SusanJean Posted: February 18, 2005, 1:12 PM
Posts: 7
Joined: February 18, 2005
My 27 year old daughter who has a "chemical Imbalance" smokes marijuana on a regular basis with her husband. She has changed into someone we don't know. She is caustic, mean, argumentative, calls me names, and has ruined her only sister's wedding just last weekend by insulting everyone there. As parents, my husband and I are sick and her sister has "written her out of her life". I, as her mother, am heartsick. Are the above personality changes characteristic of being addicted to marijuana? Please reply. Thank you.
Hi, SusanJean
I'm sorry that I can't help you because I don't know much about that addiction. My 29 year old son has a heroin addiction that started with pills and lead to the heroin because it was cheaper and easier to find. My son hasn't gotten meaner on the heroin, but because of his uncontrollable desire to use he has gotten into a lot of trouble with the law, which is not at all his character prior to drugs. He is away in rehab, but has consequences to face with the law when he gets back. I just hope and pray he is able to get free of this horrible drug for good!
I just wanted to respond since no one else has so far. I personally welcome you to this board. Hope you stick around for a while because the people on here are so caring and loving. They have been a tremendous support to me through all of this heartache and have helped me to understand his addiction better.
God bless!
I'm sorry that I can't help you because I don't know much about that addiction. My 29 year old son has a heroin addiction that started with pills and lead to the heroin because it was cheaper and easier to find. My son hasn't gotten meaner on the heroin, but because of his uncontrollable desire to use he has gotten into a lot of trouble with the law, which is not at all his character prior to drugs. He is away in rehab, but has consequences to face with the law when he gets back. I just hope and pray he is able to get free of this horrible drug for good!
I just wanted to respond since no one else has so far. I personally welcome you to this board. Hope you stick around for a while because the people on here are so caring and loving. They have been a tremendous support to me through all of this heartache and have helped me to understand his addiction better.
God bless!
hello,i am in the same boat only my sons drug of choice was pills and coc.He is only 16.He would come home stoned on weed,i took him to councilling and there i realized i couldn't help nor let him destory our family any more with his rude out of control behavior.The councillor said in front of him unless i walk away and let him fall on his own he knows i'll always be there for him to crap on me and the family.I made him move into his dad and he only got worse(just like she said).Finally one day he realized he needed help.He apologizes now,i felt like crapBut God didn't put us here as moms for our kids to use and abuse us.You have to stand up to her and tell her if she is going to continue to treat you and your family like that you will put her on the back burner until she me it will be hard but once she knows you're serious she will change.It may take time.Be strong.Another councillor told me our children look at us as a coushin,nomatter what they do to us or put us through,will always be there to catch them when they fall.Well i had to let mt 16 year old fall.He did ask for a hand up and so will she.Be patient.
Dear WantingtohelpMOM,
Thank you for the kind words. I know everything you said is true. I really appreciate your support. I'm glad your son is better. It is a rough road.
God's Peace to you.
Susan Jean
Thank you for the kind words. I know everything you said is true. I really appreciate your support. I'm glad your son is better. It is a rough road.
God's Peace to you.
Susan Jean
for the moms --
i'm through with putting up with bad behaviors from a child -- regardless of age -- or with words or actions that i don't approve of.
there is no license for it and nothing in the parent/child relationship requires it.
it only happens to me if i consent to it.
and i no longer consent.
done with that.
I guess drugs change people differently. I can't imagine marajuana causing someoene to ruin a wedding but I guess it could under the right circumstance. DO you think she could be using other drugs now as well? Is there a way you could get her drug tested? Maybe do a family intervention? It's tough with this husband factor? What does his family think of this nonsense? Were they at the wedding? DO you have a video to show her to show her how she acted? Marajuana is a gateway to stronger drugs. Consult with a drug counselor. Get it early if you possibly can. It is ultimatly up to her. How old is she?
my husband is a marajuana addict and depending how much he smokes he can get stupid, paranoid and ruin events, he told me he would be there for some special eveents in my life when i really needed him and he let me down. I really love him but fear that my supporting him and expecting a reciprocal relationship and him to act in good faith is fruitless. They will always find another dealer to buy off so dont try to stop it they need to want to stop and marajuana is everywhere and thought much more harmless than other drugs but i have seen my husband so upset and paranoid and nutty on it and i haet the stuff