Help Understanding This New Addition...

Ok, i would consider myself an addict in all sence of the word...iv helped myself @ times & @ times others that needed it. But 4 the life of me i dnt understand what i read on my sons text messages ystrday.
Im 30 yrs old and he's 14. normaly i can still relait but i have been pondering ths thng all night. What the heck is CUTTING and whats the addiction 2 it?? My son isnt(as far as i knw) involved in it but ths girl he is friends with (close friends frm the text) is telling hm that she jst cnt stop doing it. I tried 2 look it up on the internet but havnt had 2 much luck. Is there anyone that understands ths?? Should i talk 2 my son about it?
Thanks. ~~MaryBeth~~
It means shes "cutting"herself.When I say cutting I mean just that.Taking knifes,razor blades & cutting herself

There should be something on the internet about it as it is again a growing problem amoung teens and young adults
after i read what i just wrote i felt i should also post that i dnt normaly snoop on my son. but he has been using my cell because i had hs shut off 4 bad grades. he did good on a test and with a day like ystrdy when we had no school because of the 10inch of snow...i let him use my cell phone and he never erased his messages. i dnt want to be a snoop but now im wondering if i have the wrong idea about hs friends that he keeps.
Mary-Beth...I may be wrong with this,but my feeling is...that as long as my kids lived here,than I had a right to snoop.
Dont get me wrong,its not something I ever enjoyed doing nor did I do it very much.Thankfully with my daughters I never really needed to.They were usually pretty open & honest...even with things I didnt want to know (boys etc)

Anyways my point is I would yes sometimes look into thier journals,but I would only try to do it when I could FEEL there was a problem./You know when you can tell something is bothering them yet they arent talking about it.
So yes at times I would snoop,journals,my space pages,after snooping I would usually find a way of getting whatever topic out so they would start talking.

Maybe Im wrong but as a parent...sometimes we need to do what we need to do

Edited just to there anyway of starting a conversation about this girl?I mean "cutting can and IS a addiction.Also very dangerous.If you can find a way to talk about her I would....I dont know your relationship with him enough to know if you should tell him how you found the message.Seems to me you werent really snooping as he forgot to delete it
MOLLYJEAN...... THERE MUST BE A HIGHER POWER OUT might not remember me but YOU helped me through some of the most worst times of my life!!! of course i didnt go by the name MaryBeth eaither. I got my very first nickname from you. i didnt realize you were still on this message board. i used to write on here years ago (not that many i guess) and my sponcer thought i should try it again. Do you remember Niblet??? God am i glad to hear frm ya.
OMGOODNESSS...yes of course I remember you.Its been a "coons age "& more since we've talked...LOL

Thank you for saying I was a help to you.That always feels good to know Ive helped someone.
Whats going on in Niblet land..(yes I remember giving you that name..LOL]

As far as your I said you werent really snooping,he forgot to delete it.But cutting is a real bad thing.Maybe even worse than drugs because it can be done ANYTIME.It doesnt take money or a prescription.

Im gonna surf the web fast to see if I can find you a good site with information about it.
Ill be here so let me know how things have been going...You sound alot better,I remember you were pretty lost for awhile
heres one that seems informative,,,
Thank You very much for the info. I just want to find out about thngs b4 i bring it up 2 him and have a conversation about it all. Kind of go in to it prepaired.
Im so happy that you answered my post. In more ways than one. Im doing great. To say that iv changed is an understatment.My whole life has been turned around,shaken up,mixed up,F%&k up,and all in between and the best part is that i came out of it smarter,happier,better,and much more open minded. I have to tell ya that if it wsnt 4 you all those yrs ago i would never had noticed all the thngs that i realy had to change and work on. you helped me understand that i realy had to open my eyes,stop the bullsh~%,and grow up alittle. I still to this day bring you up in some of my n/a meetings. Im SO VERY HAPPY to say that i am 2yrs-7mnths-& 4days clean and sober!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Niblet 2+years.....Im so proud of you & more happier for you than you could know.Ive thought about also through the years.I also got pretty lost there for awhile.Made alot of mistakes & hurt some really kind people.
Im glad to say that Im back on track (THANK GOD)
I say I am sober because to me I am.Meaning Im on Suboxone,but I no longer abuse any drug,and Im starting to lower my dose in hopes of maybe comming totally off it someday.THAT Im taking slowly & just looking ahead.

I went into the hospital for about 1 week was 2 years ago (I think)I had a toxic babituate level and almost lost it all.After the week of getting me regulated on all my meds,I began out patient therapy...2-3 times a week,than went onto private therapy I had & still have some baggage Im working through,but as I said...Im looking ahead,and starting to live a life thats sober.Its not always great,sometimes it truley...BITES (LOL)but at least Im sober to handle things & work them out.

Did you ever marry?Seems I remember something like that.Of course if this or anything you'd rather not talk about I understand.Its very clear your NOT the same woman....Id like to get to know the Niblet of today..LOL

Thank You again for saying Ive helped,but huny really....what you are now & what youve overcome...Its YOU that deserves the credit....I know it was hard work & again Im proud of u