking through her purse. Then another day we were riding his bullet bike. He was driving and I was just trying to be cute and I was gonna stick my hand in his pocket. He freaked and wouldn't let me. Then when I was driving it, I saw in the side mirror, him digging through his pocket and then throw something on the street. He denied that as well. Then I checked the same cupbaord that the coricidin was in last time and found another box, this time with the receipt in it. It was dated 5/28/04. He denied that as well and said he had know idea how it got there. Then I found one of his moms anxiety pills in his drawer. Not that that would do anything, but I think maybe he was hoping it was something to give him a buzz. And now I don't know what to do. Because I couldn't very well marry a lyer and a drug addict. Even though I love him with all my heart, I don't know if I would be of much help. Please tell me how to talk to him and get him to confess. And please give me advice on my wedding. I've already payed for everything. And can't get any of it back. Should I still marry him any way or is this not proof enough that he is taking prescription meds? Please help me know what to do, and how to get him to confess.
I'm not sure what to say about most of your post as I think their may be some questions that need answers......however, your bike riding part doesn't make sense for the following reasons:
Anyone riding safely:
Passenger.......arms should be and ALWAYS be around driver; not distracting them by putting their hands in the driver's pockets. I wouldn't be comfortable or safe with someone doing that.
Rear View Mirrors....properly adjusted display as much of the road BEHIND the bike; not the passenger.
Just reminding you of the basics in safety......and hope everything works out. When you ride; keep the dirty side down!
Anyone riding safely:
Passenger.......arms should be and ALWAYS be around driver; not distracting them by putting their hands in the driver's pockets. I wouldn't be comfortable or safe with someone doing that.
Rear View Mirrors....properly adjusted display as much of the road BEHIND the bike; not the passenger.
Just reminding you of the basics in safety......and hope everything works out. When you ride; keep the dirty side down!
It sounds like you already know the answer to your question. It sounds like he is using again, but he is not going to stop until he is ready. He will just keep lying to you. Unfortunately it took my husband leaving me to open my eyes and realize that I had a problem. My advice is to stop asking and tell him that you know that he is doing pills again and see what he says. Hope it all works out for you.
Lindsey, I just read your post and it seems to me that you already know the answer and are just looking for a way to believe him. If you marry him now without settling this issue, you both are in for a lot of heartache. It isn't so much his addiction..but the fact that he is lying to the one person who would understand and help him. This is no way to begin a life together. If you just need an outsider to say to you..."open your eyes and see that he is using and lying"..then here I am. It is obvious..and probably even to you...although I know you wish it wasn't so. You cannot change an addict....he has to want to stop and not because you will find out...but because his life is out of control if he is lying to everyone already. Marriage will only make this worse. Save cannot save him. Good luck with this...hope I don't sound harsh...not my intention....just being honest with you. God Bless!
Lyndsay - You caught him. he is addicted if he is lying to cover this up. Maybe he was taking these way before you met him. Can you postpone the wedding until he goes to detox? Tell him if he doesnt go to detox - (they will let him in for free if he says he is suicidal) or get immediate private medicatl help and go to meetings that you can not marry him. Whatever you do do not get a joint bank account.
I have been in love with an addict for 4 years. I once lost 30 pounds from stress. I am not depressed and on this computer when he is sleeping. We are supposed to get married but I cant trust him, and what about children? My dad was an alcoholic and he was horrible. You need to address this maybe with his mom and an interventionist. Call a hotline - call a therapist - pay and get an interventionist. If he doesnt love himself and you enough to get help...dont get married..Not now.
I have been in love with an addict for 4 years. I once lost 30 pounds from stress. I am not depressed and on this computer when he is sleeping. We are supposed to get married but I cant trust him, and what about children? My dad was an alcoholic and he was horrible. You need to address this maybe with his mom and an interventionist. Call a hotline - call a therapist - pay and get an interventionist. If he doesnt love himself and you enough to get help...dont get married..Not now.
I meant to say I am depressed. and if he is stealing and carrying them around with him - that is bad. he will eventually become erratic and unstable in his moods. be careful. jen
Lyndsay - dont get on that bike if he is on drugs.