Hi Sarah

thanks so much for thinking about me. I'm not doing great, but better. I've decided to go into detox on Wednesday, for a 5-7day program. Then hopefully, they'll refer me to some meetings and some counselors that can help. I wanted to let everyone know that this board has been a jumping off spot for me-I've admitted my problem to everyone who loves and cares about me, and made the phone calls today to get some help. Wish me luck,
Love, Christina
Dear Christina:

Wow. Well, how are you feeling about all this? I wish you could go into a longer program...not because I think you will need it, but most here who have gone into a program say they never felt safer in their lives, and they didn't want to come home!

You have small children who need you, and I am sure, you need them as well.

Honey, I cannot help but believe that when you are clean, you are going to feel so much better. All these different pills, acting on different parts of the brain, it gets so confusing.

There is a better way. I promise you that. I hope you will be making a plan for your after care. Will you attend meetings? Or counseling? Will you be working with an Addiction Specialist?

I am so glad you decided to take your life back. It isn't easy Christina, but it is so worth it!


Good for you! I'm like Sarah, I really wish you could do a longer program. Besides having more time to detox, you learn so much about what's happening to you and what to expect. BUT!!! It's a starting place. I'm so glad you were able to tell your family. I just told my daughter today and after dreading this conversation, you know what she said? She said "Oh thank God! When you told me you had something to tell me, I thought you were going to say that you had cancer and that you were gonna die!" She was so sad that I hadn't told her sooner and that she didn't have the opportunity to be there for me when I needed someone. Isn't it amazing what addiction makes us do? I withdrew from everyone because of it and it not only hurt me, it made people who love me think I didn't want to be with them or be involved in their lives. I'm so happy you're getting help and that your babies will have their mommy back. Please keep in touch!
