Hi Kerry

hi kerry long time no speak,i hope everything is ok,i miss talking to you,your friend always.........vinny.
Yo Vinny! How is the sobriety going? How are the meetings? I came from a really good meeting today; the topic was our higher power, and there were some really good shares.
How is it going for you?? You didn't go back, right? And I take it the old love stick is working??
Take it easy...
yo kerry your to funny,yea i'm doin alright i went to detox just a short time ago and it was much easier detoxin with the help of subutex for 6 days,i'm no longer on it but it sure did help,i don't think i could handle another ct withdraw so i'm walking the straight and narrow for now,you know if i could just learn how to follow directions i could of avoided alot of problems in the first place,you know what i mean[TAKE AS DIRECTED] anyways thats the story of my life it stems all the way back to childhood[lmao] and buy the way the love stick is still hard and ready for action,take care talk to you soon.............vinny.
Vinny, I too have a major problem with that also.....I get instant dyslexia when it comes to a pill bottle....I take 4 everyhour instead one every four hours....
Glad to hear you are doing good...it takes some time, and the farther away you get from the last pill, the easier it is....
Hang in there, and it is good to hear from you; you always crack me up.