Hey Tim, Hey Bullwinkle!

Hey Guys!

How are you doing? I hope you're both doing well. Are ya'll mad at me? Have I said something to p*** you off? Both of you guys usually responded to my threads, or to something I'd said on another thread - lately though, nothing. If I've offended you somehow, please let me know. Was it the Chris thing? I know he rubbed people the wrong way, I know he came across as rather arrogant & patronizing. I get that, but whatever. I realize that it was a tad over the top that after 30 days or whatever he had the answer & was going to lead the way for others. I think he was maybe on a pink cloud. And yes, he was full of himself, BUT - I think his heart was in the right place. I do think he was sincere. Pomposity (is that even a word?) is not the worst thing in the world. True, it is annoying, but he's gone now. Let's move on. Can't we all just get along? (Remember when Rodney King said that!)

ANYWAY, I miss hearing from ya'll. Bullwinkle, you would crack me up! I remember when - the c word - (Chris) said something and you said you're head was going to explode from the impact of the sheer irony - loved that. You're a funny guy, and I could use a few laughs. Tim, you were encouraging and supportive and didn't even get upset when I bitched about Texas.

Please respond, even if you want to tell me to f*** off. At least respond. Really, as ya'll know I have enough issues without worrying that my small support system is falling apart. I feel like an a**hole even coming on and saying any of this, but if there's a prob I'd like to work it out.
Losa, no, no one is pissed off..I wasn't on much this weekend or yesterday..sorry!

Yes, my head did explode..hehe
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about but I'm not mad at anyone.
You're comment about Texas was right.IT'S HOT AS HELL HERE .LOL
Tim, see you took your Woody out for a spin again.
Tim, see you took your Woody out for a spin again.

I would love to find one of those in good condition.I'm going to start looking on the internet.

Hi Guys!

I'm happy ya'll aren't mad at me, I couldn't think of what I may have done. I need to get over thinking that if someone's life is busy, or whatever, that it's all about me. I know the world doesn't revolve around me, at least that's what I keep hearing!

Tim, it's not fair to go tantalizing people with woodie comments! (Loved that, how cute)! How are you dealing with the heat (besides surfing) I didn't think you minded my saying how hot it is there, I thought maybe it was my joke that the State Bird of Texas was the flying roach! Sorry, no more Texas jokes, I promise. I've actually lived there 3 times. Twice in Houston, and once in Richardson - which is a suburb in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Do you surf at Galveston? Don't you work outside? Dude, seriously, how? It's so, so hot. When I lived there the children wouldn't even go to the park except in the morning or evening due to the heat. The nice thing was we had a pool in the back yard. I once tried to plant daisies, I didn't know you weren't supposed to water them from the top, and they burned up so badly it looked like someone set them on fire!

Bullwinkle - how are ya, buddy? Later, I want to talk to you about chronic pain, how you deal with it without taking pain meds. That's astounding to me! How long have you been in recovery? Did you ever have a problem with pain meds? If you don't mind I have tons of questions for you. I have to get ready for work now, I'll post my ??? tonight on this thread. Answer what you feel comfortable answering, but anything would help me. I ran out of pain pills for a few days this month, and I was starting to see how bad my leg did hurt when I had no drugs in my system. I look forward to talking to you again soon! I'm glad you aren't mad at me, I need to get over thinking everythings about me! (It's not, right?) Kidding......
State Bird of Texas was the flying roach

Isn't that the friggin truth.

I'm only on here in the very early morning as a rule so I may miss things.I hadn't even realized you posted that but that's a hoot.I've never heard that.
Yes,today is going to be 93 with 65% humidity.......and I have to run a crew to Sugarland.I'm sitting here sweating at the thought.
have a great day Lola
Hey Tim:

Sugarland, thats a nice area. You live in Spring Branch? I lived off of I-10 and Fry Rd. in a neighborhood called Green Trails. Are you familiar? My ex-boyfriend lives off Kempwood. Is that Spring Branch? I'm so tired, I'm going to bed, lets chat more later.

Take care,
Later, I want to talk to you about chronic pain, how you deal with it without taking pain meds. That's astounding to me! How long have you been in recovery? Did you ever have a problem with pain meds? If you don't mind I have tons of questions for you. I have to get ready for work now, I'll post my ??? tonight on this thread. Answer what you feel comfortable answering, but anything would help me.

How Lola, first off, it's been 2 years for me now for no pain meds and 3 for no benzo's (although I never took them at the same time)

As far as a problem, ya I did, but I didn't take them for a "great" feeling or energy or anything. I took them so I could get up off the couch and walk.
As far as how I deal with the pain, it's just like recovery. One day at a time. I have some pain going on right now that I am quite certain would knock most people on their a** but I think I have developed such a high tolerance now to pain. When I first got sick, a lot of times, it would require something like Dilaudid via an IV to help the pain and now the pain is worse actually than back then but I just work through it. So I guess I got used to it. I will say however, my life would be much more normal if I took pain meds. However, thats just not in the cards for me.