I've seem to of missed you the last few times I've posted,but then I seem to post and run these days...LOL.I'm hoping everything is running smothly for you and your enjoying recovery.
I will always be grateful for your kind and supportive words to me,and of course your prayers.I have this bad habit of short-sightednes instead of trusting Christ with the BIG picture.What a joy it is though to see how He has worked in my life along with others I care about.
You just have to ignore me when I say I'm not coming back! I start missing this place and come back within a month or two to see how everyone is doing...LOL.It's nice to see that people have really become close friends and support systems for one another.
My daughter Tina and I have been chatting so much the past few weeks.We both are excited about me coming down to Nashville.About a year ago her mother and her mother's boyfriend moved down about 45 miles away from Tina,but she's still Daddy's little girl though!!!! Tina and I have a much closer relationship because we have Christ in common.I feel badly for my ex because she just doesn't understand and gets jealous.
My son Jeremy hopes to get time off of work and come down with me.Now that would be GREAT!! I love my children so much and it would be so wonderful for all of us to get together for a long weekend. I guess i'm extra excited because I really don't do much these days.Mostly it's work and home,but I'm trying to save as much money as I can for the trip.I love to spoil the kids even though they're adults.I guess it's the same with most parents though...LOL.
Thumper if you have a picture email it to me sometime.That way I can match the writting with a face.My mug got put on this site so only fair to see you...LOL.
Thanks Thumper for being so caring and loving of others.Christ shines through you in every post!
kevin....so nice to see you back....i so enjoyed reading about your plans with your childern...and i always love hearing from my brother in Christ......i am at work and posting on my phone....i will post more when i get home.....thanks for thinking of me ....
God bless you Kevin......
God bless you Kevin......