House- Have U Guys Seen It?

Hey, i havent been around for a while, so i dont know if yall have already covered this. THAT TV SHOW DR. HOUSE(SP?) Have any of u guys seen it. Hes a genuis dr who specializes in figuring out what is wrong with people who have bizarre and usually life threatening symptoms. He is arrogant & funny as hell and hooked on vicodan.

one day this guy comes in and insists that he run unnecessary tests, so Dr house tells him he must therefore take his temperature rectally- he leaves the thermometer up the patients a** and just leaves.

Well this guy gets reaaal pissed & happens to be a high level cop who pursues a vendetta against house- busting him & harrasing alll the other drs, so no one will give him a script for vikes & he goes thru WDs (which was very realistic) & ends up in rehab , etc.

So tell me, am a a Johnny come lately with this & did u guys already thorouugly deal with it or did I turn u on to an interesting way to waiste an hour each week (once u start, u cant quit)
never heard of it, sounds interesting. what time is it on?

how have you been, Harold? Good to see your dog around.

My 15 year old loves this show, which makes perfect sense because the protagonist is adolescent, brilliant, obstructively cynical, obnoxious and always right. My 13 year old loves it because they show the pink, wobbly bits in a person's insides. I like it because I've enjoyed Hugh Laurie's work since he played Bertie Wooster in the BBC miniseries, Jeeves. (How is it that Brits can always do credible American accents and American actors always blow at trying to sound upper-class English?)

Watching House pop vicodins left and right is a little difficult -- the rattle of the pillbottle still reverberates some days -- so if you think you're going to be triggered easily, be warned. On the other hand, it's given the boys an easy way to make comments about addiction. Yes, they know I'm in recovery and I know they're proud of me, but it's still a difficult topic to broach, especially for teenage boys who love their mother and still need to think she's infallible. I've told them I'm not, but they're not having any of it. Watching House together is a lovely outlet for them to air their concerns in the natural course of conversation.

The other day Aidan accused me of being addicted to Chinese watermelon seeds (which I am) and I didn't flinch when he said the word, "addicted". Gradually, gradually, we'll work this disease into the normal metre of conversation and I won't feel like they're saying, "Mommy, how're you doing with the end-stage syphilis?" LOL

Good to see you again, Harry.

Hey there Kerry! Don't let the SOB doctors in House scare you off nursing school. The show's worth watching just to see what Cuddy, the hospital administrator's next outfit will be. She wears beautiful clothes most episodes. (LOL, Okay, I admit it -- an addict and a clotheshorse. I have no power over pills or the new spring line.)

LOL. I am a huge fan of the show and have watched it from the beginning. There is never a dull moment. I'm also amazed at how easily Hugh Laurie can ditch the accent. He is hilarious to watch on Leno or Conan O'Brien and a great actor.

Kerry, if you haven't seen it they have the first couple of seasons at Blockbuster now. Blockbuster is now available online and through the mail, just in case there isn't one on Maui. That is the absolute best way to watch a series. No commercials, just hours of shows.

I agree that the show could be a trigger. Dr. House pops vicodin at regular intervals, even now after getting out of rehab. In general, the show seems to glamorize his pill-popping behavior. I'm somehow not triggered by it. Maybe because I know a real doctor addict wouldn't be walking around eating two vicodin at a time. He would probably be hiding in the basement with a morphine pump.

Tuesday, a patient was running around in "oblongs" screaming in pain. The pharmacist asks House "Should I get a sedative?" His reply is "No thanks, I'm fine." Then he temporarily paralyzes the guy just to shut him up!
You gotta love it! I am not sure where they are going with the storyline but bringing pill addiction out into the forefront is a good thing the beginning I also thought it was being glamorized but now House is in all kinds of trouble from his pill use. I missed it this week(dammit) He just won a Golden Globe..doesn't even talk like that///very British.S
As a nurse, I hated that show with a passion at first, but now I can't stop watching it. It is crazy though - how much of a trigger it can be watching him take all of that vicodin. I have to say though, and I know some will disagree, I don't think the show is very responsible about dealing with the issue of his addiction at all. I'm not sure I can even articulate it, but it's so integrated into the show as part of his character's identity, they can't address it in a serious way (or put him into "recovery" for real) because it's a part of him - his character. I think it also makes it almost "cool" - my 12 year old nephew gets chronic migraines and he was walking around with a prescription pill bottle filled with advil (and he is obsessed with House). I just think the show is fairly blase and irresponsible about the vicodin addiction. I mean, f***, sometimes it doesn't just act as a bit of a trigger, but it actually makes me want to keep taking pills or think for a split second that that could possibly be a normal (dysfunctional-isH) behavior. But I do love that damn show. Cuddy ROX :)

Again, I'm just full of 2 cents.

What do you think?
Huge fan.
LOVE the show. I was hospitalized for 5 months straight when it first came out and all the nurses and doc's were talking about it. I do feel it glamorizes it a little bit, and sometimes it makes me crave. But the story lines are great and I love the character. Didn't he win the golden globe?
excellent show
Oh man, what a cool show. Never watched it until I saw the posts here. Downloaded the first season and have been watching it for the past few days.

House's pill use is interesting, but there are quite a few episodes so far in the first season that he does not even pop once. Doesn't make me feel too nastolgic, just makes me remember the crap. I am assuming it gets worse in future episodes. Howard has called him out on being a druggy though


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Oh MY Gosh, Cuddy is SMOKING HOT. She is beautifull, long dark hair, dark eyes, perfect age, and amazing clothes. My new favorite celebrity woman by a LONG LONG LONG shot. Smoking amazing......

I too find this a trigger for me just seeing that familiar bottle and shake of the bottle, I do agree they make it almost as if he is just drinking coffee or something. In one episode I remember him saying hey I hurt I take a pill why should I be in pain (or something similar to that) I actually started to identify with him saying see I am not that bad I hurt I take a pill problem was I wasn't hurting hmm.... I do think he is a fantastic actor but I have to stay away from that show for a while for the triggers
Roxy heres a question...Is he "addicted"? (is he an addict) or does he have a "physical dependence"?

Knowing the character on the show..what do you think?
I would say an first I thought dependent, but when he started forging scripts and stealing pills and stuff..and faking the Sub while in jail, thats more addict than dependent..