Hey Stacey

Hi Girl!
How are ya doing? It is good to see you also. I'm doing well. I am ummmm about 19 months clean and 2 months free from cigarettes! Feels pretty good. My health is sort of up and down but that's to be expected. I just flow with what's up and take it one day at a time.

I have two dogs still. One Takoda a husky and shiba mix and then Yuki, my white Shiba. They keep me active. My family I went back to see at Thanksgiving so I'll be staying here for Xmas. Still no boyfriend. A couple of nice flirts and it suits me to be single. I sort of like doing what I want when I want. I think I've gotten use to being alone. I have good friends and still go to AA.

So what about you????

Hi Amy....
Gosh, my life has become so busy lately....We're moving and expanding at work so I'm in service and helping and away from my computer so I'm sorry it took so long to reply....

Life is actually really good right now...Busy at work, going to an AA meeting every night to keep myself grounded through all the changes at work and to stay centered through the holiday season....So by the time I get home at night and sit down, I'm too tired to stress on Christmas and I've found in the last two days, even though I am very busy, my serenity level is up....

Gotta get back to work but things should be calm in a few weeks and maybe we could chat some more...How's the no smoking going?
