Help - No Sleep

Ok, this is the 7th day no vicodin, i think i have passed all the withdrawal stage. I think, the worst part at this time is the non sleep issue. I have tried different otc meds with no help ..... the 1 hr sleep a night is getting to take a toll on me. I know sometime in the future my body will finally get back to normal - whatever normal is. but if anyone has any suggestions on this it would be a great help. I have thought about getting on ambian but there again another medication that I would have to rely on.
Hi, can you tell me what to expect the first three or four days without vicoden? I am just starting, did you feel scared or did you go to hospital? I am thinking if it gets too bad I will just have to go to ER. I am hoping to avoid that but may have to do it. When did the worst part get over? I am hoping to get through the physical withdrawal so my employer does not find out.....I am almost to the point where I think I might have to tell them and its only been a matter of HOURS for me. I was taking about 14 10/325 hydro a day. I can't afford this anymore....lost all my credit, etc etc and I could get another prescription but it would be three days and I am thinking NOW is the time to STOP. I should have been smart and tapered but I have finally HAD it with being in debt all the time and chasing down prescriptions. I am done. want to live again. thanks for listening
sorry to change topic again, but Shameless I've got the same problem as you...someone out there, can you help us?!
Shameless -- I had the same difficulties with sleep after I quit the norco. It lingered after the other physical withdrawal symptoms were gone. Some things helped a little, I think -- long walks and a warm bath/shower before bedtime, SleepyTime tea, dramamine (some say benadryl) -- but I think time was the real cure. One night I slept 4 hours, then 5 the next, then 6. I'm still at 6 most nights,bvut that's ok -- that's pretty much my norm. As I remember, I started sleeping better dby the end of my second week. Hang in there....when it comes, you sure can appreciate it more (!).

Oldlady -- when I quit the norco (same as vic), the first 3 days were the worst in terms of the flu-like symptoms, general achiness, anxiety, fatigue and restless legs, runs, some headaches. After Day 3, things improved dramatically, and by day 5, I pretty much just struggled with sleeplessness and ongoing fatigue (as incompatible as they may sound). There's a thread that was just bumbed up near the top of the Board -- started by Deb M., called "Getting and Staying Clean." The first post in the thread provides a lot of helpful information o what to expect, etc. Check it out and feel fee to keep asking questions. That's what this Board is here for. Good luck and keep us posted. M.