Whats Up Pam? How are you doing?
Hey Jeff, I've been laying up in the bed watching a little football today. I really feel like total crap. Yeah, those dang Gators just lost their game and that is a bummer too. Anyhow, I got my husband home and he is out getting some Immodium for me. As soon as I can, I am going to try to get in with a Sub Doctor, they are far and few inbetween where I live, but I'll make the drive if I can get in to see one. If not, then I'll just have to suffer it out but I will continue to taper until things change. At least I'm not w/d from oxycontin this go around. I swore after I went through that Hell that I would never take another oxycontin and I damn well meant it. Lord knows I've done Lortab w/d's before and they are not a picnic either but we all know that the w/d's won't kill you. Thanks for asking about me and I sure hope that you are doing well with your recovery. I really commend you for toughing it out. Take Care and I will talk to you soon.
Pam IMO to beat something you must have a gameplan and then put it into action.
I am glad you are going to give sub a chance. Pam something is making you sick.
Foods, possible Molds in your house? cleaning substances that have toxic gases ---there is something scewin with your body. You have to figure out what's causing your problems. You ever have your house checked for molds?
You deserve to have a better quality of life but must work for it.
I pray this sub doctor you find is as good as mine.
I am glad you are going to give sub a chance. Pam something is making you sick.
Foods, possible Molds in your house? cleaning substances that have toxic gases ---there is something scewin with your body. You have to figure out what's causing your problems. You ever have your house checked for molds?
You deserve to have a better quality of life but must work for it.
I pray this sub doctor you find is as good as mine.
Hey Pam,
I was just thinking about you earlier and wondered how you were doing today. So I don't know if I missed it or what but I was wondering how much were you taking and for how long? How long were you clean before this relapse and are you still going to meetings?It might sound like I am being Noseeee as Roger would call it, LOL but really I am here if you need me and you need to talk. You have my e-mail also if you want to chat that way. Take care and if going on sub is your only option then I understand. If and when you go on sub are you going to do a short or long term program ? Dang I am just full of questions today huh? :-0) LOL Talk to you soon. Hang in there it will get better you know what you have to do.. Rae
Jeff, Hello to you to. Haven't heard from you in e-mail in a while. Your a tropper you know that already don't ya? You have overcome a lot lately and you will survive... How are those beautiful girls of yours? How's the teenage doing these days? Is she visiting more often? Write back when you get a chance..Oh yeah did you see the other post I made to you earlier on Steve's thread? Rae
I was just thinking about you earlier and wondered how you were doing today. So I don't know if I missed it or what but I was wondering how much were you taking and for how long? How long were you clean before this relapse and are you still going to meetings?It might sound like I am being Noseeee as Roger would call it, LOL but really I am here if you need me and you need to talk. You have my e-mail also if you want to chat that way. Take care and if going on sub is your only option then I understand. If and when you go on sub are you going to do a short or long term program ? Dang I am just full of questions today huh? :-0) LOL Talk to you soon. Hang in there it will get better you know what you have to do.. Rae
Jeff, Hello to you to. Haven't heard from you in e-mail in a while. Your a tropper you know that already don't ya? You have overcome a lot lately and you will survive... How are those beautiful girls of yours? How's the teenage doing these days? Is she visiting more often? Write back when you get a chance..Oh yeah did you see the other post I made to you earlier on Steve's thread? Rae
Hi Rae No idid not see it.
I put a post up Hi doc rae last week. Was worried about how your husband is taking past week loss to s.f that killed there season. Carolina was in the right place as they are down.
Still have best Dee but Offense is for $hit.
How are you doing?
Rae I had both of my girls last weekend and wantedto kill my eldest. She is a
Leave itr at that. My little girl is so sweet. Eldest is the devil.
LOL--Take care and have a good night Rae--JEFF
I put a post up Hi doc rae last week. Was worried about how your husband is taking past week loss to s.f that killed there season. Carolina was in the right place as they are down.
Still have best Dee but Offense is for $hit.
How are you doing?
Rae I had both of my girls last weekend and wantedto kill my eldest. She is a
Leave itr at that. My little girl is so sweet. Eldest is the devil.
LOL--Take care and have a good night Rae--JEFF
Hey Rae, I just saw your post as I was about to go and lay back down. Right now I don't have a whole lot of words to put on this post. I promise you whenever I start to feel halfway normal again, whatever that is, I will answer your questions. I'll probably send you an email so I won't bog down this forum with my garbage. Just real depressed right now and feel like poo. Thanks for asking about me. Take Care and have a great weekend.
Sorry you're feeling so bad...my wd's were about a good week after a 2 week stint...hope you're better soon...Love, S
Hi Pam, I have been searching for a text from you, I am so sorry to hear you are feeling low. I cannot believe it, you always seem so strong, so it's obviously in you. I really don't know what to say because it's usually you coming across strong with good advice for me. Please please find that you again, there is much more of the Pam I have seen in you, than the one you are letting get you again. I am fine, I am a little upset to know you are feeling low. I know the feeling and when I got that feeling you were one of the people who gave me hope and the support I needed. You are really needed, and I will speak to the old Pam very soon I am sure of it. You are brilliant and usually happy and positive on this forum. Big hugs and kisses and hope for you, new minute, new hour, new day, I used to always say next week I will stop. Then it happened as it did for you. I have got there now and I am going to do my very best to stay there just like you do, trying is better than not eh. Love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry to see the thread got lock....I hope you are feeling ok.I know how hard the temptation is......my hun is gone, I would love to run to my on call dr. cuz I hurt today, but I talked to my son and told him how I felt he talked me outta it and took some aleve.........man had it not been for him being awake at 8 this morning I would have had a shot of demerol...
it's all about accountability (to quote Cowgirl)
It helped me to stay clean, I've gotten over any resentments I've ever had about telling my husband exactly how much money I was making.
And it's been a key Tool in my arsenal against relapse.
It helped me to stay clean, I've gotten over any resentments I've ever had about telling my husband exactly how much money I was making.
And it's been a key Tool in my arsenal against relapse.
Hey Jeff,
Sorry to hear the teenage daughter is being a pain. I know all about it I have one. LOL I don't even want to talk about the buc's right now. Nobody in this house is thrilled...I hate to cut this short but I walking out the door. I am getting the heck out of this house to go shoot some pool and hang out with some friends. You have a good night and we'll talk soon.
That's cool if you don't want to talk about it tonight. IF you want to e-mail me you have my address. I must not have saved yours to my computer because I can't find it, so yeah e-mail me if you want to talk. If not take care and I hope everything works out for ya.. One thing you said is "I'll probably send you an email so I won't bog down this forum with my garbage... PAM this is an addiction recovery board and by telling your story you never know who you might help..Don't feel like your going to bog down this forum.. Have you seen it lately? LOL Please recovery talk would be nice for a change. I know I have had my part in the drama around here but when you need to post about addiction this is the right place to do that... Just my opinion... You have a good one. I am outta here! Rae
Sorry to hear the teenage daughter is being a pain. I know all about it I have one. LOL I don't even want to talk about the buc's right now. Nobody in this house is thrilled...I hate to cut this short but I walking out the door. I am getting the heck out of this house to go shoot some pool and hang out with some friends. You have a good night and we'll talk soon.
That's cool if you don't want to talk about it tonight. IF you want to e-mail me you have my address. I must not have saved yours to my computer because I can't find it, so yeah e-mail me if you want to talk. If not take care and I hope everything works out for ya.. One thing you said is "I'll probably send you an email so I won't bog down this forum with my garbage... PAM this is an addiction recovery board and by telling your story you never know who you might help..Don't feel like your going to bog down this forum.. Have you seen it lately? LOL Please recovery talk would be nice for a change. I know I have had my part in the drama around here but when you need to post about addiction this is the right place to do that... Just my opinion... You have a good one. I am outta here! Rae
Bog down the board? Excuse me. This is a recovery board girl. This is where you're suppose to do it. I know it hasn't looked like a recovery board lately with all the bs and "playing" going on, but it really is here for us to help eachother when going through w/d's and trying to stay clean.
If anyone's ever tells you different. They're dead wrong.
Keep talking Pammy. People need to hear from you. I know I do.
If anyone's ever tells you different. They're dead wrong.
Keep talking Pammy. People need to hear from you. I know I do.
Just wanted to say goodnight! I think Pam has decided to get cozy in bed too, I've got a splitting headache and I'm gonna crash.
Everyone have a great night!
Everyone have a great night!
Hi Pam, just wanted to jump in on the thread and offer my support. I can imagine how you must be feeling right now.
Remember that we're all here caring for you.
Love, Kat
Remember that we're all here caring for you.
Love, Kat
hope tomm. is a better day for you.I know how you are feeling and hope you feel better soon,crystal
hope tomm. is a better day for you.I know how you are feeling and hope you feel better soon,crystal
Good Morning Everyone and thanks for all of your kind words. Well, I did sleep in until 7am this morning and I only took half of a pain pill when I got up instead of one and a half. I would have taken the other part but hubby has them hidden and I have to wait until he wakes up to dole out my dose for the day. The Immodium has finally kicked in and we all know that it works wonders. Also, now I'm sneezing like a wild woman, stopping those pills will do it everytime. I'll get there, one long day at a time. Until then, I'll post away because you all are right, this is where I'm suppose to be able to come and tell my story and get help. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Talk to all of you soon, until then, all of you have a great Sunday.
Pam it's great to see you up and so full of it! I mean good feelings!
Yeah, I'm full of it all right. Na, I'm feeling pretty darn good this morning. Wooo Hooo, I hear my hun making coffee, that has got to mean that he is awake. Time for a little breakfast now. Well, I knew years ago that I should have bought stock in Immodium and wouldn't you just know it, I didn't follow my instinct. Lord knows I've spent thousands of dollars on that dang medicine. It is a lifesaver. Talk to you soon Janet. Have a good one.
Oh yeah, it is already raining here this morning so get ready, it has got to be coming your way or maybe you are sending it my way........
Oh yeah, it is already raining here this morning so get ready, it has got to be coming your way or maybe you are sending it my way........