My son and daughter live 1500 miles from me. My son is 18 , quit school, will not get his GED because he just forgets to go. Everytime i talk to him he is out of it, sounds like he is sleepy, always has money but no job, I have found out that he is heavy into drugs. My daughter is 24 with a 5 year old daughter, she is on welfare after her family has opened her home up to help her only for her to go back to her "real friends" which keep her in drugs. I have tried to get my grandbaby from her till she gets her act together, but she says without her daughter she will get worse.So why is she raising this child with the drugs if she cares?My family has tried for over a year to help them both by letting them move into their homes, feeding her and giving her money to live on .They both say they have no problem.We see them dying and i don't know what to do.Can someone please tell me how to get them into somekind of rehab??? I will do whatever it takes to save my childrens lives.
Your soon and daughter, do you no what kinds of drugs they use?
momineed: I, too, am trying to help my 19 year old son who is ruining his life. I've done all you have mentioned to try to "save" him from himself. He steals from us. He has no job-says he can't get one because he has a felony on his record. I would like to speak with you more because I, too, am hurting deeply with no where to turn. Please email me.
dear mominneed, I am in a situation that is similiar, except I am on the other end. I am 35 with 2 children, live with parents while my house is being finished. I want to know what kind of drugs they are on, if you know. If its this stuff called ice or meth, than please continue to be there for them and try to make them get help. It is a horrible thing and will make you seem as though you have no feelings left or even care about anyone or anything, but I can promise you, when they are alone they can't keep you and her children of their minds. It will make you have such guilt that you feel like you can't possibly be good enough for anyone much less family. However, if your grandchildren are living where the drugs are used, I would say that you need to ask your daughter if they could come stay with you for awhile. you can make her think its just for a visit if need be, because if it is meth, or ice, 1 thing that is true, it can cause people to be violent when coming down off of it. this is one of the main reasons that the law is so heavy on putting people in jail for its usage. It has caused a whole lot of deaths. good luck, and I will pray for you and your family as I hope you will for my recovery. cricket
i hope that i'm not gloomy but in response to a couple of these posts i hope i can offer a view from the other parents knew i was using(every drug i could get)and tried to offer help.but when you are at that age when you think you're indestructable and know everything you just shrug it best advice is to just let them know your door is open.they will eventually know they are killing themselves and hit bottom.then they will look for help and at that point, family support is VERY VERY all i'm saying basically is to wait for them to realize what sort of situation they're in and let them come to you.i know it hurts inside,i've apologized to my mother hundreds of times b/c i now know what i put her through.if you know how well you raised them they will come around,just please dont push too hard.hope this helps if only a little.i have a 3yr old girl and pray she doesn't take the same path i did.mybe show them these boards and they'll take thins seriously.i hope the sun shines for you.
I, too, am a mom in need. I have three daughters, ages 18, 13 and 10. Last year my oldest daughter stopped going to school. Her grades dropped from a 4.3 HPA to straight F's. We found out that she was doing any and every drug she could get her hands on (alcohol, pot, cocaine, x, speed, downers, etc.) Many times mixing the drugs and alcohol to get the maximum effect. She had made some poor choices since the 7th grade, but always seemed to come out of it and get herself back on track. We had to send her away to get her out of the situation. She went to a Christian all girls school for troubled teens that was supposed to have a component dealing with addictions. Actually they made alot of promises at the school, but did not follow through on much, although she did finish high school there and just being away did seem to help. She has now moved back to the area, but can't seem to get out of the funk she is in - sleeping all of the time, won't get a job. She is not living at home, but with roommates, because I will not enable her behavior and choices.
In the midst of finding out about and trying to save her from herself last year, we discovered that our second daughter was smoking pot with her. Since then, we have had problems with this daughter drinking, smoking pot, doing various pills - speed is her drug of choice. We went through an out-patient rehab program but found out that she is using again. In the last two weeks she was found skipping school by the police, selling pot at school and tonight we were awakened at 2:30 in the morning by a police officer who brought her home after she attempted to run away in the middle of the night. We have her on a waiting list to get into a local rehab facility for teens, but until a bed opens she will be sleeping on the floor of our bedroom so that we can keep an eye on her at every moment.
I watched my younger sister ruin her life to drugs - coke and crack. We have drug and alcohol addictions on both sides of my and my husband's family.
I don't want to lose my children too! I am trying to remain strong, but I am exhausted and sick and tired of straightening out problems that other's create by their choices.
Please pray for us and I will continue to pray for all of those out there who are fighting their addictions or dealing with a loved one with an addiction.
In the midst of finding out about and trying to save her from herself last year, we discovered that our second daughter was smoking pot with her. Since then, we have had problems with this daughter drinking, smoking pot, doing various pills - speed is her drug of choice. We went through an out-patient rehab program but found out that she is using again. In the last two weeks she was found skipping school by the police, selling pot at school and tonight we were awakened at 2:30 in the morning by a police officer who brought her home after she attempted to run away in the middle of the night. We have her on a waiting list to get into a local rehab facility for teens, but until a bed opens she will be sleeping on the floor of our bedroom so that we can keep an eye on her at every moment.
I watched my younger sister ruin her life to drugs - coke and crack. We have drug and alcohol addictions on both sides of my and my husband's family.
I don't want to lose my children too! I am trying to remain strong, but I am exhausted and sick and tired of straightening out problems that other's create by their choices.
Please pray for us and I will continue to pray for all of those out there who are fighting their addictions or dealing with a loved one with an addiction.