Hi guys and pickles!!! I haven't had much of a chance to be on at all, my life has been crazy insane and completely whacky! I am ssoooo out of sorts right now I can't even begin to explain...if you thinking moving is one of lifes stressfull challenges...try doing it internationally....wwwhooooaaa!
I think I will survive...I hope so, I have so many stories to tell about my journey this far...but for now I just wanted to pop in for a few seconds and let you know that this board oddly enough has become like an old friend and I miss it and all of you! I am still in transit and expect to be in Hawaii by weeks end! I am heartsick and miss my kids..even though they are grown terribly...but the emptiness I feel for my angel grandchild I couldn't even begin to explain...there is a very long complicated sad story to that but for now I will get her in six weeks and she will spend the summer there with us and for her 5th birthday.....gosh I am tearing up just thinking about it....
I wanted to also tell you that close quarters for extended periods of time with the one you love can be a blessing but can also make you understand what truely drives someone to homocide...lol. This experience has given me a renewed hope in my love for life and the wonderfull man that I married 10 years ago this Thursday...we have been together for 21...wow I am getting up there.
I have been able to access my life and the important things in it...so much time to think...I am still using but am more committed than ever to stopping...its really amazing the reasons we find to use....I have found more and more reasons to not use.
I am thankfull tonite for so many things...including you all and this forum where I feel so compelled to be real!!! I did notice tonite that there has been alot of really negative things happening here surrounding the same person/persons and it saddens me so....the only reason I am mentioning it is that I am a little shocked at my own feelings of really wanting to protect those that have been hurt. To attack and point fingers regarding a 22 year old addict is just wrong...especially where a marriage is concerned...no one and I mean no one has then right to tell someone to leave there spouse....especailly regarding addiction issues....if I would have done that...I would not have the wonderfull man and opportunities that he has given me...I do agree that every married couple should have "deal breakers" and that its ok to vent and bash your own spouse to someone that you trust...BUT....no one else should ever cross this boundary...
Stacy you are an amazing young women with a great future ahead of you and it may not seem that way at the moment...but life can change so quickly...so you keep going girl and if ever I can help you please don't hesistate I have been through it all, I have a 23 year old daughter and there is nothing that she has not done in her short life and I just maybe able to relate to some of your crap! I admire your courage and strength!!!!
MJ....I got your back always girl...let me know if you need me to kick some butt on your behalf you a genuine real person and I know you would never ever say or do anything to hurt anyone unprovoked!!!
Shantel...sweety....how are you hon....I gather you are going through some stuff right now...please email me I would love to help you if I can....not that I can but I know we have some issues that are alot alike!!!
Ali...I am glad that your back I know you had left for a while...frustrated....a shout out to my Canadian friend!!! Your posts...I always read!!! so much info on stuff that I am trying to get into!!
Thumper, Tye..Emptynester.and there is a few others...(sorry peeps...I would be here all nite if I mentioned every single one of you) that quit when I last was here...I am so proud of you for you taking controll of your lives again and getting off your DOC....you rock...and now I know that there is hope for me...
I am sorry if I have missed anyone....you are all in my heart and prayers....everyday of my crazy azz life...you are all invited to my place in Kona!!! if I ever get there...lol
There is so much that I want to say right now but I am so exhausted and feeling a little sad....I will be checking in again in the next day or two.....if I am not in jail for assault!!!! Small hotel room and my hubby is rattling the wall right now...I swear I am gonna ping this remote off his head....breath breath....ok I will step outside and smoke a cig....oh yeah...you should hear the crap I take about that half the day.....breath...breath
Sorry this post is long...and I am not going back to proof it....apologizies in advance!!! Please don't forget about me....keekee199@yahoo.ca....for anyone....I would love to hear from you!!
I love you all.....Big fat huge gargantuious never ending hugssssss
kee kee
kee-kee, I miss you. Sorry you're having a rough go of it right now. I'm sorry about the grandbaby. It's a killer isn't it. I'm going through it right now. Hey, just think someday (LOL) you'll be in Hawaii. Hang in there and I will e-mail you Love ya, Shantel
Hey, where are you at??
Hey, where are you at??
Kee sweety I know how stressed out things are for you right now & all I ask is that you JOT me when you can.I understand time is so little for yourself right now so whenever.I do miss you so much but Im glad we can e back & forth
Thank you for having my back hun but really its a done deal.I said what I felt & believed in my heart & to me its a new day.but thank you for your love & friendship...Im proud to have you in my life.LOVE mj
Thank you for having my back hun but really its a done deal.I said what I felt & believed in my heart & to me its a new day.but thank you for your love & friendship...Im proud to have you in my life.LOVE mj
hi kee kee..........................God Bless you
thinking of u.................................thumper
thinking of u.................................thumper
Kee Kee-
So good to hear from you..............
Take care of yourself.
Big Hugs!
So good to hear from you..............
Take care of yourself.
Big Hugs!
It's nice to see you post KeeKee and Kona sounds like a wonderful place to live...it's one of my favorite places to visit.
I hope that by the next time you post, life will have settled down a bit so that you can continue that committment to quit taking pills. I just knew for me that there was never a good time except for right now. It was never going to be easy.
I hope that by the next time you post, life will have settled down a bit so that you can continue that committment to quit taking pills. I just knew for me that there was never a good time except for right now. It was never going to be easy.
KeeKee - it is SO good to "hear" from you on the board!
I agree with you wholeheartedly about the negativity... everyone once in a while, negative posts seems to start up...... and then things settle down - I had to really think about that, and have vowed to stay away from posts that are heading that direction, and just (as they say) "take what I need and leave the rest".... and not get drawn in. It's hard, though.
It sounds like life has been CRAZY for you lately... it's tough, isn't it? I loved what you said about staying married, though. Since I lost my first husband (suicide) when I was in my twenties, with two little ones, I treasure the husband and the marriage I have now (will be celebrating 20 years in June) more every day. He is truly a saint! (the problem is, everyone tells him that, so now he is a saint with a big fat inflated head.)
My best to you, and I've thought of you often. Every day is still a struggle, but each day gets a little easier, and I try to just do it an hour at a time. Then it all adds up.
I agree with you wholeheartedly about the negativity... everyone once in a while, negative posts seems to start up...... and then things settle down - I had to really think about that, and have vowed to stay away from posts that are heading that direction, and just (as they say) "take what I need and leave the rest".... and not get drawn in. It's hard, though.
It sounds like life has been CRAZY for you lately... it's tough, isn't it? I loved what you said about staying married, though. Since I lost my first husband (suicide) when I was in my twenties, with two little ones, I treasure the husband and the marriage I have now (will be celebrating 20 years in June) more every day. He is truly a saint! (the problem is, everyone tells him that, so now he is a saint with a big fat inflated head.)
My best to you, and I've thought of you often. Every day is still a struggle, but each day gets a little easier, and I try to just do it an hour at a time. Then it all adds up.
Hey Love!!!!! Aloha
Nice to hear from you...have thought of you often wondering how your doing with that move...lol..they say moving as far as stress goes is right up there with death and taxes...so congrats for getting through it...
Ive been looking into Hawaii for a place to go to...Canadian dollar is much stronger in the U.S. now...so will have to take advantage of it and vacation there instead of Europe for a change..
Used to have a friend with a huge house right on Waikiki but she moved this year...maybe i can look you up if we come over to your Island?? Kona is beautiful...remember going into the jungle and sliding down this cool waterfall for hours...but it was a huge trek in...
Hope your settling in well and dont forget the sunscreen..our Canadian skin isnt used to such heat...oh..and stay away from the stuff the island is famous for...lolol
Stay in touch, you have my email..
Nice to hear from you...have thought of you often wondering how your doing with that move...lol..they say moving as far as stress goes is right up there with death and taxes...so congrats for getting through it...
Ive been looking into Hawaii for a place to go to...Canadian dollar is much stronger in the U.S. now...so will have to take advantage of it and vacation there instead of Europe for a change..
Used to have a friend with a huge house right on Waikiki but she moved this year...maybe i can look you up if we come over to your Island?? Kona is beautiful...remember going into the jungle and sliding down this cool waterfall for hours...but it was a huge trek in...
Hope your settling in well and dont forget the sunscreen..our Canadian skin isnt used to such heat...oh..and stay away from the stuff the island is famous for...lolol
Stay in touch, you have my email..
Hey Kee Kee, nice to hear from you again, and Im sorry to hear of your problems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care !!!!!!!!!!
Take care !!!!!!!!!!
Kee Kee, good to see you. I was wondering where you went. You are going to love paradise..
Just remember, it can be a little third worldish at times.
When you get settled, I will give you my email...
Keep your chin up, you have come a long way..
Just remember, it can be a little third worldish at times.
When you get settled, I will give you my email...
Keep your chin up, you have come a long way..