Hi Everyone

hello everyone I just wanted to see if anybody is out there. I told my wife about this wonderful message board and let her read some of the wonderful support that you all give. She is helping me taper off these pain meds. So pray for me and her cause I'm sure it is hard for her too. Does anyone know what she can expect to happen too?
Wenses, its good that she's helping you taper, its the only way to do it. Just tell her not to give in to you no matter how much you beg.

Good luck, with a supportive wife it can be done
Alittle confused about what you asked for you wife......do you mean what support she should get also inorder to understand you better?
Misty eyes, first of all thank you for responding. I really want her to understand what I go threw , she's right here...........
John dee ,, your right man with a good wife I can make it huh?
Do you want us to tell her the withdrawal symptoms, physical and phsycological?
Good luck to you, and it's great your wife is helping. And it would be great if your wife gave Alanon or Nar-anon a shot. This disease effects the hole family.
It would be great for her to get the support from others to help her understand herself and deal with how this disease has effected her. Good luck to you,
Take care.................................God bless.......................................Bob
Look you are holding those pills........like John said don't give in.....I don't care how much he begs. This will be so emotional hard on you. You need to remember in all of this that to you have to take care of you. The worry, frustration, anger, helplessness, are hard to handle....It does eat at you. You need to support, love though.......thats important........
I stand by my husband because I know he is worth it, but it was not easy and still at times it isn't. I told this to someone else tonight....Read the thread titled I need help for the girl I love, by somestranger......You will see how it can take you over and the things you can do to distance yourself without being unsupportive. I wrote some good things in there.......I think.
I will be here for alittle........
GOD BLESS YOU TO BOB.. I'll be back guys later
John you doing the withdrawl part...........He is tapering I don't know how bad it will be....I might scare her with what I saw!
There is a great chapter in the Big Book, "To the Wives"....


Take care...........Hope This helps................God bless.......................Bob

Physical symptoms:
- intestinal distress
- fatigue
- anxiety
- sleeplessness
- achy

- depression
- cravings

Wenses, if you taper, which I did the first time, I was only tired for a while, you need to exercise and eat healthy for that to get better.

Bob gave you some good suggestions for the phsycological part.

Drink a lot of water to keep hydrated. I have to go to bed Ill check in the morning if you have more questions

I am heading to bed......almost midnight where I am. Like Bob said your wife is going to need some support on her end. I thought you wanted to know earlier what I felt, which could be just as bad as what you do. This will be hard on her. Part of it is that I think when we watch someone we love go through this we see the pain but don't feel it, and our own imaginations kind of takes over, and we think the worst. Just take it day by day and be patient with each other, you will both be going through this, it really does take a toll on everyone involved.
Both of you take care,