Home De Tox For Oxy?

has anyone been sucesfull? is there a way to taper? please let me know
wow, thats a tough one, yes it can be done but you must be under the supervision of a doctor and its most important that you have some one who will hold your medication, otherwise i am afraid us being addicts and all, we can not hold our own meds as we abuse any thing and everything, i detoxed of of methadone at home , but cold turkey and that was a horrible experience, well hope this helps and that u find someone to help you, my thoughts and preys are with you..
I wouldn't reccommend a home detox for Oxy's. You can have siezures among other scary things happen. Call a doc. There's absolutly no reason to do this alone. You can argue all you want but in the end...you need help. You can't do this by yourself. I mean, we finally admit we want off of these things because we want to live...so don't let the detox kill you. What would have been the point?
