How Can He Afford It?

I guess i wasn't really looking for advice...rather just a few sympathetic ears to listen to the rant of my sadness,loneliness and fears.

I know that he is wheelin and dealin as i know of the loathsome individuals that he hangs with...and believe me they are in no position to give him money or daily supplies of pot to smoke...and he has no income whatsoever at present.

He is going into treatment by the way but he hasn't told the folks there that he intends to smoke again and hang out with his old dopers once he can get clean enough to pass a drug screening test for a job.

It does make both sick and ashamed to see how much i am dependent upon him in my ill health state and don't you think he knows this and is milking it for all it is worth....

This guy just skates thru life....drugs dealing theft...using people and discarding them...even lengthy jail terms don't hold him back forever....and i stay clean chaste and legal and it is just one physical and mental kick in the butt for me after another

Maybe i went wrong in not smoking pot anymore (clean almost 23 yrs from it now)...maybe it is the key to his daily long-lived existence..

sorry if i stirred up any controversy here...not trying
to get over but down from under

thanx MARY

You posted some excellent questions, that I would be very surprised if he will answer, or even show up again.

We were trying to help MARY. Exhorting her to feel better about herself so she wouldn't feel so dependent upon his company. Encouraging her to get mental help.

If this jonniekerr would look at the Family and Friends Forum he would see old posts involving MARY that encourage her to detach. Encouraging her to release herself from that obsession..........
posted by jonniekerr

god doesnt judge us on the amount of times we fall, he judges us on how we get back up.

So...what does it mean when a person "falls" and then "gets up" to do the exact same thing that makes them "fall"?

Big credentials? Big hooey. There was nothing in your posts that was at all helpful. Sympathy? Sure. It is nice to have a shoulder to cry on...again....and again....and again.....but to do something different? Even MARY sees the insanity of whether Mr. Big Credentials sees it.....

A drug cousellor who smokes pot regularly, possibly daily that is Pot a "day to day" drug? This is the attitude of an "accredited" counselor? Yeaaaah, riiiiiiight. No wonder you got canned. You wouldn't no the first thing about living without pot. What could you possibly tell them from your own experience? That you are not an addict? Big whoop dee whoop. How to use less pot? Is that going to be your solution?

Based on your term for acetaminophen, you are either from the UK or Australia. I am not sure if encouraging drug use is the de jour method for drug treatment there, but your attitude ain't one I can endorse.

No one was judging MARY, now jonniekerr on the other hand....oh yeah. His later posts indicated he was "stung" about peoples' reaction to his soulful and heartfelt pro-pot ode....Considering he told MARY that she shouldn't be concerned about how her ex (remember MARY that it is EX) boyfriend is affording pot.

He gets the unappreciative comments and Mr. Stung suddenly becomes MARY's great defender. We are not "helping" her. We are "judging" her. What a load of crock. Not to mention he tells her to get "her man" (ex-boyfriend remember jonniegenius) into a drug program. More crock. You do not "get" people into recovery. (Unless you are Mr. Delusions of Power aka jonniekerr). They get themselves into recovery.

I am pretty sure we will not see him anymore. Thank you AugustWest for your great rebuttal, which Mr. Kerr will not refute. Also big thanks to robbo for some hard hitting questions he will not answer.

MARY, you have NOTHING to apologize for, jonniekerr's asinine opinions are his own. A shoulder to cry on? Not quite as helpful as someone encouraging you to think better of yourself, that you deserve better. You think smoking pot will make your life happier? Only if you listen to Mr. Kerr.......

Mary there is always a sympathetic ear for you here and as Elim says there is nothing to apologise for, it was not you who stirred up any controversy. Whilst I have every sympathy it is hard not to say 'you are worth more than this' because you are and i hope you realise this but these are your choices to make and you will cross the bridge when you are ready.

Sending lots of love xxx